Chapter 855: Only took a little bit
The Louvre Museum is indeed too big, and I think there were many Frenchmen working as porters in those years.

This made Sir Li miserable.

Sir Li worked very hard until three o'clock in the morning, and finally filled up his dimensional subspace.

As for some of the large and famous sculptures that took up space, Sir Li had no choice but to humbly imitate the bronze heads of the twelve zodiac animals that the Eight-Power Allied Forces carried in the Old Summer Palace.

What about "Venus de Milo", "The Goddess of Victory", "The Dying Slave", etc., etc., all of them have their heads gone, leaving only their bare bodies.

Li Er didn't know if a sculpture head alone could be sold at a high price, but he followed the principle of not being disrespectful in return.

He couldn't tolerate losing to the foreigners in terms of etiquette.

"Hey——! Dude, you can only go in but not out, don't you know?"

Guarding exit E6 were seven or eight dark-skinned French policemen.

Li Er thought these guys would be like a formidable enemy.

I didn't expect them to be so relaxed, one of the guys even sat on the floor with his legs spread like a dustpan.

This can't be tolerated.

"Can you believe I went the wrong way?"

Li Er was about to jump up and crush the nigger egg sitting on the floor.

As a result, the nigger replied in a very spiritual way: "I believe it, let's go! When our boss comes to inspect and see it later, we won't let you go."

'Ah this? '

Li Er was a little dumbfounded.

Didn’t you say that the conflict between black people and white people is irresolvable? It’s so easy to talk about it?

Li Er is now wearing the skin of a white ghost.

'Go to hell you! '

Although the nigger in front of him was very polite, Li Er was unwilling to destroy the good tradition of confrontation between black and white, so he immediately kicked the nigger sitting on the floor in the face with a powerful diamond leg.

'Bang——! '

In order to create conflicts, Li Er was very aggressive. This guy kicked the nigger so hard that he rolled back several times before he fainted.

Several other black police officers were stunned for a full second before they reacted.

Li Er had a hard time resisting the urge to kill these idiots instantly.

Deliberately use the so-called American fighting boxing in a slow and half-beat manner.

After a back and forth of "bang bang bang" fighting, a few black policemen were finally brought down.

Speaking of which, these guys all have guns, but Li Er doesn't quite understand why they don't draw their guns.

Li Er easily cracked the trap of French romance.

A group of smart people in the museum have some doubts about life.

'Is this something that one person can move? '

"Ah——! Who did this?"

The two museum executives looked at the headless "Goddess of Victory", rolled their eyes, and fainted on the spot.

The top brass of the police force were very calm. They were already 99% sure that this was a robberies. There were definitely many people involved, and the two fainted guys in front of them were the most suspect.

'Haha, you're still pretending to be dizzy, so the show is a little off! '

One hundred percent of the stolen items are hidden somewhere in the museum and cannot be moved.

hotel room.

"Master, how was the harvest?"

Matilda looked at her master excitedly.

She naturally knew that with her master's technical level, it would be difficult to crack the anti-theft system of the female crown in the museum, but her master could often create miracles.

What if the world's top anti-theft system suddenly takes a nap?

"Hey——! The things inside are all national treasures. I was a little embarrassed, so I just took a little bit."

Li Er said and threw the backpack behind him on the table with a clang.

"I gave you the Egyptian Queen's Crown that you wanted. You can pry the gems off it yourself!"

Li Er yawned and walked to the bathroom. It was already very late and he wanted to wash up and sleep.

Matilda very thoughtfully filled the bathtub with hot water.

"Hehe, thank you Master, leave it to me." Matilda was overjoyed.

Of course, the more complete the antique, the more valuable it is, but who made Matilda think that she had won the jewel of Crown Mountain, and there was no discussion about prying it.

Matilda opened her backpack. Except for the Egyptian female crown that Li Er specially brought to Matilda, the rest were all jewelry and antiques. "Master, why is there no Leonardo da Vinci's "Mona Lisa"?" Matilda shouted towards the bathroom door.

