What should I do if I open the wrong plug-in?.

Chapter 298 Beating the Adulterer Violently

Chapter 298 Beating the Adulterer Violently
A residence.

"Section Chief Yang!" Li Jiangang saluted solemnly.

"Hmm!" Yang Jianhua nodded.

When Yang Jianhua and Li Er arrived at the monitoring point, there were already people from the International Criminal Division waiting.

"Is Leopard strong enough?" Yang Jianhua asked.

"Not yet, according to their pace, they will arrive within three to ten minutes." Li Jiangang reported.

"Okay! Everyone guard their positions and wait for the target to appear." After Yang Jianhua found a seat and sat down, he signaled Li Er to be free.

Li Er silently watched Yang Jianhua's arrangement, feeling awe-inspiring. Bao Qiang's every move had been properly arranged by Yang Jianhua, but Bao Qiang still didn't know anything about it.

Three ten minutes later.

Leopard Qiang, Jiang Lang and Chen Jiaju arrive at the residence.

Leopard raised his hand and knocked on the door.

A small man opened the door.

"Brother Baobao, aren't you squatting in a kiln? Why did you come out?" the little man asked in surprise.

Leopard Qiang smiled coldly: "What's so great about it, squatting in a bitter kiln is like a vacation to me. I can get in when I want, and get out when I want to."

"That's that! Brother Bao, please come in, Brother Bao, you are the boss wherever you go!" The little man said flatteringly.

"Brother Bao, when did you come back? Why didn't you ask us to pick you up?" Everyone in the house heard the movement outside the living room and said in surprise when they came out to see Bao Qiang.

"Brother Bao, who are these two brothers?" one of Bao Qiang's subordinates asked.

"Jiang Lang!" After Bao Qiang introduced Jiang Lang, he remembered that he still didn't know Chen Jiaju's name.

"Lin Fusheng, I was in the martial arts team for a few days before." Chen Jiaju introduced himself strikingly.

Leopard Qiang nodded in understanding, no wonder Lin Fusheng is so strong, he turned out to be from the martial arts team.

"From now on, everyone will be our own." Bao Qiang waved aggressively after sitting down.

"Okay, Brother Leopard!" The little man said respectfully.

"Brother Bao, wash your face! I just brought hot water." A young man graciously handed Bao Qiang a hot towel.

Bao Qiang took the towel and wiped his face, while giving Jiang Lang a sneaky wink.

Jiang Lang quietly moved to the corner, where there was a wooden stick.

"Ah Hai, how did I get caught last time?" Leopard Qiang asked the little man who opened the door for him first.

"Brother Leopard, I don't know! Maybe the news leaked out!" Ah Hai said quickly.

"Hmm!" Bao Qiang groaned deeply, nodded and said with a smile, "How could it be such a coincidence that you just went to the bathroom, and the police rushed in to arrest you."

Ah Hai was in a hurry: "Brother Bao, this is really none of my business. How could I know that the police are coming? If I knew that the police were coming, I would definitely notify Brother Bao and you would evacuate together."

"Don't talk about that!" Leopard shook his hand vigorously and laughed: "After I was arrested, what happened to our shipment?"

"Of course it was confiscated by the police." Ah Hai said with certainty.

"Then why did I read the newspapers in the labor camp, and only saw the report that people were arrested, but did not mention the goods?" Bao Qiang snorted coldly.

Everyone in the room looked at Ah Hai, Ah Hai's face changed drastically, and he suddenly drew his gun and pointed it at Bao Qiang's head.

"Brother Bao, you forced me to do this." Ah Hai grinned grimly.


Before Ah Hai could pull the trigger, the gun was knocked down by Jiang Lang with a wooden stick. Chen Jiaju stretched out his foot, picked up the pistol on the floor and caught it.

"Don't move!" Chen Jiaju shouted.

Bao Qiang looked at Jiang Lang and Chen Jiaju with great satisfaction.

"Ah Hai, how many years have you been with me, have I treated you badly?" Bao Qiang took the pistol from Chen Jiaju's hand.

"Brother Leopard, I'm sorry, I'm obsessed with money, I want to be greedy for your goods, but those goods were really confiscated by the police, and I didn't get any benefit." Ah Hai looked at the muzzle of his gun, explained nervously.

"Do you think I'm a pig?" Leopard Qiang snorted coldly: "The smuggled goods are worth 300 million yuan. If you return it to me, I will pay you back. I may consider letting you live. If you don't, I will treat it as 300 million yuan." The water is floating, and I will kill you now."

