"What? I beat Chen Haonan and Da Fei into pig heads all by myself?"

The crow looked at the spirit younger brother with eyes full of admiration in astonishment.

"Who did you hear?"

"It's been said in the Tao that Da Fei's descendants were all destroyed by you, the boss. This guy put out a reward list of 20 killers in the hospital, and wanted to buy your life." Da Fei's subordinates said excitedly.


The crow glanced at his subordinates with murderous eyes: "Everyone is offering a reward for my life, so get excited!"

"But now on the whole road, you are the boss who stands out the most."

Crow thinks about it, but he can't figure out who is so kind, pretending to be him and beating Chen Haonan and Da Fei. This guy has been wanting to fuck Chen Haonan and Da Fei for a long time, but he has never been able to find a chance start.

"Let the news out, I also offer a reward of 20 yuan, no, I offer a reward of 20 yuan to buy Da Fei's life." Crow was very satisfied with his offer.

"Otherwise, Hong Xing's gang would think that I, Crow, can't afford the money."

Crow's subordinates reminded in a low voice in embarrassment: "Boss, that, half of the deposit must be paid first for the reward offered by the Killer Guild."

Crow's face was embarrassed. Unlike Chen Haonan, who is rich and powerful, Crow is an officially certified poor ghost. Let alone 10 yuan, he couldn't even take out 10 yuan immediately.

"Hey! Don't go to the Assassin's Guild to offer rewards. What's the point of earning them an intermediate fee, and you have to log in online. It's so troublesome. Do you know how to surf the Internet?" Crow glared at his subordinates.

The subordinate shook his head desperately: "If I know how to use a computer, I am still a young and Dangerous boy."

"Well, there is a future!" The crow nodded in satisfaction.

"Just say hello to the brothers on the road. When the time comes, kill Da Fei and just take the money from me. I, Crow, are famous for being honest."

Crow's men: "."

'You're notoriously picky. '

After Crow's men went out, Crow immediately began to plan how to take advantage of Chen Haonan's injury and win the territory of Causeway Bay.

"Hey——! Smiling tiger, there is something good for you, come over to my side."

Crow dialed the phone number of another member of Dongxing General Smile Tiger.

"Okay, I'll be there in 10 minutes."

Smiling Tiger readily agreed, he probably could guess what the crow was thinking, and now is indeed a good opportunity to enter Causeway Bay.

Taiwan Island.

Matilda is indeed her master's caring little padded jacket, and she doesn't really know Yoshimura Notaro too well. Haitang was only half a day late to pay the bill, and Yoshimura Notaro called to remind her that night.

"Okay! My master is still alive."

Matilda easily won Liang Qiqi's bet of 10 yuan.

Zhang Xiaomeng on the side continued to wash the dishes in silence.

She naturally believed that Yoshimura Notaro would not be so easy to gamble, but unfortunately she had neither the gambling spirit nor the money to bet.

Yoshimura Notaro forgot to give money to Zhang Xiaomeng when that murderer left, and Zhang Xiaomeng didn't dare to ask Haitang and the others for money. Now she doesn't even have money for breakfast, and she goes to the kitchen early every day to cook noodles by herself.

Liang Qiqi was very upset when she lost the money, and immediately called and bombed Yoshimura Notaro.

Yoshimura Notaro continues to lose contact.

"Ah!" Liang Qiqi frantically scratched at the air.

Turning around, I found that Haitang, Matilda, and Zhang Xiaomeng were all holding back their laughter, which seemed to be expected.

Liang Qiqi was even more speechless.

"Buy a plane ticket, I'm going back to Hong Kong Island tomorrow." Liang Qiqi blushed.

Haitang naturally received 1 votes in favor of Liang Qiqi's decision.

Liang Qiqi was watching Haitang's accounts on Taiwan Island. Although Haitang would not cheat Yoshimura Notaro by making false accounts, it was always uncomfortable for someone to check your accounts from time to time.

