Chapter 371 You are a crime
After Gao Yanbo finished his good brother's tipping off, he returned the mobile phone to Li Er with a sad face, and Li Er nodded with satisfaction.

"Good eloquence, promising future, wait for promotion and salary increase!" Li Er said casually.

Gao Yanbo seemed to be accustomed to Mr. Li's skill in drawing flatbreads, and gave a flat 'oh'.

"Li Er, your subordinates are as bad as you are!" Tang Judi couldn't help complaining.

Li Er gave Tang Judy a slanted glance, and directly regarded the other party's taunting as a compliment.

Kowloon Police Station.

"Is your news reliable? Did Li Er really have the evidence of Lin Dayue's behind-the-scenes orders?" Liang Jiaren asked impatiently.

"Of course it's reliable! Gao Yanbo is my good brother. He revealed to me that although Li Er's Tsim Sha Tsui serious crime team has not yet found direct evidence of Lin Dayue's murder of Wang Wanyuan, according to the existing clues, they have already With [-]% certainty, we can be sure that Lin Dayue is behind the scenes." It was a police officer from the Forensic Division of the Kowloon Police Station who spoke.

"As expected, haha! In fact, I guessed that Lin Dayue was the murderer early on. The Tsim Sha Tsui serious crime team's case handling skills are also good, but they are still one step behind me!" laughed.

Liang Jiaren obviously wanted to take all the credit in front of Li Er.

"Liang sir, although you have long deduced that Lin Dayue is the murderer, we haven't got any evidence yet!" the police officer of the forensic department reminded.

"Hey, the murderer has been nailed to death, and the evidence is not simple." Liang Jiaren raised his fist confidently: "One word, hit!"

At the same time, Lin Dayue, who was busy in Liang Jiaren's office, felt a chill when he didn't come.

Although Liang Jiaren has brought Lin Dayue back to the police station, this guy is an idiot and will really listen to Li Er's bewitching and torture Lin Dayue. He invited Lin Dayue to the Kowloon Police Station to cooperate with the investigation. No violent arrests were made.


Liang Jiaren kicked open the office door.

"Hey! Who is that, come here!" Lin Dayue sat arrogantly on Liang Jiaren's office chair and hooked his finger at Liang Jiaren: "I asked you to buy abalone, what kind of abalone did you buy? same size."

"Are you out of money, just spend it!" Lin Dayue said, taking out a stack of money and smashing it on Liang Jiaren's desk.

Liang Jiaren smiled coldly in his heart: 'Very good!One more crime of bribery of police officers. '

"Also, why hasn't my lawyer arrived yet? Have you notified the law firm? You dead gangsters, all of you are sloths." Lin Dayue didn't notice Liang Jiaren's bad face, and continued to fret. If he hadn't been calculating Li Er and Tang Zhudi, and just needed a proof of his alibi, he wouldn't have given Liang Jiaren's summons at all.

"Of course I was notified, but the phone couldn't get through, but our guy still conveyed your words to the microphone. He is very competent!" Liang Jiaren said solemnly.

"Ah?" Lin Dayue jumped up frantically, pointed at Liang Jiaren's nose and cursed: "Hi mother, are you an idiot? Believe it or not—!"

"I'm really bashing your mother. My mother gave me such a hard life. You dare to stab her. This punch is for my mother to beat you." Before Lin Dayue finished speaking, Liang Jiaren, who had endured him for a long time, immediately A tiger and a crane in the shape of a pair of cranes, one hand hit Lin Dayue's eyes, and the other hand went to Lin Dayue's crotch.

"Ah—!" Lin Dayue howled tragically: "You're dead, I'll tell you to shovel."

Although Liang Jiaren likes to brag, but this guy really has practiced a few tricks, at least the scumbag of Lin Dayue is similar to the abuse of vegetables.

"Are you suing me? It's arrogant! Do you have money to do whatever you want? Is it right to eat abalone and play with female stars?" At this time, every time he scolded Lin Dayue, his hands tightened, and Lin Dayue's complexion had turned into the liver color of advanced cirrhosis.

"Withdraw, withdraw, withdraw! It's going to explode!" Lin Dayue cried out with bloodshot eyes.

