Chapter 874: The Evil of Men

"Hey! Honey, where are you now? I miss you."

"Speak human language!" Li Er was in danger now because he couldn't tell which girlfriend's voice it was.

"A big incident happened in the police force. HSBC's money transport vehicle was robbed three times in a row this month. The news media was all over it. Although the director did not say it explicitly, he hinted at me in his words and deeds. He wanted to ask me when you will be back."

When Li Er heard this, how could he not know that this was Annie Bai.

"I'm in Thailand, and I'm watching ladyboys."

"Nothing happened at home, right? Matters concerning the police force are naturally handled by the senior officers of the police force. I'm a suspended employee and they have no right to worry about it. Don't take it too seriously. If the sky falls, let them be the taller ones to hold it up." Li Er said unhappily.

"Oh! Everything is fine at home."

"Our team worked together with Old Eagle to solve an arms case, and Miao Zhishun got promoted. I also applied for promotion for Bell in our team, but it hasn't been approved yet." Ann Bai's tone was quite proud. After all, there were many villains in the police force who spread rumors that she relied on Li Er.

Now that Li Er is not in the police force, she leads the team on her own and is still able to solve such a big case, and the rumors are self-defeating.

Li Er was very satisfied when he heard that Miao Zhishun and Ma Guoying were promoted.

Although Miao Zhishun cannot be considered a 100% member of Li Er's camp, he definitely listens to Li Xianying, even though this guy often complains about Li Xianying's impulsiveness.

Li Xianying actually has his own unique personal charm. If you stay with him for a long time, you will easily be impressed by his loyal style.

As for Ma Guoying, the situation was even simpler. This woman was actually very strong-willed. It wasn't that Sir Li was narcissistic, he was sure that Ma Guoying had a crush on him.

If I hadn't been so weak in the waist, ahem, if I had been more gentle with her, I would have taken her down long ago.

"This is a good thing! Once the promotion is confirmed, you can organize a celebration party or something." Li Er instructed.

"Do you need to tell me that? I've been ready for a long time." After saying this, Annie Bai did not forget to ask Li Er when he would come back.

"I have signed up for a luxury half-month tour to Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand for NT$98,800. Tell Fatty Huang that I will withdraw from the tour immediately if he reimburses me for the tour fee personally." Li Er was sure that this stingy guy Huang Bingyao would not agree.

Ann Bai was speechless.

Two stingy guys are sniping at each other in the middle door, and it's going to be a long fight.

She was sure that even if Li Er returned to Hong Kong Island half a month later, he would have to take sick leave or something.

It was not easy to get him suspended from his post, and it is not so easy to get him reinstated.

Li Er chatted with Annie Bai for a long time until his phone ran out of battery and then hung up.

It was already the agreed time to pick up Xiaowen from school.

'It's a failure!'

Li Er hurried downstairs.

"Ah! No one answered the phone, and no one came."

Xiaowen stood at the school gate, stamping her feet in anger as she watched her classmates either riding their bikes home or being picked up by their boyfriends.

"Xiao Wen, aren't you leaving yet?" a girl who looked very cute asked Xiao Wen.

"Oh! I need to wait a moment. Zhenzhen, you go first! Your sister is here to pick you up." Xiaowen forced a smile.

She was not feeling well today and came to school by bus, otherwise she would have ridden her own bicycle home. How could you let a girl wait for you? It turns out that things that are too easy to get will not be cherished. It's so annoying.

Xiaowen's eyes were slightly red.

"Then I'll go first. See you tomorrow." Miss Tang Zhen nodded politely.

She also saw Tang Ning riding a scooter and waving at her.

A silver Mercedes-Benz stopped beside Xiaowen and honked its horn.

Xiaowen took two steps back and rolled her eyes in annoyance.

Their school is a girls' school, so there are boys from other schools who ride motorcycles or drive cars to chat up girls, but there are very few who drive Mercedes-Benz.

Unfortunately, although Xiaowen is a bit materialistic and vain, she is a complete beauty lover.

"A person who drives such a nice car must be ugly," the little girl said to herself.

"Xiao Wen, please get in the car quickly. There is a traffic jam on the road and we are late."

The car window opened, revealing Li Er's head.

Although this guy is not driving a Mazda, there is real traffic jam during Taiwan’s evening rush hour.

"Ah! It's you!" Xiaowen stuck out her tongue in surprise and silently took back her previous slander.

