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Chapter 24 I'm afraid I'm going to get rich

Chapter 24 I'm afraid I'm going to get rich

Although Zhou Xingxing had already discussed with Du Dewei and others before, in order to avoid fighting among his own people, he would greet whoever he liked, but in the end, five members of the Flying Tigers rushed forward to invite Ye Zimei.

Zhou Xingxing was half a beat too late, and almost didn't squeeze in.

"Hi! My name is Zhou Xingxing!" Zhou Xingxing stroked the end of his broom flirtatiously, while guarding against Wu Feifei's flying kick that might come over at any time, he smiled flatteringly at Ye Zimei.

"My name is Abin!"

"I'm Aberdeen Bin Zhou!"


Li Er was right, there were more wolves than meat, Zhou Xingxing couldn't push others away, he could only stalk them.

"Li Er, where's Li Er's bastard who took his money?" Zhou Xingxing quickly turned his head and shouted loudly: "Li Er, Li Er!"

Li Er hadn't played pulleys for a long time, and he was having a good time in the arena at the moment. Hearing Zhou Xingxing calling him, he immediately made a beautiful 360-degree gyration, then superimposed a 180-degree small gyration, and rushed towards Zhou Xingxing.

"Wow! So handsome!" The skating rink was not reserved by the Flying Tigers, and there were other young men and women who were amazed at Li Er's difficult maneuvering skills.

Li Er, who was on a single pulley, was extremely fast, and he galloped to Zhou Xingxing's side in an instant. When he opened his feet, he stopped quickly, which shocked Zhou Xingxing, thinking he was about to hit him.

'Help me block the eighth woman Wu Feifei! Zhou Xingxing sent a code word to Li Er with his eyes.

Li Er didn't have Zhou Xingxing's ability to speak with his eyes and expressions, so he just secretly gave Zhou Xingxing an 'ok' gesture.

"Hi!" Li Er is actually not very good at flirting with beautiful women, but he has no psychological pressure on ordinary-looking women, which is indeed very strange.


Wu Feifei saw that the companions around him were constantly being invited by the men of the Flying Tigers, and soon he would be left alone. Wu Feifei's complexion became worse and worse, and suddenly he heard someone greet him, Wu Feifei didn't care who it was, Immediately laughed.

"It's you!" Wu Feifei raised his head and his face turned cold. It turned out to be Li Er, a bastard who wanted to take off his pants in public.

Li Er took a quick glance at Zhou Xingxing's battle with other Flying Tigers for Ye Zimei.

"Well, I'm sorry last time, I was actually joking." Li Er scratched his head and smiled innocently.

Wu Feifei gave Li Er a cold look, which was strange to say, although Wu Feifei and Li Er had only known each other a few times, let alone said a few words, but Wu Feifei intuitively felt that Li Er was not a good guy.

"Who's joking with you, sister doesn't like you, you can dodge it! Hmph!" Wu Feifei shook his hand and hummed.

Although Wu Feifei was acting unkind on his face, he was laughing wildly in his heart. It turns out that rejecting others feels so good, especially rejecting a handsome guy.

"No matter what, I should always apologize to you." Li Er said seriously, his eyes once again aimed at Zhou Xingxing's direction, let me go, Zhou Xingxing seems to have lost, Ye Zimei followed another Feihu If the team members entered the skating rink, then there was no need for him to hold Wu Feifei back.

"I'm sorry, I suddenly have a stomachache, so let's dodge first!" The 300 yuan was already in hand, and Li Er was about to dodge after finishing speaking.

"Hey! Li Er, I don't know how to skate, can you teach me?" Bai Anni said quickly when she saw that Li Er was about to leave.

Li Er spread his hands in regret and said, "I'd be happy to teach you, but unfortunately I don't know how to teach people!"

"Teach me casually, it's not like I don't know how to do it at all!"

Before Bai Anni finished speaking, Li Er's feet swayed, and the person had already retreated to a distance of more than ten meters. This guy's pulley skills combined with the flexibility of the single-row pulley shoes, the speed displayed instantly shocked everyone.

