Chapter 30

Facing the red figure flying towards him quickly, Yechen sighed secretly, and immediately released his Fusang Sacred Tree Martial Soul.

To him, this red figure was very familiar, it was Ma Xiaotao who had entered the inner courtyard five years later.

For the past five years, Ma Xiaotao's evil fire would erupt every once in a while.

At the beginning, Yan Shaozhe found Xu Sanshi and relied on the ability of the Xuanming Water to help her suppress it, but the effect was not very satisfactory.

Since Yechen's soul power level reached level [-] and he had the second soul ring, this hard work was handed over to him.

Although the Hibiscus Sacred Tree has the ability to purify all evil thoughts in the world, with his current strength, it is far from being able to exert that effect, so it can only be temporarily suppressed.

If you want to completely purify the evil fire, you have to wait until Yechen is at least level [-].

Almost in an instant, Ma Xiaotao came to a position not far from Yechen.

Her eyes were a strange dark red, and she was full of madness, and she had completely lost her mind.

"It shouldn't be. It should be some time before Miss Xiaotao's evil fire erupts. Why is it earlier?"

Before he had time to think about it, Yechen backed away quickly, but the distance between the two was still shrinking.

Now he could only stand in front of the other party. It was already early in the morning, and there were many students in the outer courtyard who were training. If Ma Xiaotao rushed over, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Although Yechen was able to suppress all fire attributes because of the Fusang Sacred Tree's martial soul, the difference in soul power between the two parties was too great, and he alone couldn't stop Ma Xiaotao.

When the evil fire broke out before, Yan Shaozhe could only do it with the help of Yan Shaozhe, but in this situation, besides using the second martial soul, he really can't think of any other way.

But his second martial soul has a use condition that makes Yechen feel very sad.

"Why is Huo Yuhao not by my side now at this time!" Under the extremely critical situation, Yechen couldn't help but miss Huo Yuhao.

If he was here, he could still rely on Tianmeng Iceworm's "Tianmeng One Finger" to save the situation, so he wouldn't be helpless.

But helpless, he can only rely on himself.

He knew that Ma Xiaotao was in such a situation, and the Sea God Pavilion must have noticed, so he just had to hold on for a while, waiting for their arrival.

Yechen applied the weakening effect of his first soul ability to Ma Xiaotao, but the opponent's body only paused slightly, and his speed hardly changed.

On top of Tanggu, there is Fusang's biggest restriction, that is, the soul power of the target cannot be too different from that of Yechen, otherwise the effect will be minimal.

But he didn't expect to be able to stop the opponent with a single soul ability, and he simply didn't use the second soul ability because the ghost fire produced was too weak.

If he could have the strength of his divine fire forging body, maybe he could completely expel the evil fire in Ma Xiaotao's body.

"By the way, Divine Fire Body Forging!"

In an instant, a flash of inspiration flashed in Yechen's mind, and he thought of a way to completely eliminate the evil fire.

But right now, Ma Xiaotao must be controlled first, in Yechen's calculations, it seems that there is only one way to go.

"Forget it, go all out!"

Seeing that they were about to collide, Yechen frantically mobilized the soul power in Xin Yiheng before receiving any support.

The martial soul didn't go out, but his soul power was being consumed rapidly, and at the same time, an extremely cold breath condensed in Yechen's right hand.

What's amazing is that the surrounding air is still so hot, and the extreme cold breath didn't spread to the surroundings at all, it only remained on Yechen's palm, exuding a gloomy luster.

Almost instantly, Yechen placed his palm on Ma Xiaotao's lower abdomen, and the extreme cold was transmitted through his palm.

At the same time, Ma Xiaotao bumped into Yechen's body. The huge inertia caused the two of them to roll for tens of meters before they stopped moving.

Both of them had fallen into a coma, but fortunately Ma Xiaotao's aura had been suppressed by the extreme ice attribute soul power.

And Yechen was in a tragedy, he didn't even have any soul power left.

This is the condition for using the second martial soul, and it is also the reason why Ye Chen doesn't want to use it.

A seemingly ordinary palm, but it consumed all his soul power

Some experiments have also been done on these big occasions. Unlike the Fusang Sacred Tree, the Taiyin Youying Martial Soul was in a complete state from the beginning.

Even without any spirit ring attached, but from the perspective of destructive power, it is even far higher than his main spirit.

I don't know what will happen in the future, but until now, every time he uses it, he will take away all his soul power, which is the only bad point.

Under that kind of terrifying consumption, the effect is of course obvious.

As for why he passed out, it was simply because he was too weak, and he was ruthlessly knocked into the air for tens of meters. If he was replaced by a soul master of the same level with average physical fitness, even if he didn't get knocked to death, his bones would probably be broken. .

When Yechen woke up faintly, he found himself lying on the bed in his own room on Sea God Island.

There was no one in the room, Ye Chen guessed that he was sent back by Yan Shaozhe.

He tried to sit up straight, but found that the muscles all over his body were sore, as if they had been injected with lead.

"I'm messing with someone, life is too difficult." The sadness in Ye Chen's heart can no longer be described in words.

In less than two days, too many things happened that caught him off guard.

He ran into Wang Dong taking a bath, was challenged by two people, and was frightened to death by Wang Dong in the middle of the night. The last memory was actually frozen in being knocked flying by Ma Xiaotao.

If he remembered correctly, at least he rolled tens of meters away on the ground, and his handsome face made close contact with the ground countless times.

Is this a life, obviously all I play is heartbeat!

Sitting up straight with difficulty, he entered a state of meditation.

At this time, he didn't have any soul power in his body, but fortunately he could recover through meditation, otherwise it would be a tragedy.

After recovering a little soul power, you can use the first soul skill to relieve the pain in your body.

In the outer courtyard, in the classroom of Class One, Grade One.

Zhou Yi explained some basic knowledge on stage, and the students listened carefully, no different from usual.

Only the place belonging to Yechen is empty, still waiting for its owner.

At the side, Wang Dong stared out of the window in a daze, wondering what he was thinking about.

Looking at the empty place next to her, she felt a little uncomfortable for no reason, her brain was out of control, and she kept thinking about why Yechen didn't come to class.

When Ye Chen was around, she wished she could peel off the other party's skin, but when Ye Chen was gone, she felt a tinge of concern.

"Wang Dong! What's so beautiful outside?"

"Come and answer the question I just asked."

As Zhou Yi's voice fell, Wang Dong subconsciously stood up, only to see that everyone in the class was looking at him and giggling. He didn't have the slightest impression of what Zhou Yi said just now.

 I'm sorry everyone, I was dragged by my mother to my grandmother's house for dinner in the afternoon. I just came back. This chapter was written before. I will hurry up and write the remaining two chapters in the evening. I will try my best to hurry. chapter.

  Finally, thank you for your support!



(End of this chapter)

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