Chapter 16

In fact, it is because the mandala snake's cultivation base is not high, only 2000 years of cultivation base, if it is replaced by 3000 years, it may not be so easy for Ye Chen to solve it.

In the past five years, he practiced skills with Mu Lao during the day and spent his nights meditating.

Almost all the time is spent on cultivation, isn't it just to show off one day.

Feeling the power of his second soul skill, Yechen smiled in satisfaction.

Although the mandala snake's weakness is not in the tail, but half of the tail is missing, as if it has lost half of its life.

Even at the break of the tail, some internal organs are faintly exposed.

Yechen knows the truth of taking advantage of your illness to kill you, and the second soul skill is powerful, but its time is limited.

His current soul power, the attachment effect of the holy light and the dark flame, can only last for a short five seconds.

So in order to resolve the battle as soon as possible, Yechen lightly tapped on the spot, and vigorously made a 360-degree roll over the mandala snake.

When it fell back to the ground, a huge gully had appeared on the back of the Datura snake. The white bones were exposed, and the clearly visible heart was still beating slowly, bringing up a foul-smelling heat.

At this time, the mandala snake was full of ferociousness, and it no longer had a trace of strength.

Yechen didn't kill him directly, but planned to keep it for Tang Ya to choose by himself.

His second soul ability itself is actually the kind of holy light and dark flames that can destroy everything, but he deliberately attached it to his palm for the sake of being handsome.

So far only this function has been discovered, but he knows that his second soul ability is not so simple

As if sensing the plight of another mandala snake, the one Beibei was facing let out a shrill scream. Even though Beibei's attack landed on her body, she recklessly launched an impact.

It seems that these two should be companions, or spouses.

The 2000-year-old mandala snake was obviously a male. Hearing the scream of the female mandala snake, he wanted to come to rescue him, but he stayed here first.

Yechen looked at this scene, feeling a little unexplainable in his heart.

Is this really the right thing to do?

Yechen couldn't help but ask himself in his heart.

The relationship between human soul masters and soul beasts seems to have always been the relationship between killing and being killed. Even if Huo Yuhao later founded the Spirit Transferring Pagoda with his own hands, it did not restore the result that the soul beasts were on the verge of extinction.

He also wants to find a way to perfectly resolve the relationship between the two, preferably to achieve a balanced state.

While Yechen was thinking, Beibei also resolved the battle.

Because the mandala snake fell into a berserk state at the last moment, recklessly trying to kill the human who blocked him, so Beibei also suffered some minor injuries.

But it didn't hurt the muscles and bones, and it was harmless.

"I said niece and daughter-in-law, you can choose one and see which one you absorb." Yechen walked to Tang Ya who was watching the whole show, and said in a low spirit.

Seeing her treatment, the problem was solved without any action, and the two mandala snakes with different ages could be chosen at will.

"Thank you Xiaochen."

Tang Ya recovered from the state of shock, and thanked with some embarrassment.

The double eyelids with long eyelashes blinked, as if trying to see through Yechen's body structure.

Is this still a human being? The first and second martial spirits are not to mention thousands of years old, and their strength is so abnormal!

Of course, she has automatically ignored Yechen calling her "niece and daughter-in-law".

This is no longer once or twice. Although there was some resistance at the beginning, after all, Yechen's seniority is there.

Tang Ya didn't know the ratio of Yechen's soul rings, that's why she showed such a shocked expression.

And Beibei obviously knew about it a long time ago, and she is no longer surprised by it.

Tang Ya weighed it, and finally chose the earliest thousand-year-old mandala snake.

It's not that she doesn't want to absorb the year 2000, no one doesn't want to become stronger.

But people have self-knowledge.

Tang Ya knew her situation, and there was only one consequence of forcibly absorbing it, that is, under the control of the mandala snake's resentment, she couldn't bear the soul power of 2000 years, and thus exploded to death.

This soul beast died so miserably, who knows how powerful resentment he will have

Tang Ya sat cross-legged on the ground and began to absorb the soul ring of the thousand-year-old Mandala Snake, while Beibei stood by to protect her.

The previous blue robe was obviously unwearable, it was covered with stinky blood, so Beibei had to take out a new one from the ring, and changed it out behind the tree.

Yechen leaned against a huge tree and became dazed.

In the past few years, he has also summed up a lot of things. The second martial soul, Taiyin Youying, is still a mystery, but the main martial soul, Fusang Sacred Tree, he already has a little understanding of.

For example, this second soul ability, like the first soul ability, is not obtained from the soul beast that was hunted.

It seems that they are all the skills that come with the Fusang Shenshu Wuhun. As long as the age is suitable, no matter what attribute the spirit beast brings to him, it will be a fixed spirit skill.

In addition, he also confirmed that the flame that appeared when the first soul ring was fused should be the fire of Nirvana among the ten original fires of the Great Desolation.

Because of the same situation, it also appeared when Yechen fused the second soul ring.

Different from the first time, what appeared this time was the flame that seemed to come from hell when he used the second soul ability.

Based on Yechen's knowledge, this is clearly the ghost fire among the ten original fires!

Confirming this point also confirmed his previous belief that the first flame was the fire of Nirvana.

Although he was more puzzled in his heart, Ye Chen summed up a pattern.

With every improvement in his realm, the Fusang Sacred Tree will evolve once, and a three-legged Golden Crow will be added at the same time.

Every three-legged Golden Crow has mastered one of the ten primordial fires, and exercised him once. After each exercise, his physical strength will be sublimated once.

This kind of forging body is classified by Ye Chen as the divine fire forging body.

He did know that there were ten three-legged golden crows perched on the Fusang sacred tree.

In this way, is it true that when the Fusang sacred tree grows into its final form and undergoes the tenth divine fire training, is the time when he achieves the god position?

And can also have ten kinds of original fire?

Although it does not match Yechen's memory, it seems that there is only one explanation at present.

The current two original fires are far from reaching the level of burning the sky and destroying the earth in the legend.

At present, with Yechen's first soul ability boosting effect, with his soul power level of 29, the second soul ability can display the peak strength of the third ring.

That is to say, the mandala snake's cultivation level is not high, and it is too careless.

Even if it is slightly prepared, it will not be killed by Yechen directly.

If he couldn't figure it out, he might as well put it aside, anyway, as his cultivation level improved, these things would eventually surface.

Yechen sat cross-legged and entered into meditation.

Even if a soul master is meditating, he still has perception of the outside world and can respond to some sudden dangers.

But too many things happened today, Yechen forgot a very important thing.

Today is the last day of the two-month cycle!

Whenever this day comes, as long as he enters meditation or sleep, he will feel the tearing pain in his eyes, and at the same time, his body will become uncontrollable

When the first ray of sunlight in the dawn shines on Yechen's face through the dense branches and leaves in the forest, the pain of the night is finally over.

Yechen opened his eyes, feeling a little scared.

Why did he forget about this one? Fortunately, he did not encounter any danger, otherwise his body would be completely out of control, wouldn't it be the same as fish on a sticky board, let the beast slaughter it!

After one night, Ye Chen only felt that his mind was much clearer again, and wherever he could see, even some subtleties that he couldn't notice before became clearly visible.

He can't see his own eyes now. If he could, he would be surprised to find that the original pale pink left eye has become a lot darker and turned into a crystal clear peach pink.

Although the right eye is still pure sky blue, it is much deeper than before

(End of this chapter)

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