Chapter 601 Good!I raise you

Xiao Fu's kung fu foundation is still very solid. In ten minutes, he knocked down all the gangsters of the Sanlian Gang to the ground, and he himself collapsed from exhaustion.

"Jump down, if you don't die, I'll forgive you."

"You are Zhang Mazi!" Pheasant finally understood that he was being tricked.

"Otherwise, my name is written all over my face, and I can't even see it. Do you think you deserve to die?" Zhang Mazi said solemnly.

Haitang felt a chill when she heard Zhang Mazi's words, but fortunately she was not his enemy, or she would be mad at this guy sooner or later.

The pheasant glanced at the sea horizon, and could no longer see Hong Kong Island. Now he jumped off the boat, and the vast sea was dead.

"There are policemen on board, I don't believe you dare to kill me." Pheasant's words are very reasonable.

"You are right!"

Zhang Mazi said and turned to look at Haitang.

'It's your turn to express, it's impossible for me to do everything. '

Haitang naturally understood what Zhang Mazi meant.

If the pheasant is not injured, it is not Haitang's opponent, not to mention that he can't get up after being beaten by Xiao Fu.

"Hey, hey, Miss Haitang, this is Hong Kong Island. Murder is against the law, so don't be fooled by that pockmarked face."

The pheasant's plea for mercy was of no use, and Haitang threw him into the sea swiftly.

Zhang Mazi glanced into the sea regretfully.

"Hey! I'm just joking, you really threw people into the sea." Zhang Mazi shook his head and looked at Haitang, with the most poisonous face of a woman.

"." If Haitang hadn't really been able to beat Zhang Mazi, she would have killed him now.

"There is a way of saying that it is a misunderstanding. You go back and tell Lei Gong that the pheasant was accidentally thrown into the sea by Miss Haitang and drowned." Zhang Mazi clapped his hands with a smile on his face, and let him go. The little guys of the Trinity Gang.

The little guys were overjoyed, and they all held back their pain and smiled in agreement: "Yes, thank you, Boss Zhang, we won't bother, we'll get out now."

Two of the little guys were so hurt that they couldn't stand up, and they actually rolled out on the floor.

Haitang looked at Zhang Mazi speechlessly: "Ding Yao and I are already on the same page, you don't need to add fuel to the fire."

Zhang Mazi shook his head without changing his face: "Personal grievances are personal grievances, and your Donghu Gang didn't fight the Sanlian Gang."

Haitang stared at Zhang Mazi with wide eyes, and she realized that the guy in front of her was too sinister.

"The strength of our East Lake Gang is far less than that of the Sanlian Gang, and Qiu Xiaochi has two sides. We are about to fight each other, and we are sure to lose." Haitang suddenly became anxious.

Zhang Mazi stared at the ceiling regardless of himself.

"You count me!"

Xiaofu looked at Zhang Mazi angrily. Although he beat up the gangsters of the Sanlian Gang, he became a pig himself.

"Misunderstanding!" Zhang Mazi beckoned Xiaofu very well.

Xiao Fu came over vigilantly.

Zhang Mazi spread out his palms, 1000 yuan in cash.

"This is your compensation."

Xiao Fu laughed immediately.

"Sure enough, it's a misunderstanding. Brother Mazi, you don't seem to be a scheming person."

Xiao Fu was very skilled in collecting money. With a wave of his right hand, this guy moved the money from Zhang Mazi's hand to him very swiftly.

"???" Haitang couldn't help but be overjoyed after being stunned for a moment.

'Is it so easy to buy a master? 'Haitang feels that her worldview is a little subverted.

"My friend, although it was a misunderstanding, I'm really sorry to cause you trouble. I'm Haitang from Donghu, and you must accept the 3 yuan for your face." His eyes widened.

"This, this, so good."

Xiao Fu smirked shyly, just as Gao Lao was not around, Xiao Fu was about to reach for the money soon.

"Cough cough!" Liang Qiqi coughed twice in time.

"Sorry you're right."

Zhang Mazi snatched the money from Haitang's hand.

"As a person, you must keep yourselves safe, and you must never want things that don't belong to you." Zhang Mazi gave Xiao Fubi a thumbs up.

A look that I admire very much about you.


Xiao Fu looked at the money that Zhang Mazi put into his pocket and swallowed, but he had to put on a splendid posture.

