Chapter 59 The Endless Sea

"Is this heaven?"

This was the first thought that came to Yechen's mind after he leisurely opened his eyes.

He found himself in a dream world.

There is a blue sun hanging in the sky, the land under the feet is a very strange dark blue, surrounded by blue bushes, and there is a light blue stream not far away, showing a completely still state .

Along the endless blue bushes, Yechen saw a scene that he will never forget.

At the end of the stream, there was a huge and tall mountain, and at the foot of the mountain stood a strange tree, which was exactly the same as his Wuhun Fusang sacred tree.

"Sacred Hibiscus Tree?!"

Yechen made an extremely shocked sound, but later found that the sound hadn't been transmitted, but stuck in his throat.

And his body couldn't move the slightest bit.

He immediately thought of the sacred hibiscus tree he met in the Star Dou Forest.

"Could it be that I'm in the sea of ​​spirits now? But it's impossible, when did my sea of ​​spirits become like this, or was it caused by this mutation?"

After seeing the sacred hibiscus tree, Yechen knew that he was not dead, but the current situation was a bit weird, which made him a little confused.

Because the current feeling is very real, he clearly remembers that the sacred tree entered his body at that time.

One hibiscus tree is enough to shock him, there will never be another one in this world.

In other words, now he should have entered a certain place in his body with ideology.

But he wasn't sure exactly where.

What made Yechen even more strange was that despite being so far away, he could still see the details on the sacred tree clearly.

Different from what he saw in the Star Dou Great Forest last time, there was an extra sun-shaped fruit on the sacred tree, which was almost exactly the same as the one he took away from Jubao Pavilion.

And next to the fruit, there are two traces of fruit handles. It seems that there must have been fruits there before, but they were picked away.

"It seems that the fruit really came from the sacred tree of Fusang, but I clearly remember that the sacred tree of Fusang will not bear fruit. What's going on?"

It's not that he can't accept this matter, after all, no one has seen what the Fusang sacred tree looks like.

Those memories of the previous life are nothing but myths and legends.

"And it seems that there were two fruits before, one was transferred to Jubao Pavilion for some unknown reason, one is still on the tree, what about the other one?"

But before Yechen had time to think about it, he suddenly felt the world spinning.

Opening his eyes again, the scene was already in the room of the Sea God Pavilion, and there was a row of very anxious old Su standing in front of him...


An hour later, Yechen left the Sea God Pavilion in a state of embarrassment and walked on the way to the outer courtyard.

Even so far, he still has some palpitations.

Not only because of the pain he had endured before, but more importantly, the caring eyes of the group of elders.

Although someone cared about him, he still felt warm in his heart, but for any person, being tossed around by a group of uncles, aunts, grandparents, and observed like a guinea pig would probably produce such emotions.

At the request of his mother Xian Lin'er, Ye Chen was observed countless times, and after confirming that he was really fine, he was allowed to return to the outer courtyard to attend classes.

Before leaving, General Mu told Yechen what they saw, and asked him the reason for this situation.

Of course Yechen didn't know what to ask.

It's not that he doesn't want to answer, the key is that he hasn't figured out the situation now, even if he speaks out, everyone is just wondering.

What's more, they haven't seen such a thing, so they might as well explore it slowly in the future.

It's not all fruitless now, according to what Elder Mu said, Ye Chen realized that what he just entered into his consciousness was the world in his pupils.

Although I don't know what's going on, at least I can guess that it shouldn't be a bad thing.


On the northwestern border of the mainland, there is a small fishing village by the sea near the extreme north.

Because it is relatively close to the extreme north, the temperature is extremely low and storms often erupt, so there are very few people in the village.

Most of the former villagers have moved inland, and there is only one old man left, who barely makes ends meet by occasionally going offshore to fish.

On this day, he was the same as usual. He still went out to sea in a simple boat and cast out the fishing net.

The old man looked like he was dying, his face was eroded by the years, and his broad back was no longer straight.

However, if someone is here, they may feel that his breath is very thick and steady, and his movements of casting the net are still so vigorous.

But after careful inspection, he couldn't feel the slightest fluctuation of soul power, as if he was an ordinary lonely old man.

Relying on the savings of the past few years, the old man bought a brand new fishing net, and he was full of energy.

Soon it was time to collect the net, and to his surprise, he pulled the net up with his bare hands without the help of any tools.

However, when he saw what he had fished out, the old man frowned.

In addition to some common sea fish, there is also an extremely ugly creature in the fishing net.

Not even sure if it's a "creature".

Fist-sized pustules bulged on its pitch-black body, and its limbs were almost bitten off by something, exuding a corrosive stench.

And even though only the upper body and half of the head were left, it was still squirming ferociously.

That scene was extremely weird. If someone saw this scene, they would definitely feel a chill and couldn't help the urge to vomit.

The old man seemed to have seen such a scene many times. Although he frowned, he didn't show much surprise.

With a fluttering palm in the air, the weird "creature" was smashed to pieces.

And the body fragments of that "creature" immediately turned into a cloud of cold energy and flew towards the boundless sea in the distance.

And this sea area always exudes a strange atmosphere.

"It seems that the sky is about to change..."

The old man raised his head and sighed softly.

The weather at sea was changing rapidly. Before, it was sunny and sunny, but in an instant, it was overcast and cloudy, turning into darkness.

The storm was coming, the old man packed his things and prepared to return.

No one heard what he said earlier, let alone the deep meaning contained in it...


(End of this chapter)

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