Chapter 74
Bai Anni explained the tracking skills to Li Er hand in hand, and Li Er quickly changed from a stalking rookie to a quasi-veteran of the preparatory level.

"If it's a one-lane road with no forks, you can occasionally drive in front of the other party to confuse the other party's judgment. However, it is safest for vehicles to track the target, and it is safest to have multiple tracking vehicles interchange and track alternately." Bo Anni said to her master, Unreserved commentary.

The master is the teacher, Li Er listened to Bai Anni's explanation very seriously, he had no idea that there were so many tricks in tracking, it was hard to guard against.

"Master, stop quickly. The sign on the side of the road shows that there is a pier ahead, and there is no road." Bai Anni hurriedly reminded Li Er that if he followed the target into a dead end, the fool would know that he was being followed.

Li Er pulled over and turned off the engine.

Ma Jun's car arrived not long after.

"Tou, are you lost?" Ma Jun asked nervously.

Li Er glared at Ma Jun.

"The target has entered the dock, everyone put on the headsets of their communicators." Li Er said solemnly: "I only have one request, and that is to follow my command throughout the process."

"bang bang bang bang bang"

Li Er had just said a word, and before he finished the pre-war mobilization, he was startled by the dense gunfire in the pier.

Such a violent gunshot, is it really a gang fight?That's what fighting is all about!
Ma Jun immediately drew his gun excitedly.

Li Er: "."

"Tou, didn't you say I'm playing forward?" Ma Jun's face was very excited.

"Then hurry up!" Li Er waved his hand and said, he likes this kind of subordinate who is not afraid of death.

Hearing what Li said, Ma Jun rushed forward without saying a word.

"This sand sculpture, rushing to reincarnate? Be careful to cover the rice flag." Li Erfu slandered.

Lin Haiying looked at Li Er nervously. He and Ma Jun were both forwards. There was no reason why Ma Jun was on the way. He hid behind himself.

"Go! Look at Ma Jun, and wait for my order before you are allowed to shoot." Li Er looked at Lin Haiying and said.

Lin Haiying breathed a sigh of relief: "YES, SIR!"

Lin Haiying can probably guess Li Er's thoughts. His boss probably wants to wait until the two sides fighting in the pier are almost finished before entering the arena. Of course Lin Haiying also likes this. In the police force, ten charge and nine rush to the street. of.

Lin Haiying hurriedly chased after Ma Jun.

"Master, what should I do?" Bai Anni asked Li Er nervously.

"You and the eagle are guarding this way out. If the situation inside gets out of control and the other party runs out, it's up to you to intercept it. Remember, just shoot and don't foolishly approach to capture him alive." Li Er instructed.

Bai Anni: "I know!"

Li Er said again in a low voice: "This guy, Eagle, may not dare to shoot. It's mainly up to you here. Stop it if you can. It doesn't matter if you can't stop them and let them run away. Remember, safety comes first."

Bai Anni heard that Li Er cared about her, and smiled happily: "I understand, Master, don't worry! I promise to complete the task."

Li Er glanced into Ma Jun's car and found that Ma Jun's car key hadn't been pulled out.

Li Er got into the car resolutely, drove Ma Jun's car to a sideways stop in the middle of the side road, then turned off the engine and pulled out the key.

"Thank you, Master!" Bai Anni said with a happy smile.Of course she knew that Li Er blocked the car in the middle of the road in order to better intercept the target, and Li Er was also driving Ma Jun's car, Bai Anni was even happier.

"Boom bang bang bang."

Xiao Ma and Tan Cheng's subordinates came prepared, and the first time they fired, it was a deadly battle. The bullets in Xiao Ma's barrel were pouring out like money, and as soon as the fire was exchanged, Xiao Ma wiped out Tan Cheng's two men. It became a hornet's nest.

Xiao Ma was shot in the shoulder. With such a destructive firearm, it is said that one shot can make people lie down, but Xiao Ma was shot like a normal person, and continued to hold a full-automatic rifle to fight with Tan Cheng's men.

"Boom bang bang bang."

"Tan Cheng, come out and shoot me if you have the guts, what a good bastard to hide behind and be a turtle." Pony roared loudly with half a cigarette in his mouth.

The half of the cigarette stuck to the pony's mouth mixed with saliva, but it didn't fall off. After closing his mouth, the pony took another deep puff to relieve the pain in his shoulder.

"Boom bang bang bang."

The pony was answered by volleys of gunshots.

"The shovel is a shovel, many people bully few people!" Xiao Ma said, took out a pineapple bullet from his pocket, and threw it in the direction of the gunfire.

