Chapter 687 I Want It All
The people from the Central District Serious Crime Squad couldn't find the flip flops and the Patekson inside the fire escape stairs for a long time.

Li Wenbin faintly felt something was wrong.

"Azhi, you watch the monitor, I'll take someone up."

Li Wenbin felt that the gangsters must be on the move. Their goal was the diamond. As long as they guarded the diamond, it would be useless for them to play any fancy moves.

Li Wenbin took away all the subordinates in the monitoring room, leaving only Ah Zhi and four or five property security guards.

As soon as they left, a guy in a black night suit and a bulletproof vest sneaked in.

"Who—!" Ah Zhi turned his head vigilantly.

"Stealing the Holy White Exhibition Hall."

As Li Er said that, he jumped up in the air, and this guy bent his fingers, facing A Zhi's head, and his brain collapsed.


A Zhi rolled his eyes and immediately passed out.

"You are dead, you hit the police."

Several security guards in the monitoring room pulled out their electric batons and waved them at Li Er. One of the smart guys ran to the door, intending to take the door and escape.

"Oh! Look at my Sunflower Acupuncture Hand." This fellow Li Er said to shoot, but in fact he used his feet.

A very standard provocative kick bounced.


The security guard who fled through the door covered his lower body with his hands and lay on the floor twitching.

The electric batons of several other security guards had already smashed at Li Er, but they were no match for Li Er, each of them had their brains collapsed, and they all lay down with their heads covered.


Li Er casually picked up an electric baton and smashed the monitoring host in the monitoring room to pieces. Now it's over, Li Wenbin lost his eyes and ears.

Diamond's safe is on the [-]th floor. Li Er, a lazy person, obviously doesn't want to go up the stairs.

"Everyone is lying on their stomachs and not allowed to get up."

After Li Er gave a warning, he closed the door.

"Oh! It hurts!"

"Yeah, who is that bastard, hurry up and call the police to inform the police."

Li Er was not very proficient in brain collapse, and sure enough several security guards did not faint. As soon as Li Er went out, they scolded his mother one after another.

'Hey——! '

The door of the monitoring room was pushed open a second time.

"Duang - Duang"

Li Er walked out of the monitoring room contentedly.

"Azhi, report real-time information."

Li Wenbin took the elevator to the 25th floor where the diamond was located. He had just stepped out of the elevator and found that an elevator next to him was going up.

Ah Zhi in the monitoring room had already been knocked out by Li Er, so naturally he couldn't reply to Li Wenbin's order.

"Azhi, have you received it? Reply to me immediately. Who is in elevator No. [-] and why is it going up?" Li Wenbin shouted loudly.

The display screen of the elevator showed that the elevator had reached the twelfth floor and was continuing to go up.

Ah Zhi didn't reply, and Li Wenbin didn't need to remind him. His subordinates pulled out their pistols and pointed nervously at the elevator door.

Li Wenbin also drew his pistol. The guy stepped back cautiously and found a metal trash can as a cover.

"Chen sir, what floor are you on? Take the elevator up to the 25th floor for support." Li Wenbin picked up the walkie-talkie and called Chen Jiaju.

"Got it, I'm on the eighth floor, hurry up now."

Chen Jiaju just stuck his head out of the window, and was about to check the condition of the outer wall of the building, when he suddenly received a notification from Li Wenbin, he turned around and left immediately, missing the opportunity to find the flip flops and Patekron.

Li Wenbin and his group stared nervously at the elevator door.


The elevator door opened.

Li Er swaggered out from inside.

The faces of Li Wenbin and his group changed.

Oops, the other party got off the elevator on the 24th floor.

"Li sir, I will take a team of guys down the fire stairs." One of Li Wenbin's subordinates suggested.

"Okay! Be careful and keep in touch at all times."

Li Wenbin also wanted to know who was taking the elevator and how many people were there.

"Bingge, take the elevator down to the monitoring room on the first floor and see what's going on." Li Wenbin said to another subordinate.


24th floor.

Li Er seemed to have guessed that Li Wenbin would send someone down the fire stairs, and this guy was guarding the door of the fire stairs.

Li Wenbin's men had just stepped out of the fire exit when they were immediately attacked by Li Er.


Li Er's head was knocked more and more smoothly, and the two police officers who walked in the front had already lay down in a daze before they had time to react.

The two police officers behind had a chance to raise their pistols, but unfortunately Li Er had already circled behind them. This was a good opportunity to use a hand knife, but Li Er refused.


Again, two brains collapsed solidly.

The brains of the two unlucky police officers were buzzing, trying to stay awake, but they still couldn't hold back, and they rolled their eyes and passed out.

After 1 minute, 3 minutes, Li Wenbin didn't hear anything, so he hurriedly called on the walkie-talkie, but no one answered.

Li Wenbin was stunned. The team just now were four police officers with real guns.

"Li sir, I went to the monitoring room on the first floor. Our people and several security guards in the building were all knocked out, and the monitoring computer was also broken."

The police report on the first floor made Li Wenbin even more nervous.

"Change to the spare frequency band, the other party may have monitored our communication channel." Li Wenbin immediately changed the frequency band of the walkie-talkie.

Li Er had indeed snatched a walkie-talkie and carried it with him. Once Li Wenbin changed the channel, he couldn't continue to monitor Li Wenbin's communication.

"Chen sir, you go directly to the 24th floor." Li Wenbin was planning to use Chen Jiaju as cannon fodder again.

It's a pity that Chen Jiaju is still very happy.

"Roger that!"

Li Er didn't want to fight Chen Jiaju, he could certainly have fought, but it wasn't necessary.

Li Er walked to the window at the end of the corridor, and he quickly jumped to the outer wall of the building.

Chen Jiaju just opened the elevator door on the 24th floor and passed Li Er.

"Suck! Flip-flops, look up." Bai Datong stared at the top of his head with wide-eyed eyes.

"Pujie, we are colleagues." Flip-flops said nervously.

The other party had already climbed to the [-]th floor, but they were still on the [-]th floor.

"Do you have an air gun?" Bai Datong said cheaply: "That idiot didn't wear a safety rope, we shot him down."

"Crazy, fell from the [-]th floor, you want to kill someone!" The flip-flops immediately cursed.

It's true that they steal things, but they don't have the guts to kill people.

"Then what to do, our tens of millions will be taken first." Bai Datong nervously accelerated the speed of climbing the stairs.

"Ouch, be careful, is the safe so easy to open?"

Bai Datong's safety rope was tied to the safety rope of the flip-flops. He accelerated the speed, and the flip-flops had to speed up accordingly.

"Hey! Boy, there are rules, don't try to monopolize it." Bai Datong shouted to Li Er from a distance.

Only then did Li Er realize that there were two guys below him.

'hey-hey! '

Li Er grabbed the window sill of the outer wall of the building with his left hand, and stretched out his right hand.

A shot put appeared in Li Er's palm.

"." Flip-flops and Bai Datong squinted their eyes to look at Li Er's palm. This guy couldn't possibly be so faulty that he was wearing a shot put with him!

How heavy that thing is.

Li Er threw the shot put in his hand.

Flip-flops and Bai Datong immediately widened their eyes. They were very sharp-eyed, and the bastard above was definitely holding a shot put.

"Hey, high-altitude throwing objects, this is a crime!" The flip-flops said nervously.

"Yes, yes, brother, cooperation is the only way to achieve a win-win situation, and we will share equally." Bai Datong also said hastily.

Li Er shook his head.

"I want it all!"

A lead ball falls from the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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