Only then did Haitang wake up that Xiao Fu is the subordinate of the Gao Lao, and Gao Lao is Liang Qiqi's father, is this person Zhang Mazi's?
Haitang gave up all of a sudden, and she still seduced this bastard Zhang Mazi in a down-to-earth manner.

After learning that Haitang threw the pheasant into the sea, whether it was Lei Gong or the East Lake Gang, everyone was shocked.

"Is the East Lake Gang going to start a war with our Sanlian Gang?"

Lei Gong's face was gloomy and was about to drip. He recently wanted to cleanse himself into politics, so he didn't start to clean up the East Lake Gang. Do these guys think they are vegetarians?

"Is Haitang crazy?"

The coast was so frightened that his face turned pale. This is Hong Kong Island. The East Lake Gang is not familiar with the place, but the Sanlian Gang has a lot of good-friend cooperative associations on Hong Kong Island.

"Hey—! I've long said that women have long hair and short knowledge. It's best to get married early, to have children and to breastfeed. What kind of career are you going to do!" Qiu Xiaochi has the demeanor of a life mentor.

The coast nodded frequently, but he did things by himself, didn't rely on Haitang, and didn't trust outsiders, it was very difficult to do.

"This pheasant has been used very much by Lei Gong recently, and this person is an important tie between the Sanlian Gang and Hong Xing Society on Hong Kong Island. Now that he has been killed by Haitang, Lei Gong will definitely do things and give Hong Xing She an explanation." Qiu Xiaochi is open and honest. The father-daughter relationship between the coast and Haitang.

"Also, Haitang killed the pheasant and offended the Hongxing Society. I heard that on Hong Kong Island, the Hongxing Society is very powerful."

"What now?" Shore asked quickly.

Qiu Xiaochi spread his hands.

"What else can I do, this is Haitang's own opinion, and it has nothing to do with our East Lake Gang." Although Qiu Xiaochi is sinister, he is very direct.

The coast was speechless, of course he couldn't do that.

Brother Luo Sen and Chen Yaxi soon learned that Donghu helped Haitang and threw people into the sea, and immediately sent someone to warn Haitang.

The two brothers just want to make money to redeem Bobo as soon as possible, and they don't want to make a killing.

Haitang naturally shied away from the pheasant and jumped into the sea by herself. She shot too slowly and didn't hold back. For a woman, messing around was a daily operation, and Rosen and Chen Yaxi couldn't do anything about her either.

"It's alright now, the police on Hong Kong Island will definitely invite me to drink tea as soon as I get ashore. You can protect me when the time comes." Haitang blinked pitifully, indicating that I was a weak woman.

"Okay! I'll go into the detention room of the police station and I'll save you." Zhang Mazi nodded sincerely.

Haitang rolled her eyes.

Into the police station?I'll just say it if it kills me.

"Don't help me, I can handle it myself." Haitang immediately stopped Zhang Mazi's 'kindness'.

"Hey, I knew you were a very capable woman." Zhang Mazi put his arms around Haitang's waist with great satisfaction.

Although this woman cannot be Fa-rectified on the spot, it is always possible to take advantage of it!

As long as it is cheap without spending money, Zhang Mazi always doesn't mind dipping it in.

"Hmmmm-!" Haitang smiled perfunctorily.

In order to maximize Zhang Mazi's chances of winning, she took out the information she had collected.

"There are many masters in this game. As far as I know, there are Singapore gambling king Li Guangming, Thailand gambling queen Haoji, and many masters from the mainland. It is said that there is a one-eyed dragon who has special abilities." Begonia is really active.

"Special function?"

"Guess I believe it or not?"

"I don't care if you believe it or not. It's written in the information. Also, Luo Sen himself is the number one expert in Asia. Be serious. Five million is my entire net worth. If you lose, you will support me." Haitang regretted herself a little. It's too early to bet on Zhang Mazi, this person is a bit unreliable.

"Okay! I'll take care of you."

Naturally, Zhang Mazi would not believe that 500 million was Haitang's entire net worth, and besides how difficult it was to raise a woman, at 12 yuan a meal, he could fully afford it.

"You should collect how many rich and rich people have boarded the boat, that's the key."

Zhang Mazi has always been very interested in harvesting money from the rich.

(End of this chapter)

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