Haitang: "Okay! I'll have someone book tickets for the earliest flight tomorrow for you right now."

"." Liang Qiqi looked at Haitang suspiciously.

Haitang's performance was too positive, Liang Qiqi couldn't help but think too much.

As a famous killer agent, she returned to Hong Kong Island to beware of police raids on Hong Kong Island, but on Taiwan Island, she was protected by Haitang. The East Lake Gang took both black and white in Taiwan Island. Liang Qiqi could do whatever she wanted. She was really reluctant to leave.

"Hey! Sister Qiqi, take a quick look. My master has received an order for an assassin mission. No, he has accepted several orders." Matilda suddenly pointed to the official website of the Assassin's Guild that Liang Qiqi logged into.

"Tch—! How is it possible, just your master, that slacker." Liang Qiqi turned and looked at her laptop in disbelief.

Yoshimura Notaro really took the assassin number of "Jing Ke Assassinated the King of Qin" in the reward task of the Killer Union.

"What's the situation?" Liang Qiqi said while quickly checking the locations of several killer missions, all of which were on Hong Kong Island.

"Your master's killer number must have been stolen, right?" Liang Qiqi knew Yoshimura Notaro.

"It's possible!" Matilda also knew Yoshimura Notaro. Apart from this explanation, she couldn't think of any motive to make a salted fish turn over suddenly. You know, Yoshimura Notaro is an old salted fish that sticks to the pot The kind you can't even shovel.

"Could it be that he ran out of money?" Zhang Xiaomeng said cautiously.

Haitang, Liang Qiqi, and Matilda all looked at Zhang Xiaomeng with beautiful eyes, gazing with disdain.

Haitang just paid the account to Yoshimura Notaro. How could Yoshimura Notaro be short of money? Of course, the most important thing is that the three women all know that Yoshimura Notaro is a dead man. .

They suspect that Yoshimura Notaro has at least one billion deposits.

"It seems that I really should visit Hong Kong Island." Liang Qiqi looked at Matilda.

Matilda laughed: "Got it! I will accompany you, but you will cover all the air tickets, board and lodging."

"." Liang Qiqi rolled her eyes, this guy is really as stingy as her master.

"I don't need to go back, he didn't tell me to go back." Zhang Xiaomeng quickly whispered when she saw Liang Qiqi and Matilda looking at her.

"Hey! Saved one person's expenses." Liang Qiqi was also happy that Zhang Xiaomeng was here to stare at Haitang, but she had to train Zhang Xiaomeng urgently tonight, otherwise she was timid and would be easily bluffed by Haitang.

Haitang was overjoyed. She was indeed apprehensive about the combination of Liang Qiqi and Matilda, but for a little white rabbit like Zhang Xiaomeng, four words: easy to handle.

the other side.

Wu Zhiwei, the smiling tiger, one of Dongxing's fierce generals, came to the entrance of the crow.

Smiling Tiger and Crow are old friends, but they didn't bring any subordinates here, instead they kept a few young men for Dongxing for no reason.

Because there is a person standing behind the smiling tiger.

"Hey! Smiling Tiger, what kind of subordinate are you, you are still covering your face, you are so handsome!" Crow glared at Smiling Tiger angrily.

"Nervous, how can I lead my men?"

Smiling Tiger waved to the crow, he saw that the crow's expression didn't seem to be fake, and at the same time his heart froze, he was very decisive that a lazy donkey rolled over and fell to the crow's feet.

"Who the hell are you?" Smiling Tiger stood up quickly, pulled out two machetes from his back, and handed one to the crow.

The man in black didn't answer the smiling tiger's question. The guy shook his palm and found two photos from nowhere, and compared them to the crow and the smiling tiger.

"A 20."

"A 18."

"Hey! This money is getting harder and harder to earn!"


Smiling Tiger: "."

What the fuck does that mean? (end of this chapter)

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