After all, Li Er can get the Crown of the Queen of Egypt, so the "Mona Lisa" with the same anti-theft level should not be difficult.

"Of course I took them. I asked people to put those bulky things elsewhere." No one wanted to reveal the matter of Li's two-dimensional subspace.

"Huh?? Do we have other teammates in France?"

Matilda murmured, but didn't pay much attention to it. The master would not harm her, that was for sure.

She was just curious about how much she had harvested in total this time.

The next day, all of France was in a panic.

Otherwise, the news media would have to look to Western countries.

Just one night.

The news of the theft of the Louvre has spread throughout Europe, and even the British on the other side of the English Channel know about it.

It's just not revealed how much was stolen in total.

In fact, we have made a rough count of stolen items, but no one believes this data.

All museum staff were brought under control.

Any policeman with an above-average IQ can understand that this is definitely a theft incident that is both inside and outside.

The case alarmed the French Prime Minister's Office, which directly intervened and ordered a special task force to be responsible for the case.

After an investigation, French executives, who have always flaunted human rights, used severe punishment on the unlucky people in the museum with great disrespect for human rights.

The poor museum workers really didn't know anything. They were beaten up in a very confused way and asked some nonsensical questions.

In the end, the French police concluded that the biggest suspect was a blond, blue-eyed Caucasian about 1.8 meters tall.

They quickly issued a global wanted order and offered a worldwide reward for this blond ghost guy.

At this time, Chinaman Li Er and Matilda were already basking in the sun and blowing the sea breeze on the beach in Cannes, southern France.

"Wang Defa! Master, those bastards in the museum are too dark!"

Matilda was struck by the contents of the newspaper.

"They actually said that thousands of precious cultural relics and antiques were stolen. They want to take advantage of it and rely on you so that they can line their own pockets!"

Matilda can learn Chinese very well and can even learn and use it to enrich her own pockets.

Li Er doesn't understand these unorthodox idioms.

So this guy nodded in agreement without blushing: "It's just that these French guys are too dark, so I just politely took a little something."

"This is definitely a frame-up!"

Li Er obviously doesn't plan to share the spoils with Matilda.

It seems that the sale of stolen goods cannot avoid his precious apprentice, but he does not intend to confess now.

After all, taking out all the thousands of things would really scare Matilda.

"Tsk! Thousands of antiques and cultural relics from the Louvre were stolen? These French guys are really exaggerated." Zhou Hai, who was wearing coconut palm print pants, threw down the newspaper in his hand. He didn't believe a word of the content in the newspaper. .

As an excellent thief, Zhou Hai knew very well that the anti-theft system of a national museum like the Louvre was comparable to a bank vault.

"That's right. I'll return a few thousand pieces. Let's drive a truck to restock." Azhan took the cold drink from Hongdou and nodded in agreement with Zhou Hai's words.

Anko shook her head worriedly.

"It's not like this is fake. Haven't you noticed that there are a lot more police patrolling the streets? I always feel like something is going to happen recently. I really want to go back to Hong Kong Island."

Zhou Hai was speechless: "The police have nothing to do with me. We didn't do this."

Azhan agreed with Hongdou this time: "I also want to go back to Hong Kong Island. I miss the roast goose in Sham Tseng."

"Eh! What's so delicious about roast goose? I like Yuen Long wife cakes and typhoon shelter drunken crabs." Hong Dou glared at Azhan with disgust.

Then they both looked at Zhou Hai.

"What are you looking at me doing?" Zhou Hai pretended not to understand what Azhan and Hongdou meant.

"This is France, of course we eat baguettes and bread!"

"Master, what a coincidence, we meet them again." Matilda said softly.

Matilda and Li Er changed their identities again.

They recognized Zhou Hai and Hong Dou, but Hong Dou and Zhou Hai failed to recognize Li Er and Matilda.

Li Er glanced at Zhou Hai and the others. He knew that guys who looked like Chow Yun-fat were usually in trouble.

So does this other guy.

Hongdou is very beautiful, but unfortunately, since Sir Li got a beautiful nurse, this guy suddenly started to cultivate himself.

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