Ah Hai's face was pale.

"Brother Leopard, I really didn't get the goods, how do you ask me to return them to you?"

Leopard took a deep breath.

"I'll give you one more chance at the end, do you want the goods or your life?"

"Brother Leopard, I want to die, but I really don't have the goods, I swear to God, I——!"

"Bang, bang, bang"


Bao Qiang kept pulling the trigger until Ah Hai was shot into a sieve, and the trigger was still being pulled when the bullet was empty.

"Brother Bao, I'm out of bullets." Jiang Lang calmly pressed the gun in Bao Qiang's hand.

Leopard Qiang threw away the pistol.

"I hate traitors the most." Bao Qiang spat thick phlegm on Hai Hai's body with a grim expression.

"Yudan, does Pang Dahai have two children studying in Hong Kong Island?" Bao Qiang asked a young man with a short hair in the room.

"Yes, I go to school in a place like Tsim Sha Tsui." Yudan said after thinking for a while.

"Get rid of them." Leopard Qiang snorted viciously, "This is the end of being a traitor, cut grass and roots!"

"Brother Bao, is this too much?" Chen Jiaju couldn't help but said.

Bao Qiang frowned and looked at Jiang Lang, who shrugged and said nothing.

Jiang Lang knew very well that Bao Qiang was trying to warn others.

Bao Qiang was very satisfied with Jiang Lang's performance.

"Jiang Lang, after you arrive on Hong Kong Island, you can handle this matter." Bao Qiang said to Jiang Lang.

"No problem, the address, and the target's photo." Jiang Lang replied succinctly.

Bao Qiang was taken aback by Jiang Lang's attitude.

"Okay! Very good!" Leopard Qiang patted Jiang Lang's shoulder and said with a smile, "I really didn't misunderstand the person. As long as you work hard, I guarantee you will have a bright future."

Jiang Lang: "Thank you Brother Bao!"

"Brother Bao, let's go quickly! The gunshots will attract the police." One of Bao Qiang's subordinates reminded.

Leopard Qiang nodded: "Pack up your things, let's go!"

"Brother Leopard, where are we going?"

"Foshan, Pang Dahai's hometown is in Foshan, let's go and find out if he hid the goods there." Bao Qiang said, suddenly turned to Chen Jiaju and asked: "Fusheng, didn't you say that your hometown is also the same place?" Are you in Foshan? If you have time, I will drop by your house."

"No problem!" Chen Jiaju nodded and replied, he understood that Bao Qiang wanted to check his details, it seemed that he had initially gained Bao Qiang's trust.

Leopard Qiang and his party quickly withdrew.

Li Er, Yang Jianhua and his party entered the shooting scene.

Yang Jianhua looked around the room.

Li Er looked at the corpse on the ground, Pang Dahai died terribly, his entire face was smashed to pieces by bullets.

"Section Chief Yang, did you intercept the shipment Bao Qiang mentioned?" Li Er asked curiously.

"Of course!" Yang Jianhua replied confidently: "We just didn't let the newspaper report the inside story just to make Bao Qiang and his gang suspect each other."

"And, I want to give Bao Qiang a chance to escape back." Yang Jianhua added.

Li Er took a serious look at Yang Jianhua. Sure enough, it is not a fuel-efficient lamp to be the person in charge of every department.

On the other side, Li Xianying had already made an appointment with Yuan Haoyun, and had already prepared sacks. Ma Jun did what he said, and when he said he would buy steel pipes, he really bought two one-meter-long steel pipes.

It has been a long time since Yuan Haoyun was sent to the transportation team, no one has invited him to dinner. This time, Yuan Haoyun was overjoyed when he heard that Li Xianying wanted to treat a guest to dinner. The back of the head looks very imposing.

"Try to greet him in the face, don't hit him on the head." Li Xianying reminded.

Ma Jun's strength was too great, and Li Xianying was a little worried that Ma Jun would not be able to hold back, so he burped Yuan Haoyun.

"Boss Ying, don't worry! I promise to beat him into a pig's head, and he won't be hurt at all." Ma Jun confidently patted his chest to assure.

"That's good! After all, Yuan Haoyun is our buddy, just scare him!" Li Xianying nodded.

"I promise to make him remember it deeply!" Ma Jun smiled fiercely and took out a bottle of chili water.

"Where did you get these things?" Li Xianying asked with a frown.

Ma Jun: "I searched it from that Chen Baile from the CID department."

Li Xianying: "."

This idiot Chen Baile is definitely a cancer and a disgrace to the CID department.

(End of this chapter)

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