"Can you slide so fast backwards?" Everyone in the skating rink clicked their tongues. They didn't know that when Li Er was learning some pulleys, he first learned to slide backwards, and then learned to move forward.

Seeing that it was Li Er who came, Zhou Xingxing asked with a bitter face, "Can I refund the money?"

"What do you think?" Li Er looked at Zhou Xingxing speechlessly.

Zhou Xingxing: "Don't! Half of it is fine!"

Li Er: "Not even a dime."

"Hey! Beauty—! That disaster!" Zhou Xingxing shook his head and sang with a vicissitudes on his face.

Li Er always thought that Chen Jiaju's singing voice was the worst, it seems that he was wrong, Zhou Xingxing's singing voice is fatal, and Zhou Xingxing still composed his own music score, the sound and beat are completely inconsistent.

"It's only 300 yuan, it's not enough!" Li Er said contemptuously.

"You don't understand! What I hurt is my heart, a pure heart." Zhou Xingxing said seriously.

Li Er was about to get out of the way, but Zhou Xingxing hurriedly grabbed Li Er: "I said so provocatively, but you don't have any sympathy?"

Li Er shook his head: "No!"

"Sorry, maybe my shape is too loud!" Zhou Xingxing said, grabbing Li Er with one hand, and twisting the broom head on his head with the other hand, instantly turning the neat broom head into an unlucky one. Chicken nest.

"Is it miserable?" Zhou Xingxing said in what he thought was the most tragic tone.

"Very bad!" Li Er replied affirmatively.

Zhou Xingxing grabbed Li Er's hand, and a few tears actually came out of his eyes.

Li Er struggled a few times in disgust, but failed to free Zhou Xingxing's palm. Zhou Xingxing's strength is really not small.

"Stop acting, what on earth are you trying to say?"

Zhou Xingxing said to Li Er with tears in his eyes: "Back half!"

"Go to hell!" Li Er pierced Zhou Xingxing's eyes with a move of "Double Dragon Seizes the Pearl".

Li Er is such a pickpocket, how could he take out the money that has already entered his pocket, Zhou Xingxing is simply dreaming.

"The play is so good, go to the TVB actor training class, stupid!" Li Er skating to the other side of the skating rink.

Zhou Xingxing's miserable expression disappeared instantly, and he said triumphantly: "Do I have to tell you that I am an actor? Hmph!"

"Within ten steps, there must be fragrant grass!" After Zhou Xingxing was sure that his 300 yuan was in vain, he immediately actively raised the broom head again, and in the next second he saw Bai Anni sliding towards him on the roller shoes.

Zhou Xingxing's eyes lit up, love, love, this is the real top-notch little beauty, Zhou sir immediately put Ye Zimei behind, and grinned.

"Hi!" Zhou Xingxing shook his hand and smiled.

"Hi!" Bai Anni smiled awkwardly, then pointed to the direction Li Er left: "I'm looking for Li Er."

Zhou Xingxing's face turned dark, he felt a BGM of "Snowflakes Fluttering" playing in his mind, and when he recovered, Bai Anni had already gone after Li Er.

"Where there is no fragrant grass in the end of the world!" Zhou Xingxing continued to search for the target again, and then found out sadly that all the beauties of the "Bawanghua" were invited away by the teammates of the Flying Tigers. No, there was a murderous look. Zhou Xingxing quickly Turning his head, looking behind him, he took a deep breath, and there was another Wu Feifei who didn't have an appointment.

Li Er realized that he was having too much fun just now, and that he might become the focus of the audience, so he immediately slid to a corner of the skating rink and got up.

"Li Er, why don't you want to teach me to skate?" Bai Anni slid to Li Er's side and asked.

Li Er sat on the floor and glanced at Bai Anni. Judging from the way Bai Anni slid over, she was definitely a pulley enthusiast with good skills, and she didn't need someone to teach her.

"You are so beautiful, as long as you say you want to learn to pulley, I believe there will be many people rushing to teach you." Li Er said seriously.

When Bai Anni heard someone praise her beauty, she smiled happily: "Then you won't teach me?"

"I also want to teach, but my wife doesn't allow it!" Li Er said that Zhou Xingxing is a good actor, but in fact he is not a good bird.

