The yin and yang judgment of Douluo Continent

Chapter 65 The Thunder Through Heaven and Earth

Chapter 65 The Thunder Through Heaven and Earth

Yechen looked at the scene in front of him and was terrified.

As far as the eye can see, the first thing that catches the eye is a huge snow-white phalanx.

That is not the color of ice and snow, but a scene formed by countless titan snow demons arranged in an orderly manner.

Also standing at the front of the phalanx was a titan Snow Demon that was much larger than all the clansmen behind him.

That mountain-like figure, if it wasn't for Yechen standing on the ice and snow mountain range, it would probably completely block his sight, and he would no longer be able to detect the slightest thing in front of him.

This is not what shocked him the most.

In the sky far away, when all the dark clouds gathered at the center, it completely turned into a huge vortex, but the center of the vortex was crazily brewing energy like a huge thunder eye because of the thunder and lightning aura that was emitted all the time.

It is waiting, waiting for the energy to brew to its peak and pour out in an instant.

As for the location directly below the "Eye of Thunder", even though Ye Chen had far superior eyesight, he still couldn't see clearly because the location was too far away.

In addition to a messy scene, he could only see a deep pit at that location.

Far away from there, a transparent turquoise crystal reflected the light from the lightning in the sky, half surrounding the deep pit.

It seems that they are facing off against the group led by Titan Snow Demon King!

"Is this the catastrophe of the soul beast?"

Yechen stood tremblingly on the top of the ice and snow mountain, and said to himself in shock.

Even at such a long distance, he can still feel the destructive energy accumulated in the center of the clouds!

In the history of Douluo Continent, I don't know if there are any soul masters who have seen soul beasts cross the catastrophe, but among the people who are still alive, Yechen should be the only one.

In his previous life, he always saw the words "Heavenly Tribulation" in various novels, but he never expected such a terrifying scene.

This is still in the case of Douluo Continent's weak heaven, otherwise, what kind of terrifying situation may arise!

"It should be the Ice Emperor. Apart from her, there is no soul beast that meets the age limit."

Although Yechen couldn't see the specific scene in the distance clearly, he could more or less judge some problems through the emerald green.

It seems that in the extreme north, except for the ice jade scorpion, there is no azure green group that can produce such a strong person.

You know, every time you cross the catastrophe, at least one soul beast with a cultivation level of 10 years must appear!

And judging from the messy scene at the scene and the thunder and lightning breath that Yechen felt just now, there is definitely more than one catastrophe!

Otherwise, no matter whether the respondent succeeds or fails to cross the tribulation, the catastrophe must have dissipated, and it is not that the energy is still crazily condensed.

In other words, the soul beast that should be robbed definitely has a cultivation base far exceeding 10 years.

Thinking of this, Yechen was able to figure out some things.

If the person who should be robbed is really the Ice Emperor, it is probably because of the arrival of Yechen, the way of heaven has begun to change, which led to the early arrival of the fourth catastrophe of the Ice Emperor.

"It seems that my little butterfly flapped its wings, but I actually harmed the Ice Empress."

Ye Chen said with some embarrassment, but it seemed that this was the most reasonable explanation for the matter.

"It is also possible that other unknown soul beasts have appeared. After all, humans know very little about the situation in the extreme north, or it is also possible that a brand new soul beast has appeared."

The current situation has not been discussed and investigated clearly, and everything is full of uncertainties.

He is now faced with two choices. One is to withdraw from the Far North immediately to be on the safe side. The current situation is really not suitable for this muddy water.

The second option is to continue to wait and see, waiting for the time to come.

In any case, the cultivation of this tribulation-crossing soul beast has definitely exceeded 10 years. When you see it in normal times, of course you can hide if you can. It is absolutely impossible to defeat it.

But also because of the special circumstances, it seems that the Titan Snow Demon King must have judged through some method that the other party could not succeed in crossing the tribulation, so he led his entire group here, hoping to take advantage of the other party's failure.

Of course, this is also a situation full of uncertainty. No matter which side wins, it will be a devastating blow to the other camp.

And don't look at the fact that there are no soul beasts to take care of Ye Chen, but once there is any winner, if he doesn't like him, he can be wiped out in an instant!

"Forget it, wealth and wealth are sought in danger, if you are so timid and timid in everything, then the opportunity will never fall on your own head!"

Yechen was cruel and didn't leave.

If you don't succeed, you will become benevolent!

If he can create a situation where both sides suffer, then he will reap countless benefits for nothing!

For a soul beast of the level of the Titan Snow Demon King, its intelligence is no different from that of ordinary humans.

Not only Yechen, it is currently holding a wait-and-see attitude, and it is still far away from the real center of the catastrophe.

While avoiding being affected by the catastrophe, if the other party really succeeds in overcoming the catastrophe and retreats in time, even if the other party settles the score afterwards, at least they can preserve their own ethnic group.

This is exactly where Yechen misjudged. He thought that the two sides would definitely encounter each other, but in fact it was not.


In the deepest part of the crater just below the "Eye of Thunder" in the sky, there is a figure shaped like a green gem.

Because the whole body is covered by a layer of emerald green light, it looks a little faintly visible, and it can barely be seen that it is a huge scorpion-like soul beast.

At least half of the dense hexagonal scales covering the soul beast's body were broken, and cracks appeared in the rest.

The aura on its body was extremely unstable, and the exposed wound seemed to be burnt by the force of lightning, without any trace of blood flowing out.

Suddenly, it seemed to feel something, and the two hexagonal yellow eyes looked at the sky.

"Is it coming?" A voice came out of its silver-white mouthparts.

It turned out to be a woman's voice!

At the same time, Yechen, who was far away on the ice and snow mountain, felt the lightning element in the air disappear instantly.

The surrounding space was frozen instantly, as if there was a pair of invisible big hands, oppressing him so hard that he couldn't breathe.

And that "Eye of Thunder" also had a brief stillness, and the atmosphere was extremely depressing, just like the calm before the storm...

The next moment, a world-destroying thunderbolt poured out of the vortex, and instantly bombarded the position of the god pit.

At that moment, Ye Chen didn't even have time to be shocked, and was rolled out by the powerful shock wave.

The last image in his eyes was fixed on the thunder that pierced through the sky...

 Something happened to my family recently. During this time, I can only write at night. The update may be later, but it will definitely be updated. I will write as much as I can. I really don’t lie to everyone. I hope you can understand.



(End of this chapter)

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