"It's a bomb, flash!" One of Tan Cheng's men rushed out from behind the obstacle, and what greeted him was the bullet that Xiaoma had been preparing for a long time.

"Go to hell! Hit the street!" Xiao Ma frantically fired with a fully automatic rifle.

"Da da da da." The pony's marksmanship is really average, but his weapon is too terrifying, sweeping past, blind people can be killers, Tan Cheng's unlucky subordinate ran a step slower, and was shot by the pony's bullet. After hitting the target, he immediately fell to his knees on the ground. The pony kept his fingers and squeezed the trigger tightly, shooting the opponent into a sieve.

In fact, only the first shot is needed to kill a person. Xiao Ma is obviously wasting bullets like this. It is similar to whipping a corpse. It has no real meaning, but people just have a lot of bullets.

"Boom!" The pineapple bomb thrown by the pony exploded.

"Be careful, keep your distance, that cripple has a bomb." Tan Cheng's men shouted loudly.

After the pony emptied all the bullets in a box, he calmly hid behind the wall pillar and replaced a new magazine.

"Cover me!" Tan Cheng's men slowly approached the pony.

"bang bang bang bang bang"

"Pfft!" Pony spit out the cigarette butt in his mouth, turned his backhand, and blindly scanned the gun against the wall post.

"Da da da da."

"Ah!" There was a scream, Xiao Ma knew that he had hit another unlucky ghost, he immediately ventured out his head, and shot wildly at the unlucky ghost who fell on the ground.

"Da da da da."

"Ma Jun, don't shoot!" Lin Haiying pressed Ma Jun's shoulder.

Ma Jun and Lin Haiying were lying on top of a container.

The two looked at the tragic battlefield below. Without Lin Haiying's reminder, Ma Jun didn't dare to shoot. He is not really a fool. Now that the police enter the field, both sides will shoot around you. This is nothing like lighting a lamp in the toilet the difference!
"Brother Hai, who is the boss? He received such a serious case?" Ma Jun was dumbfounded in shock. Today is an eye-opener. This is called a bloody gunfight!

Lin Haiying's face turned green with fright when he saw the gunfight under the container. He had long suspected that Li Er was destined for evil.

Xiao Ma sneered, took out another pineapple bomb from his pocket, and threw it behind him with all his strength.

Ma Jun and Lin Haiying looked at each other, "Push the street, don't you!" 'The two suddenly jumped off the container in a tacit understanding.

"Boom!" Xiao Ma blindly threw a pineapple bomb, and it landed on the container where Ma Jun and Lin Haiying were hiding.

Ma Jun fell from the container and gnawed a mouthful of dirt unluckily. Before he could take a breath, one of Tan Cheng's subordinates found him. The other party turned the gun with a grim smile, and Ma Jun's pistol fell on There was more than two meters away from him, and it was too late.


A shot rang out in the darkness.

Ma Jun was fine, the gunman opposite him had a bullet hole in his forehead.

"Don't f*ck back back." Li Er's angry curse sounded from Ma Jun's headset.

"Thank you, Tou!" Ma Jun picked up the pistol and hurried back.

"Tou, where are you?" Ma Jun asked in a low voice.

Li Er didn't stand up, and he didn't make a sound, it was pitch black, of course it was safest to hide in the dark.

Ma Jun was really bold enough, this idiot stooped down and braved gunfire and sneaked forward.

"Boom bang bang bang."

Xiao Ma and Tan Cheng's men are still fighting fiercely.

"Ah!" Pony suddenly cried out in pain, and he was shot in the thigh.

"Da da da"

Xiao Ma poured out fire, and the bullets of the automatic rifle finally ran out. He threw away the long gun indifferently, and pulled out two pistols from his waist to continue fighting.


"Boom bang—!"

After Xiao Ma changed the pistol, the firepower dropped sharply.

Tan Cheng's men slowly surrounded him.

At this time, Ma Jun lurked behind one of Tan Cheng's subordinates. Tan Cheng's subordinates suddenly turned around, and Ma Jun punched out, hitting the bridge of the opponent's nose.Tan Cheng's subordinates fell head-on, Ma Jun rushed forward and punched him again, knocking the opponent unconscious.

"Tou, I captured one alive." Ma Jun immediately reported to Li Er.

"Very good! Pull him back." Li Er said quickly.

Arresting Tan Cheng's subordinates at the scene of the gun battle can more or less trick Tan Cheng. It would be even more exciting if they were Tan Cheng's confidantes. righteous.

(End of this chapter)

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