What should I do if I open the wrong plug-in?.

Chapter 396 Zhou Xingxing on Two Boats

Chapter 396 Zhou Xingxing on Two Boats

"Master, things may be really troublesome. Eagle just called back. He said that there are many knives in the underworld who are eager to try the bounty." Bai Anni said with a worried expression.

Li Er also frowned. Although Lin Dayue is a scumbag, he must not let others take the lead.

"Is 500 million a lot?" Li Er pouted and said, this guy is a little out of touch with the people now, so he doesn't think 500 million very highly.

"Master, 100 million is not a lot!" Bai Anni glanced at her master awkwardly, and reminded in a low voice.

It was only then that Li Er remembered that he was also the target of the reward, and yes, Bai Annie was worried about the safety of her master, otherwise she would have been watching the show.

"This Tang Judy is so bad, no, I'm going to find her to revoke the reward." Bai Anni said angrily.

"Okay! By the way, beat her up, she can't beat you." Li Er instigated by the way.

Bai Anni gave Li Er an angry look, her murderous anger was also quenched by Li Er's words.

"By the way, Eagle just asked on the phone if we should send someone to Stanley to keep an eye on the spot. If those knifemen really rushed into the prison and killed Lin Dayue, our entire Hong Kong Island police would lose face. Bai Anni said with little interest, Lin Dayue's death has nothing to do with her.

Li Er's heart moved, but he said nonchalantly: "If Lin Dayue was really slaughtered in prison, it would be the prison and the Correctional Services Department to lose face. What is the matter with our police force? Eagle is too idle. , arrange for him a half-month vacation and let him prepare for his wedding well."

Bernie nodded.

Li Xianying is about to get married in less than a month, so it is time to start preparing.

It's funny to say that Li Xianying and Li Yi got married on a similar date. They simply went to the fortune teller who saw the auspicious day to recalculate the date. They even moved to the same day to get married, and the banquet was set together.

"Master, eldest brother is getting married, what gifts are we going to give?" Bai Annie blinked and asked. She didn't care about these things at first, but after hearing from Zhu Wanfang, He Min was preparing gifts, which made Bai Annie a little nervous. stand up.

"What to give?" Li Er said indifferently, "It's enough to pack a red envelope, it's simple and convenient."

Bai Anni gave Li Er a blank glance, and knew that this guy was unreliable. Who should I ask?Your own mommy?Why!More unreliable.

Li Er was an only child with no siblings like Bai Annie in his 'last life'. He really didn't know what to do when the eldest got married.

"How about sending eldest brother a car?" Bai Annie's eyes lit up.

"Doesn't the boss have a Mercedes-Benz? And he often walks to the company, and the car is driven by the third child." Li Erfa replied.

"Then—! Send jewelry and gold to sister-in-law?" Bai Annie frowned, "It's so old-fashioned!"

"Hey! It's not soil or soil, just do it." Li Er said with a smile: "I don't know about the other things, but if you send gold, my sister-in-law will never think you are soiled, and will think that you are very good at things, four big characters. : gold preservation."

Bernie smiled.

Yes, what Wang Gangsheng likes the most is the real thing. If you send other flashy things, she will complain that you spend money indiscriminately. Don't look at any brand of jewelry. It's better to go to the gold shop to get the kind of thick and heavy jewelry. gold jewelry.

"There are more than 100 dividends from the company in the card! If it is not enough, you can ask the third child to pay in advance." Li Er handed his bank card to Bai Anni: "This difficult task will be entrusted to you."

"Ah—!" Bai Anni was stunned for a moment, and immediately took Li Er's card with joy. She was not without money, but the meaning of spending Li Er's money was very different.

"It's not enough for me to make up for it myself!" Bo Anni said with a smile, and then suddenly her face froze when she thought of something: "He Min doesn't have a card like this, right?"

"You really think I'm a local tyrant!" Li Er immediately complained that since he has unintentionally become a scumbag, he still needs some skills necessary for a scumbag: "You have all your net worth, don't give it back to me quickly."

"You want to be beautiful!" Bai Anni resolutely confiscated Li Er's 'all net worth'.

"By the way, do you want to send someone to protect Tang Judy? I think she is so arrogant, will she really kill herself." Bai Anni took the money and was in a good mood, and she was no longer angry with Tang Judy. .

"Um--!" Li Er scratched his eyebrows: "Are you going?"

"I'm not going!" Bai Annie immediately refused: "I don't allow you to go either."

"Hehe! Don't worry about this, your master, I'm the one who seeks advantages and avoids disadvantages." Li Er said honestly, he and Tang Judy are worth 200 million yuan, isn't this tempting to commit crimes!

"Instructor Hu went to Macau with A Hong and Yalun. Eagle is going on vacation, and Ma Jun seems to be busy." Bai Anni counted her fingers and said, "Now only Uncle Ying is left, but he doesn't seem to be very reliable."

Li Er: "."

In terms of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, Li Er is a younger brother in front of Lin Haiying. I guarantee that as soon as you speak, Lin Haiying will be sick and ask for sick leave. Moreover, this guy is really average, and he is sent to deliver food to the killer.

"Call the CID department and find Zhou Xingxing." Li Er thought for a while and said, "This guy will honestly complain that I didn't give him a chance to perform."

"Yes! Zhou Xingxing is fine, as long as he doesn't do some nonsensical things, he is still very reliable." Bai Anni nodded repeatedly. When she was in the training camp of the Flying Tigers, she knew that Zhou Xingxing was very good. In comparison, the entire Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station, that is, Li Er and Ma Jun can beat Zhou Xingxing. If Zhou Xingxing is serious, Li Xianying is not necessarily Zhou Xingxing's opponent.

Zhou Xingxing heard that Bo Anni said that he would send himself to protect Tang Judy, and the whole person immediately boiled, Tang Judy!The recent headlines are all about her, the famously rich and powerful woman, and that's not the most important thing, the most important thing is that she is a widow.

Zhou Xingxing is a man with lofty aspirations. Although this guy often despises Cao Dahua for eating soft rice on the surface, in fact, he is very envious, jealous and hates others' progress. Zhou Xingxing always felt that he was just missing an opportunity, and now the opportunity is here.

As long as he seizes this opportunity, he may become the richest Chief Superintendent in the police force.

"What are you doing, making a fuss!" Chen Baile saw Zhou Xingxing scratching his head inexplicably, and handed over the phone: "Wu Feifei is looking for you."

"Ah--!" Zhou Xingxing suddenly collapsed.

'The good men of Hong Kong Island in the new era are all on two boats, I can't lose face of Mr. Lee. ' Zhou Xingxing thought shamelessly.

Zhou Xingxing put on his most handsome clothes and set off.

(End of this chapter)

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