Chapter 203 Magician Li Er

"Hey, there's someone! They're going down the stairs here." Ma Jun said excitedly.

"Don't shoot!" Li Er quickly reminded.

late!Ma Jun was carrying an MP5 submachine gun on his back and an MP[-] submachine gun on his back. This guy had no chance to touch this level of firearms.

"Boom bang bang bang."

Li Er wanted to strangle Ma Jun to death, so he picked up his MP5 submachine gun and started shooting with Ma Jun.

The terrorists reacted very quickly. Hearing the sound of gunfire, they immediately flashed behind the bunker on the wall. Li Er and Ma Jun fired a round, but no one was killed. Li Er broke into a cold sweat.

"You're not dead?" Blair raised his head and saw Li Er was stunned for a moment. He was very decisive in blowing up the elevator. It stands to reason that Li Er should have fallen to the street. There was only one reason why the other party did not die, and the other party's response was also very decisive.

'Meet a master. '

Blair took out a pineapple bomb and rolled towards Li Er and Ma Jun from the corridor.

Ma Jun raised his gun to shoot bombs.

"You sand sculpture, run—!" Li Er grabbed Ma Jun by the collar and dragged him back.


Li Er and Ma Jun lay on the ground eating dirt.

"Boom bang bang bang."

Li Er was worried that Blair and others would take the opportunity to attack, so he acted preemptively, and while shooting blindly, he fell back on the ground.

Like Blair, He Jinshui threw a pineapple bomb at the other party.

Li Er: "."

"Quickly retreat, retreat to the other side of the stairs, you two idiots." Li Er yelled angrily. He clearly saw that the bomb thrown by He Jinshui hadn't pulled out the safety and latch at all. Did you send ammunition?That's not just stupid, it's downright stupid.

In the next second, Li Er discovered that the bomb thrown by He Jinshui was still effective. Even if Blair and other terrorists were unconstrained, it was impossible for them to expect that someone would kindly send him ammunition. As soon as they saw the bomb flying, they immediately rushed to Retract the stairwell at the upper and lower ends.

"bang bang bang"

After Li Er took a few steps back, he saw terrorists coming down the stairs on the other side, so he hurriedly opened fire, and now he hit the street.

This is a dead end.

"Back to the room!" Li Er shouted decisively.

He Jinshui had a big handbag hanging around his neck. He hurriedly took out the key to open the door. Li Er raised his foot angrily, kicked the door open, and slipped in first.

After Ma Jun and He Jinshui entered, Li Er hurriedly ordered them to seal the door. The room must not be guarded.

Li Er ran to the window, and the mustard space blade flashed, and the anti-theft net outside the window was removed in a few strokes. The guy quickly tore off the curtain, tied it into a rope and hung it downstairs.

On the other side, Blair and his men waited for the bomb to explode with their heads covered. As a result, half a minute passed and the bomb remained silent.

"A stink bomb?" Blair's eyes were full of doubts, and he looked outside vigilantly.

"Cover me!" Blair gestured to his subordinates, and after carefully going out to pick up the pineapple bomb, his lungs were about to explode.

"fuck you!" Blair immediately discovered that the bomb hadn't been pulled off the safety ring and the latch at all.

'What an insult! Blair flushed with anger, and rushed to Li Er's door with his AK47 in his arms.

"Da da da da."

Angry Blair turned the wooden door into a hornet's nest, but Ma Jun and He Jinshui used wardrobes and desks to support the wooden door behind it, and it was impossible to open it with a gun.

"Grenade gun!" Blair yelled angrily.

Another terrorist approached with a grenade gun.

"Boom!" A big hole was opened in the door in an instant.

"Second boss, what should I do, what should I do?" He Jinshui shouted nervously.

"Hide under the bed in the room!" Li Er said casually.

"Under the bed? Can this work?" He Jinshui asked worriedly.

Li Er and Ma Jun were squatting in a corner, the MP5 submachine gun had been pulled behind Li Er, and he found that he was still using the Glock. After all, the MP5 had not been specially trained, and the accuracy was too poor to dare to be seen.

"Then you stay where you are!"

He Jinshui's face turned green when he heard Li's second words, and hurriedly threw the large tote bag of weapons and equipment to Ma Jun, ran into the room by himself, got under the bed, and rolled under the bed to the innermost position.