"Don't worry, I can't blow it up, it's just this little thing. If it wasn't for my skill and rich experience, I wouldn't have liked you." Liang Jiaren scolded angrily. What I hate is the unscrupulous real estate rich man like Lin Dayue.

"We already have enough evidence, you'd better explain yourself, how did you murder Wang Wanwan?" Liang Jiaren shouted loudly.

Lin Dayue's eyes twitched when he heard Liang Jiaren's words, of course he couldn't move, and he was very sure that Liang Jiaren had no evidence at all.

"You are going to torture me to extort confessions to frame me. When Wang Wanwan died, I had evidence that I was not there. This matter has nothing to do with me at all." Lin Dayue shouted loudly, "I want to see a lawyer, I want to see my lawyer. Private attorney."

"Oh! The mouth is very hard, I like it very much!" Liang Jiaren suddenly increased the strength on his hands, but immediately felt his hands wet.

"Ah—!" Liang Jiaren's face flushed with anger: "You pervert, you actually pissed on Lao Tzu's hand."

Liang Jiaren was so angry that he wiped the water stains from his hands to Lin Dayue's face. Lin Dayue hurriedly stepped back and tried to escape Liang Jiaren's office, but just as he turned around, Liang Jiaren grabbed his hair.

"呲——!" After Liang Jiaren grabbed Lin Dayue's hair, he suddenly felt his hand loosen, and he actually tore off Lin Dayue's entire hair.

"Ah—! I'm so mad at me, you pervert, you are obviously bald, and you still wear wigs like others." Liang Jiaren punched Lin Dayue's head with an angry old fist.

With a sound of 'Duang', Lin Dayue's eyes went black, and he was almost stunned by Liang Jiaren's hammer.

"Go to hell!" Liang Jiaren kicked Lin Dayue's ass again, and Lin Dayue tragically threw a dog to eat shit.

"Don't fight, stop fighting, if you fight again, it will really kill people." Lin Dayue hurriedly turned around and shouted, the guy in front of him was crazy, and he even suspected that the other party would kill him.

"Okay!" Liang Jiaren put away his fists in good manners.

"Then you agree to confess to the fact that you murdered Wang Wanyuan." Liang Jiaren nodded with satisfaction. Sure enough, there is no criminal that can't be solved with a single beating. If not, it will be two meals.

"Ah?? No, no! Wang Wanyuan's death really has nothing to do with me!" Lin Dayue quickly shook his hand and said, if he did, what difference would it make to death.

Lin Dayue had already cursed Liang Jiaren to kill the whole family in his heart. This sinister guy secretly decided that after passing this level, he had to let Liang Jiaren die very emotionally.

It's just a pity that it is still Liang Jiaren's home court.

"Hey! It looks like it will take two meals!" Liang Jiaren glanced at his fist with a wry smile: "I am really a hard worker."

Liang Jiaren: "Bang-bang-bang-!"

Lin Dayue: "Ah-ah-ah-!"

10 minute later.

Lin Dayue was still screaming.

Three 10 minutes later.

Lin Dayue was already paralyzed on the ground like a dead dog, but he still gritted his teeth and refused to recruit and kill Wang Wanyuan.

Liang Jiaren was also sweating profusely at this time.

"Old Chen, didn't you catch a few AIDS tuberculosis ghosts last time your CID anti-pornography? Take this guy over there and lock it up together, I don't think he can recruit him!" Liang Jiaren gasped and ordered to his subordinates .

Lin Dayue sneered sarcastically: "AIDS! I'm so afraid, as long as I can't stand up, it's useless for any woman."

Old Chen glanced at Lin Dayue strangely: "Are you thinking too much, returning women, can male and female suspects be locked up together? The few tuberculosis ghosts Liang Sir mentioned are Indian Asan, who went through the back door, you ask yourself Blessed!"

"Ah—!" Lin Dayue's face changed greatly: "You can't do this, you can't do it! You are a crime!"

Liang Jiaren pouted. Since the opening of the Hong Kong Island, the Kowloon Police Station has been a well-known rogue police station. Liang Jiaren has restrained himself.

Li Er naturally didn't know that Liang Jiaren had already had a hot fight with Lin Dayue at this time. His current goal is still to put Cheng Wenjing on him. After all, dealing with a pleasing beauty is better than dealing with Lin Dayue, who has a pimple on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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