"Is this your car?"

Xiaowen sat in the passenger seat and touched around, her previous anger gone.

Especially the surprised looks from several classmates just now, which satisfied her vanity. Xiaowen is the only daughter in her family, so her family naturally doesn't need her for anything. The girls' school she attends is relatively expensive in Taiwan, but her parents can't give her more.

It was her first time riding in a private car.

"That's about it!" Li Er helped the little girl fasten her seat belt.

"What does 'almost' mean?" Xiaowen was extremely curious.

"If I were to buy a car that was left behind by my family, I would definitely not choose this kind of car." Li Er didn't want to dwell on this topic and immediately changed the subject: "You haven't eaten yet! Let's go eat first, and you choose the place."

"Okay! Let's go. I'll show you the way."

Xiaowen gestured forward in a good mood. She guessed that this was Li Er's parents' car. It made sense. He was still so young and it was unlikely that his family would buy him a car.

"Oh no! I didn't consider the parking problem. Why don't we go to a bigger restaurant?" Xiaowen said in a low voice.

Although she knew a lot of authentic food restaurants, most of them were small shops. Not only did they have no parking spaces, but it was also difficult to drive in and out.

"No problem!" Li Er naturally nodded in agreement to Xiaowen's small wish.

The two came to a big restaurant.

Classmate Xiaowen did not ask Li Er for a private room, but found a seat by the window. Although she was a little vain, she was not a fool. Wouldn't it be nice to waste the money and order two more dishes?

"I don't understand the dishes here, you can order some!" Li Er handed the menu to Xiaowen.

He didn't expect to meet two acquaintances here. It seems that Taiwan Island is quite small.

Lei Fuhong and Kusakari Lailai were sitting at a table against the wall, talking and laughing. It seemed that Lei Fuhong was planning to bring in the Yamada Group to fight against Ding Yao.

“Hehe! Actually, this is my first time eating here too. I’ll order then!”

Xiaowen is very satisfied with her boyfriend's gentlemanly demeanor. Actually, she doesn't understand what gentlemanly demeanor is. Anyway, that's what romance novels say, a man is a gentleman if he gives in to a woman.

The girl didn't choose the cheaper one over the other. She carefully chose the delicious one and patiently asked the waiter who was taking the order whether this one was good or that one.

"Hmm, this is delicious. I just told the waiter to put less chili in it. You can try it now." Xiaowen happily picked up some food for Li Er.

In fact, Li Er is not unable to eat spicy food, he just prefers light taste. Xiaowen obviously misunderstood Li Er, but she was really attentive and never ordered any dish with heavy taste.

Li Er inexplicably thought of Zhu Wanfang.

"You should eat too. Don't just pick up food for me. It's not like I don't have hands."

"Hehe, I like to pick food for you."

The girl has just confirmed her relationship with her boyfriend, and it’s a sweet time for them. But after a while, I guarantee she won’t be so caring.

It was not without reason that Xiaowen was too fat at this time. She ate a lot. The two of them finished all six dishes.

Li Er dropped Xiaowen off at the intersection and stopped the car.

Xiaowen didn't dare let Li Er take her home.

"Remember to pick me up for school tomorrow morning. Or wait here." Xiaowen said, trying to open her eyes wide.

God knows in which book she read that boys like girls with big eyes.

Unfortunately, she doesn't know that for men, big breasts and a nice butt are the most realistic.

"No way! How can I get up in the morning!"

"Then why don't you set the alarm?"

"The alarm clock can't wake me up, so I might as well sleep at your house." Li Er exposed his evil ambitions.

"You dare!" Xiaowen's face turned red.

"Not tonight. Besides, what if my parents find out? What will you do?"

Li Er noticed that Xiaowen's tone was a little relaxed, so he immediately said, "I didn't notice it last night. Believe me, you don't even have to open the door for me. I can easily climb into your room along the balcony water pipe."

"Then" Xiaowen's eyes rolled around: "Not tonight, you can only go to sleep obediently."

"I swear to Mazu that I sleep on a vegetarian diet." Li Er raised three fingers. He naturally knew that classmate Xiaowen was injured last night.

"OK then!"

Xiaowen fell into Li Er's trap again.

Li Er taught her another new skill with great teaching spirit.

The little girl also had a very good attitude towards learning and she would sneak into the bathroom to rinse her mouth in the middle of the night.

If she could study so hard, her test scores would definitely not be the worst.

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