"Li Er, what happened upstairs?" Cai Yuanqi called Li Er and asked.

"Shooting, shooting, immediate support, fire support is needed!" Li Er roared loudly.

"The Flying Tigers speed up, the guys upstairs need support." Cai Yuanqi hurriedly ordered, Li Er has already killed two terrorists first, he is now a banner of the police, we cannot let him down.

At this time, Instructor Hu and Bai Anni arrived.

Li Xianying was wearing the combat equipment of the Flying Tigers. Instructor Hu also ordered four sets of equipment, put them on together with Bai Anni, Hui Yinghong, and Chen Yalun and began to enter the building.

"Boom!" The terrorist fired another grenade gun into the door, tearing the door even further open.

A terrorist suddenly accelerated and came in through the doorway outside. Unfortunately, he didn't know that Li Er and Ma Jun had already been aiming and waiting for a long time. When they saw a target appearing, Li Er and Ma Jun fired at the same time.

"Boom!" Li Er shot in the head.

"Bang bang bang bang." Ma Jun's MP5 submachine gun fired, and the terrorist who rushed in was shot three or four bullets from the lower left abdomen to the right chest by Ma Jun's "slash method", and he died on the spot.

Ma Jun's marksmanship is rough, but it is more powerful to use this kind of submachine gun with a large amount of ammunition.

"McGee!" Seeing his companion being killed, Blair angrily threw a pineapple bomb into the room.

Blair is very good at listening to sounds and distinguishing positions. The pineapple bombs he threw into the room rolled straight along the tiled floor to Li Er's feet.

Li Er took a deep breath, it was too late to run at this time.

Under Ma Jun's frightened eyes, Li Er slapped the pineapple bomb at his feet.

Ma Jun: "."

Blair outside the door: "."

The expected explosion did not sound.

"Stink bomb?" Ma Jun was stunned.

Blair outside the door was also dumbfounded. If he hadn't looked at the bomb safety ring on his finger, he would have almost thought himself a fool, but the chances of a stink bomb are really rare, especially when they use The best is the A+ grade pineapple bomb.


Li Er had a strange expression on his face.

The bomb that Blair threw in exploded in Li Er's 10cm long, wide, and high mustard space.

Li Er's mustard space is full of pineapple bombs, the bomb detonated by Blair triggered a chain reaction, all the bombs in the mustard space exploded at the same time, Li sir keenly discovered that after the bomb exploded in the mustard space, the length and length of the mustard space Width and height expanded by one millimeter.

Although it was one millimeter, it was enough to make Li Er ecstatic.

"Look at the eggs, hurry up and pay them back." Li Er cursed when he saw Ma Jun distracted.

Ma Jun took out a pineapple bomb from his pocket and threw it out through the door opening.

One of the terrorists outside the door grabbed Ma Jun and threw a pineapple bomb, and quickly threw it back.

The faces of Li Er and Ma Jun turned green at the same time.

"Tou, quickly use your 'magic hand' to catch the ball." Ma Jun shouted nervously.

"Pick up your mother!" Li Er yelled, his mustard seed space can only be ten centimeters away from the body, and the most fearful thing is that the bomb will explode before it is received.

Time is life, the door behind Li Er was closed by that idiot He Jinshui, and it was inevitable, Li Er took the initiative to pounce on the flying pineapple bomb.

"Hey!" Li Er's mustard space successfully caught the pineapple bomb, and the pineapple bomb misfired again. From Ma Jun's point of view, he could just see that Li Er was holding the bomb with his hands.

"Tou, throw it out!" Ma Jun shouted nervously with wide-eyed eyes.


The bomb has exploded in the mustard space.

Li Er flashed behind the bunker pillar in front of the window, quickly checked the mustard space, and the space expanded a little bit.

Blair's expression was weird, what the fuck.

The bomb didn't go off again?
"Give me the grenade gun." Blair exchanged guns with another terrorist.

"Blair, the men in black from the Hong Kong Island Police have entered the building." Blair's men reminded.

"I know! Didn't Robert lead his squad downstairs? These little characters were handed over to their squad. The bastard in the room killed Harvey and Conan. I must avenge Harvey and Conan." Blair said through gritted teeth.

"Ma Jun!" Li Er gestured to Ma Jun, signaling Ma Jun to retreat to the window.