Bai Anni's face froze: "Are you married?"

"The child is already six years old!" Li Er said solemnly, he tried his best to express that sense of happiness, but unfortunately he couldn't find the feeling, so he had to give up and turned his head to prevent Bai Anni from seeing his expression.

Compared with acting skills, Li Er has too many stars in Zhou Xing.

Bai Anni looked at Li Er's young face: "Are you twenty?"

"Exactly twenty!" After Li Er finished speaking, his heart skipped a beat, as if something was wrong.

"Then why is your son six years old?" Bo Anni suddenly laughed on her disappointed face.

"Cough—cough cough—!" Li Er said with twinkling eyes, "I remember wrongly, the child is two years old!"

Bai Anni sat down next to Li Er with her hands straight, with an expression on her face that I've already exposed you.

Li Er was very annoyed, it seems that lies still have to be made up one after another in order to bluff people, and lies that come to mind and say are easy to be exposed.

"Okay! I'll teach you!" Li Er stood up.

"Give me a hand!" Bai Anni stretched out her hand to Li Er triumphantly and said with a smile.

Bai Anni is actually a master of figure skating, but due to the limitations of the times, she does not know as many tricks as Li Er. Now many difficult tricks have not been developed yet, but Li Er practiced it once, and Bai Anni quickly learned it. .

"Be careful, this action is a bit dangerous." Li Er reminded with a breath.

Bai Anni nodded excitedly. It was the first time she had seen so many new figure skating skills, and Li Er was really hiding his secrets.

Li Er swings his feet, walks slowly into the arena, and then starts to accelerate gradually, his speed is getting faster and faster, a beautiful roundabout step, there is a burst of applause around the skating rink, Li Er does not stop, and continues to circle, everyone is stunned for a moment , but Li Er was still able to perform the third roundabout, and he was stunned.

Bo Anni stared at Li Er intently.

"Go!" Li Er suddenly slammed on the brakes, a difficult Yan Hui, his body receded obliquely, his feet slid a super-large bracket on the floor, and returned to Bai Anni's side.

"So handsome!" Bai Anni looked at Li Er adoringly.

"Don't pretend, I've taught you everything you know." Li Er spread his hands and said.

Li Er didn’t lie this time. The skating tricks he knows look cool, but they’re actually not that difficult. As long as you practice hard, it’s not too difficult to learn. Even Li Er can’t learn the really difficult moves. It's just that in the eyes of Bo Anni and others, Li Er has become the inventor of these new tricks, which is very novel.

"Yes! Master!" Bai Anni saluted funnyly.

Sure enough, Bai Anni quickly learned Li Er's tricks, and she skated more gracefully and agilely than Li Er, which attracted the applause of the men at the skating rink.

Li Er: "."

After it was over, Bo Anni slid briskly to Li Er's side, and asked with a happy smile, "How is it? My apprentice didn't embarrass you, did I?"

"Apprentice? Then you pay the tuition!" Li Er said angrily.

"How much?" Bai Anni asked seriously.

Li Er: "Three hundred!"

"It's worth it!" Bai Anni readily took out the money.

Li Er was stunned, isn't it, money is so easy to earn?Or is it that women make money easily?

At this time, the lights of the skating rink suddenly dimmed. Du Dewei and several other members of the Flying Tigers walked to the middle of the skating rink, and a burst of music sounded.

Du Dewei and the others began to perform songs and dances in the skating rink. It seems that these guys have been planning for a long time to attract the "Bawanghua" female special police. This dance must have been rehearsed.

"The song sung by Du Dewei is really nice!" Bai Anni clapped her hands lightly with the beat of the music.

"Does it sound good?" Li Er's face was a little weird, he turned his head and looked around, everyone looked at the performance in the field with admiration, probably it was really good.

It's just that Li Er listened to disco songs that were very old-fashioned for him, and watched Du Dewei and others singing and dancing in the field. He felt like he was watching an old disco, so it sounds good?Forgive my aesthetic is too advanced.

Li Er's eyes suddenly brightened, he was afraid he was going to get rich.

(End of this chapter)

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