Chapter 412 Stupid Author

"How's it going?"

When Li Er arrived at the small clinic, Peng Yixing had already fallen asleep.

There are many such small clinics on Hong Kong Island, ranging from common colds and fever, beriberi and herpes, to helping people with abortions and performing appendix surgery.

"The doctor just left and said he can't die." Li Xianying whispered, "It was a gunshot wound, and 6 bullets were taken out."

Li Er nodded silently.

"I haven't called the police yet. The doctor is my best friend in the same house. He heard Peng Yixing's name and called me." Li Xianying naturally knew that Peng Yixing was Li Er's friend.

"Did Peng Yixing say where the gun was fired?" Li Er asked immediately.

Li Xianying: "Tsim Sha Tsui Cargo Terminal, I have let Ma Jun rush over directly."

"Okay, look here, I'll rush to the pier first, and call me if there is a situation." Li Er naturally went to the pier to wipe Peng Yixing's ass, but Ma Jun was not as meticulous in his work as Li Xianying.

the other side.

Thor climbed ashore from the sea water covered in embarrassment. Although he hit Peng Yixing several times, he was almost not killed by Peng Yixing. Thor had not yet become the number one killer in Asia, so he naturally did not want to die with Peng Yixing. , decisively jumped into the sea to escape.

This wave is really embarrassing, but fortunately there is no audience.

"This man is crazy!" Thor reluctantly tore the trousers on his calf and tied the wound with force. He believed that he was crazy enough, and he never expected to meet a guy who was even more stupid than himself.

Thor was sure that if he didn't dodge first, Peng Yixing would definitely fight him to the end.

Thor stopped a taxi and took himself to a small clinic.

"1000 yuan!" The taxi driver reached out to Thor with a smile after arriving at the destination.

"Do you think I'm a water fish?" Thor looked sharply: "Do you know that I grew up on Hong Kong Island?"

Thor thought that this blind guy thought he was a stranger and wanted to pit himself.

"One hundred for a taxi, and one thousand nineteen for keeping your secret." The taxi shrewdly smiled.

Thor took a deep look at the scholar.

"Since you can see that I'm injured, you can't tell that I'm a gunshot wound." Thor's face gradually turned hideous. A killer naturally doesn't mind killing people, and the dead can be kept secret.

The taxi guy's face turned pale. He only focused on knocking Thor, but he forgot that the other party was a desperado.

"I'm Hong Hongxing, and this is Tsim Sha Tsui. You can't escape if you kill me." The taxi hurriedly said.

Thor took a deep breath. Although the dead are best kept secret, Thor is a killer with his own style and disdains to kill a taxi.

"Do you know how to do it?" Thor took out 1000 yuan.

"I know!" The taxi guy happily accepted Thor's money.

"The third Li Jianren dental office on the second floor, that guy has first-class skills, and he recognizes money but not people, so he is absolutely safe." The taxi valiantly recommended.

Thor was stunned for a moment, not expecting such a surprise, but he was shot with a gun, what the hell is going to the dentist.

"Oh! It's okay, he only has a dentist's license, but he is a first-class swordsman and is especially good at gunshot wounds." The taxi guy seems to have taken a lot of rebates from 'Li Jianren Dental', and his sales business is very high.

Thor went up to the second floor, and the third room on his left had a signboard of 'Li Jianren Dental'.


"Bleeding gums?" Li Jianren pushed open the door vulgarly, looked at the blood on Thor's body, and said out of nowhere.

Thor: "."

Thor wanted to punch the opponent's nose.

"Come in!" Li Jianren suddenly stuck his head out the door and looked left and right.

Thor walked in with a sullen face.

"Are you shot?" Li Jianren was a veteran, and he immediately saw that Thor was shot.

"Why are you lucky, two big deals a day." Li Jianren murmured.

Thor didn't hear what Li Jianren was muttering, and asked directly, "Can you do it?"

"Absolutely no problem! A bullet costs 1000 yuan." Li Jianren showed his two rows of teeth. Based on his experience, the guy in front of him is not short of money.

Thor: "Okay!"

"Falling down the street, driving low." Li Jianren felt annoyed.

Thor lay down on the operating bed.

This guy, Li Jianren, secretly gave Thor a sufficient amount of anesthesia, and Thor felt in a daze that there was another patient next to his bed.

"Aren, come over for dinner." Li Xianying shouted to Li Jianren, who was alienated in the operating room, carrying two takeaways.

"Boss eagle! I'm cutting hemorrhoids for a hemp, you eat first, you don't have to wait for me." Li Jianren quickly replied loudly.

Li Jianren has already taken out the 4th bullet for Thor. Thor has been shot so many times, and he can still stand up to this point. Obviously, it is not easy to mess with. Li Jianren neither wants to offend Thor, nor does he dare to offend Li Xianying.

"." Li Xianying wanted to open the curtain and look inside the operating room, but when he heard that he was cutting hemorrhoids, he lost his mood.

Li Jianren looked at the figure on the curtain nervously, sweating profusely. As soon as Li Xianying came in, he would immediately report Thor, but fortunately Li Xianying did not come in.

Li Jianren breathed a sigh of relief and continued to operate on Thor.

'one two three four five six. '

Li Jianren counted the bullets removed from Thor, his face was very strange, he turned to look at another tray.

There are also 6 warheads in the other tray.

Li Jianren: "."

Li Jianren looked at Thor left and Peng Yixing on the right with an embarrassed expression.

"It shouldn't be so coincidental!" Li Jianren scratched his head: "What a stupid screenwriter to write such a script."

Li Jianren counted 6000 yuan from Thor's wallet and put it in his drawer, 1000 yuan for a bullet, no deceit.

In fact, people who are usually shot and don't die will not be shot only once. Li Jianren has an excellent reputation in this regard and earns money from repeat customers.

"Boss Ying, what's the situation with your friend? I think the bullets he shot were of different specifications?" Li Jianren asked Li Xianying while eating.

"Don't ask!" Li Xianying gave Li Jianren a sideways glance.

"Haha! I know the rules." Li Jianren patted his mouth embarrassedly. Today's matter is obviously related to Li Er.

Li Jianren didn't dare to mess with Li Er. Since this guy came to power, his business has deteriorated a lot, and he reimbursed him with one shot.

"Didn't he cut hemorrhoids? Why didn't anyone come out?" Li Xianying looked at Li Jianren questioningly.

"Hey, cutting hemorrhoids is not something to show off. He sneaked through the back door and paid 50 yuan to cover his mouth." Li Jianren took out 50 yuan and raised it in embarrassment.

Li Xianying: "."

(End of this chapter)

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