Quickly wear the host, she is beautiful and sweet

Chapter 951 Commander's Mermaid Jiao Didi (5)

Chapter 951 Commander's Mermaid Jiao Didi (5)

in the script.

Lanlos didn't agree with this method of selecting a life partner through genetic pairing, so it took several days to get back his own mermaid (the heroine).

He naturally doesn't like the weak existence of mermaids, but he is not prepared to criticize and embarrass the other party, let alone now that they have been brought back, what else can they do?
keep it~
Of course, in the end, I experienced all kinds of things in getting along day and night...

Lanlos: Really Fragrant.jpg
Don't look at Lan Luosi being labeled as a "stupid beauty" by Chu Wu, but most of the time he is very reliable. Occasionally, the machismo in his bones can have a classic "overbearing commander falls in love with me" The drama is a standard love drama hero.

"After I brought her back, she kept making trouble..."

Lan Luosi narrated some situations to Chu Wu, and soon came to the room where the mermaid was released. Through the brain, the room opened, and the sharp scream pierced Chu Wu's eardrum first.


Her expression was suddenly cold, and at the same time she released her S-level mental power, instantly suppressing the rioting mermaid—the heroine of this story.

Lanlos was stunned.

He came to Chu Wu because he wanted to persuade the mermaid to be obedient for the sake of being a woman, but he didn't expect that the other party was more cruel than himself.

"Chu..." He instinctively stopped, "It doesn't have to be so strict."

As an important part of reproduction, mermaids are only available to the upper class and the best fighters, so they are naturally very cherished.

In the beginning, some people used mermaids as playthings and killed a few of them, even bleeding their babies, and those people were punished.

And the Imperial Court also designated the "Mermaid Special Protection Law", emphasizing that the pair should take good care of them, and no abuse will be allowed in the future.

It seems that the problem has been solved, and the surface is full of flowers, but in fact——

Those who can play mermaids are also powerful and powerful. The final punishment is to be released after two years of imprisonment, and then change the planet and adjust the position.

A few years later, they were able to pair up their new mermaid again.

The right to speak has always been held in the hands of humans. Mermaids are nothing more than pets kept in cages by humans. Apart from a good life, they have nothing.

Freedom, self-respect, respect... and even personality, none of them.

The mermaid's body is weak, and Chu Wu's suppression is not too heavy. Lan Luosi even blocked most of it the moment she sent it out, but only a little bit of it was transmitted to the other side, and the mermaid's face was still pale with fright.

As a mermaid, she naturally lives in water.

In the empty room, there is a huge bathtub, made of transparent glass, very beautiful, and can show her huge and bright fish tail.

She has fiery red hair, a snow-white complexion, a beautiful fishtail, a plump and enchanting half body, and a pair of blue eyes, like two crystal clear sapphires.

It was very similar to the mermaid that Chu Wu had seen in the fairy tale world.

The mermaid heroine Eve knew from the first glance that the newcomer was not easy to get along with, so she turned her head and looked at Lanlos with a pale face.

There were tears in her eyes—she was frightened by Chu Wu, but her chin was still slightly raised, revealing a bit of pride that did not match her frail appearance.

But it is even more pitiful.

"This is what you said. You will treat me well in the future, at least to ensure my material prosperity... You just asked this woman to come and attack me?"

The voice of the mermaid is extremely beautiful, and it is called the "Diva". It is rumored that it is the existence of the Charm Star Pirate, no matter how vicious he is.

I saw it today, it really is.

"Seriously, you attacked me first."

Chu Wu replied before Lanluosi, "My action just now can only be regarded as a counterattack."

The mermaid's only means of attack is sound waves.

Eve's yelling in the room just now was already called a sonic attack. No wonder Lanlos wanted to isolate her in this room alone.

Although her attack has little effect on fighters who have reached S level like Chu Wu and Lan Luosi.

"Didn't you get hurt?" The mermaid in the pool muttered, and she even flicked her tail, looking quite unwilling.

Chu Wu smiled.

When entering this room, Lanluosi penetrated the surrounding restrictions, and now the natural light is scattered in, facing Chu Wu's bright and flamboyant face, which is unbelievably gorgeous.

Even the mermaid was stunned.

Heart pounding.

No, she still has her own mission...

Hearing Chu Wu open her mouth, her tone was natural, and her face returned to its usual coldness like snow:

"Indeed, but sorry, I'm such a preoccupied person."


Eve let go of her hand covering her chest.

Soon, the heart that would be beating is now dead!
Eve dived into the water, and her thick fiery red hair floated on the water, like seaweed. She looked back and forth at the two of them, "You imperial people are so despicable!"

Chu Wu only let out a meaningless chuckle.

"OK OK."

Lan Luosi stopped Chu Wu again. He had a deep understanding of this mermaid's bad temper, and knew that she was beautiful, but her mouth could be poisonous, and it could kill people.

And the subordinate's temper... well, worse than his own.

Langlos had to stand in the middle to smooth things over.

"Just say a few words less! If you weren't screaming all the time, you wouldn't be able to listen to what I said, and my subordinates wouldn't treat you like this."

This is for Eve.

"Chu, put it away, after all... there is the "Mermaid Protection Law" after all."

This is to Chu Wudao.

One person and one fish, the two women can be considered to stop, but Lan Luosi doubts, is it really the right choice to ask Chu Wu to persuade Eve?
Or was it wrong from the start.

But after knowing that Chu Wu would not be soft-hearted towards her, Eve took it easy for a while, Chu Wu looked around, and under the angry glare of this mermaid, she didn't talk to her at all.

Eve: "..."

more angry.

So, she patted the big tail vigorously, splashing countless water splashes.

Chu Wu saw it, turned her head and said directly to Lan Luosi, "Give her a different decoration environment."

As soon as she spoke, Lan Luosi's attention was immediately attracted back, and he was stunned before he found his own voice, "What do you mean?"

"Change to an ocean-style room environment." Chu Wu said casually, "She has been away from her hometown for too long, and she is a little homesick."

You are homesick!

Eve flicked her tail vigorously again.

Seeing more and more splashed water, Lanluosi was in a daze, "Chu, are you sure it's really like this?"

"of course."

Chu, with a cold face, a super black belly, and Wu replied with a normal expression, only glanced at the restless mermaid, and the other's movements froze immediately.

"Didn't you see that she was happily playing with the water?"

Eve: "..."

Lanlos: "..."

According to the past few days of getting along, if he understood correctly, patting the water should be a sign that the mermaid is angry.

Chu Wu said again, "By the way, let's change her to a bigger fish tank. Now this one is too small, and she can't even stretch it."

She leaned over and tapped with her fingers, making people feel that she would use her powerful physique to break the glass in an instant, pull out the mermaid inside, and ruthlessly ravage her!

But in reality, that white and slender hand stretched out again, instantly turning into tenderness——

It was through the transparent glass that she touched the beautiful and gorgeous tail of the mermaid, her cold eyebrows and eyes melted a little, and she smiled lightly.

"Look at the child in a hurry."
[Chapter 5, the end of the explosive change 1w word.

In the new world, try the interstellar background of the big storyline to the romance, because it is an interstellar self-constructed world, so there are quite a lot of setting supplements.

If it fails...it's my cute too, and I will finish it well!

PS: I think my update today deserves a few fresh monthly tickets (*/ω\*)】

(End of this chapter)

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