The yin and yang judgment of Douluo Continent

Chapter 76 Dad, Why Are You Here?

Chapter 76 Dad, Why Are You Here?

"Brother Tianmeng, do you mean that Brother Chen has also been to the extreme north?"

Huo Yuhao followed Yechen and the others to the empty space in the classroom, while using his consciousness to communicate with the Tianmeng Iceworm in the sea of ​​spirits.

Tianmeng Iceworm paused slightly, and the lazy voice sounded again.

"Not only that, he may have entered the Far North at the same time as you, because I didn't feel this familiar atmosphere in him before, but after returning from this vacation."

"However, the direction of entry may be different, so that you did not meet together."

Tianmeng Iceworm explained to Huo Yuhao in an easy-to-understand way.

"Then why did Brother Chen go to the extreme north? Although his martial soul is mysterious, it is of light and fire attributes. Could it be that he also has a second martial soul?"

Huo Yuhao was still a little puzzled, so he expressed his guess.

"I don't know. It is said that fire and ice cannot coexist in the same individual, but this boy has a lot of secrets."

Tianmeng Iceworm sighed softly and said nothing more.


Although they have been promoted to the second grade, the members of the class have not changed. The class placement after the freshman assessment is over, if there is no accident, will accompany them throughout their study life in the outer courtyard.

After nearly a year of precipitation, Yechen's reputation in the class has already been established.

Even Dai Huabin has been enduring it all the time, and did not attack him face to face.

Therefore, even though the area of ​​the new classroom was still vacant where the four of Yechen were before, no one dared to touch him.

After the four of them sat down, Zhou Yi entered the classroom. She was still wearing a mask, and she looked like a perverted old woman with dim eyesight.

"Yes, it's all here, and no one makes me look down."

Zhou Yi stood on the podium and looked around, her tone was still so domineering.

Wang Yan did not come over due to some special reasons. Zhou Yi saw that everyone had arrived, so she began to introduce the content of the entrance examination in the afternoon.

Except for Yechen, everyone in the class was listening to Zhou Yi's narration carefully, for fear of missing some details.

They are not perverts like Yechen who don't need to worry about these problems at all. Although their strength is much higher than ordinary people, but in Shrek Academy where there are so many geniuses, if they are not careful, they may pack up and leave...

"The assessment from the first grade to the second grade is relatively easy. Our assessment will be held in the beast area of ​​the college."

"I guess many of you don't know where the fighting beast area is, Yechen!"


When his name was suddenly called, Ye Chen, who was distracted, was startled and subconsciously stood up.

Not to mention that his strength has been greatly improved now, but even if he becomes a Title Douluo in the future, he will probably still be afraid of this beautiful "old woman".

There's no way, it's because she was frightened by the shadows when she was a child...

Seeing Yechen's quick response, Zhou Yi showed satisfaction.

"You are more familiar with the Colosseum, so you can introduce the specific location there."

After hearing this, Yechen's eyelids on both sides and the corners of his mouth twitched at the same time.

'I thought what was the matter, can't you introduce yourself, and you have to wake me up, it scared me to death! '

Yechen had 1 reluctances in his heart and did not dare to speak out, so he could only obediently introduce it to everyone.

A little girl named Wang Dong next to him couldn't hold back for a moment after seeing his expression, and burst out laughing out loud.

But when he saw the menacing eyes that Zhou Yi handed over, he quickly covered his face with his hand, and forced his smile back.

After getting along for a year, Wang Dong has a certain guess about Yechen's life experience.

Through Yechen's relationship with the teachers and her understanding of the academy, she can probably guess that Yechen should be a high-ranking child in the academy.

If this is the case, then Ye Chen's identity will not be weaker than those disciples from great forces, and even worse.

After all, Shrek Academy is the most powerful force on the mainland...

Yechen didn't pay attention to these small details, and was still introducing them in an orderly manner.

"Everyone in the fighting spirit area must know that there is a high wall like a castle on the south side of it, and that is the beast fighting area of ​​our college, which is specially provided for senior students to practice..."

"When we reach the fourth grade, we can practice in the fighting beast area, and there will even be actual combat lessons there."

Yechen finished all the words in one breath, and none of the students in the class were distracted, and they listened very carefully.

From this point of view, his current status in the class is comparable to that of class teacher Zhou Yi!

"Okay, sit down first, let me tell you about the rules of the entrance examination..."

After receiving Zhou Yi's instructions, Ye Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief, sat down on his seat, and started to lose his mind again.

"Speaking of which, I haven't seen Grandpa Gong for some days..."

Yechen thought of the time when he was tossing around with him when he was a child, and suddenly felt amused.

However, taking advantage of the opportunity of the entrance examination, it happened to be able to catch up with Gong Changlong.

This is no longer a question of whether he reveals his identity, but as long as he sees himself, the other party will definitely react abnormally.

Then you can't pretend you don't know him, can you?


After Zhou Yi finished introducing the rules and asked everyone to arrive at the assessment site on time, she immediately announced that school was over.

Give these students time to prepare.

"Xiaochen, you and Yuhao go to the office, I have something to talk to you two."

After Zhou Yi said this, he turned around and left the classroom, leaving only the four of Yechen who were puzzled.

"Both of you go to the cafeteria first, don't wait any longer, we'll meet you if it's quick."

Yechen knew that Zhou Yi must have something important to keep him and Huo Yuhao behind, otherwise he wouldn't have waited for everyone to leave before talking about it.

Wang Dong looked a bit reluctant, but he still nodded and walked towards the cafeteria with Xiao Xiao.

Ye Chen and Huo Yuhao followed Zhou Yi to her office.

But as soon as he opened the door, he was a little dazed.

There were three people inside, besides Zhou Yi and Fan Yu, there was also a fat middle-aged man.

This man looked like he was only in his 40s, but he gave off an incomparably heavy aura.

But coupled with his smiling face, there is no trace of pressure and fear.

After Huo Yuhao saw this person, he felt a little doubtful, but Yechen was surprised.

Because he obviously knew this guy.

"Dad, why are you here?"

That's right, this seemingly "greasy" middle-aged man is exactly his father Qian Duoduo!

Ye Chen didn't know what to say anymore, when he went home yesterday, the other party didn't say that he would come to find him, why did he suddenly appear here?

 Don't get me wrong, the sentence in the title is not meant for you. Of course, even if you think so, I will never admit it...

  Also, I don’t think I can finish one chapter in the rest of today’s time. I’ll try my best. If I finish it, I’ll post it. If I can’t finish it, I’ll save it and post it tomorrow...



(End of this chapter)

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