"Tou, how did you manage to extinguish the bomb?" Ma Jun asked very curiously.

"I pulled out the fuse of the bomb!" Li Er said casually.

A series of question marks floated in Ma Jun's head. The lead wire of the bomb must be enclosed in the casing.

Blair unbelievingly took out two pineapple bombs.

'Well--! Blair thought for a while, and he added another pineapple bomb. A total of three pineapple bombs were opened at the same time. After a buffer, they were thrown into the door opening together.

"Hey, magic hand!" Ma Jun shouted excitedly.

"Moyou sister, run!"

Li Er pulled up the curtain rope that he had prepared earlier and broke through the window. Seeing that the boss was about to escape, Ma Jun quickly pulled the curtain rope beside him and jumped out.


There were three violent explosions in a row, and the flames blasted from the windows. The police officers who sealed off the building looked up in shock.

"Ah! There are two people!" A timid female reporter screamed.

The closure of the building by the police on Hong Kong Island has long attracted a large group of reporters and 'enthusiastic' citizens.

Li Er and Ma Jun hung the curtain rope precariously on the outer wall of the building.

"Pushing the street, it's Li Er." Cai Yuanqi put down his binoculars and his face was extremely ugly.

"Quick, quickly pan the camera to this side." Le Huizhen pointed at Li Er and Ma Jun and shouted nervously to the photographer.

"Miss Le, should we save people first?" The fat photographer frowned.

Le Huizhen yelled angrily: "It's the police's business to save people. People are hanging on the building. What can we do to save people? It's what we journalists should do to quickly take pictures of the scene."

Cai Yuanqi has directed the fire brigade to set up life-saving nets.

Of course Li Er didn't need the fire brigade to rescue him. He lowered his height while holding onto the curtain rope with both hands, and stepped on the anti-theft net on the first floor downstairs with the soles of his feet. net.

The policemen downstairs immediately saw Li Er's intentions, and cheered him up.

Li Er pointed the sole of his foot at the wall bolt of the anti-theft net, stepped down, and the anti-theft net opened.

On the other side, Blair and others rushed into the room and shot.

"Fuck! They're going to escape from the window." Blair saw the stretched curtain rope outside the window, and hurried to the window.

Li Er had already jumped from the 31st floor to the [-]th floor, before Blair had time to see half of Ma Jun's buttocks, he immediately raised the grenade gun.


Blair's grenade blasted off a large wall, and Li Er and Ma Jun escaped successfully.

When the police and citizens downstairs saw Li Er and Ma Jun successfully escaped, they were finally relieved, and then they saw the terrorists blowing down a large wall, and they suddenly became frightened.

"Sniper!" Cai Yuanqi shouted angrily.


A sniper bullet flashed past Blair's ear, and Blair was startled, and quickly withdrew his head.

"They're on the [-]th floor, go downstairs and continue blocking them."

"Did you take a picture?" Le Huizhen asked nervously.

"It's taken!" The fat cameraman wiped the hot sweat from his forehead: "Miss Le, should we retreat to the safe distance set by the police? It seems too close here?"

Le Huizhen glared at the fat cameraman: "Does your camera have such a telephoto lens?"

"No!" The fat cameraman said honestly.

"That's it, it's your responsibility, and I'm doing it for your own good! Did the video just now zoom in to the closest possible frame?" Le Huizhen said obediently after getting a bargain.

Fat photographer: "Yes!"

"Call up the screen and show me!" Le Huizhen smiled with satisfaction.

The fat photographer called up the frame.

"Ah! That person just now was Teacher Li."

Sandy didn't know when she sneaked behind the camera crew, peeked at the video footage taken by Le Huizhen in horror, then covered her mouth in surprise and screamed.

"Teacher Li?" Le Huizhen turned her head quickly, and her keen sense of journalists made her judge that there was big news in it.

"Little sister, do you know those two guys who almost fell from the building just now?" Le Huizhen asked with a smile.

Sandy smiled triumphantly: "That is, he is my history teacher, a history teacher who knows martial arts."

"Eh????" Le Huizhen looked at Xiandi in astonishment, she couldn't connect history with martial arts.

At this time, the guy who knows martial arts in Sandy's mouth hurried out of the room like a bereaved dog.

(End of this chapter)

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