Chapter 98 Departure

Sitting in the waiting hall of the airport, Ling Xiao flipped through the playing cards in his hand boredly, thinking of Beckett, he couldn't help but smile slightly.

After talking about things last night, Ling Xiao gave Beckett, who has been very busy recently, a massage, which relaxed her tense muscles and nerves.While Beckett was asleep, Ling Xiao made a good dinner.

When Beckett woke up, Ling Xiao had already prepared a sumptuous dinner at the dining table, and Beckett couldn't help but feast on it, and even asked Ling Xiao to take out the red wine and drink a few glasses.

Perhaps it was because he was really relaxed on Ling Xiao's side. After just a few drinks, Beckett fell asleep lying on the sofa after dinner while Ling Xiao was washing the dishes.

Of course, it was just falling asleep. Ling Xiao just covered her with a blanket, and then went straight up to the third floor to practice.

Because of the spiritual seeds implanted in Takahashi Keiko's mind, Ling Xiao's own mental power has lost a lot, so he must hurry up and get used to replenishing it, otherwise it may affect his future practice.

When Ling Xiao packed up and set off from home, Beckett was still sleeping soundly on the sofa, and Ling Xiao didn't bother him, but left a key on the coffee table beside him and left directly.

Ling Xiao randomly drew three cards from the playing cards, and threw them casually on a chair beside him. He turned them over and saw that there were three cards of K, J, and 9, which were very common face-ups, and this is also the most common card in playing cards. The card is not bad, but it is not good either, it can only be said to be average.

This also means that Ling Xiao's trip to New York by plane will be an ordinary trip, and he will not encounter any affair, nor will he encounter any terrorist hijacking, just a normal flight.

In the previous move, Ling Xiao had already used divination techniques. For a Taoist monk, he had to dabble in divination and astrology.Ling Xiao started from medical skills, and involved two aspects of divination and astrology. He still has no idea about astrology. The orbits of stars in this world are quite different from those recorded in previous lives, and he still needs to study them carefully.

Although Ling Xiao was involved in the two ways of divination and phase, he didn't plan to study it in depth.Qi practitioners who have always been proficient in divination and phase have never had a good end. Most of them leaked the secrets too much, ruined their own fortune, and died due to the backlash of the sky, with a miserable end.

Ling Xiao didn't want to let himself fall to that point, he just needed to be able to use the two methods of divination and phase to calculate his short-term fortune a little bit.

For example, this time when flying by plane, although this is not the first time for Ling Xiao to travel by plane, every time he is very careful, he will do some divination before confirming boarding.

But it's a pity that after so many visits, Ling Xiao has never encountered a serious crime, but has encountered a small affair once or twice.

The reason for calculating good and bad is because for ordinary people, the risk factor of traveling by air is too high.It is said that flying is safer than taking a car, but if you think about it carefully, if you travel by car, unless you encounter a car accident directly, it is at best that the car breaks down halfway.But flying is different. Airplanes fly high in the sky. Once there is a problem, even if it is only a small problem, it may cause the plane to crash from high altitude.

Even if there is a car accident on the ground, Ling Xiao is sure to escape safely, but above the sky, at a height of nearly [-] meters, if any accident happens, even if Ling Xiao has a good cultivation, it may be difficult to survive.

The reason why he is so cautious is that Qin Ming once told him that if he really wanted to plan to kill a person and let him die in a flying accident, it would be the most difficult murder to be detected.Although Ling Xiao has a good relationship with Qin Ming, when he heard him say that, he couldn't help but feel chills all over his body.

Since then, every time before Ling Xiao takes a flight by plane, he has to do a fortune-telling calculation for himself, and he will only board the plane if he is confirmed to be safe and sound.This was caused by the shadow that Qin Ming's words left on him.

"Hey, Ling, have you arrived early?" Holly Robinson's voice suddenly sounded behind Ling Xiao.

"It's been a while." Ling Xiao said calmly, he had already noticed Robinson's arrival, so she didn't want to scare him at all.

"It's really boring." Holly Robinson handed Ling Xiao a ticket from behind, and said in a deep voice, "Here, this is yours."

"Thank you." After Ling Xiao thanked him, he took the ticket, glanced at it, and immediately frowned and said, "Why is it economy class, what's your business, hey, first class?"

"I'm sorry, there's no way, I can't be seen sitting with you, or there will be trouble in New York." Robinson showed no apology on her face, she shrugged slightly, and said, "You won't be willing to let I'm going to go economy class!"

"Wait." Ling Xiao frowned and stretched out his hand, looked at Robinson with a puzzled face and asked: "Holly, what do you mean you can't be seen with me, what trouble will there be, this matter You have to make it clear to me in advance, otherwise I will turn around and go back."

"Okay, let's talk as we walk, this is not the place to talk." Holly pulled Ling Xiao out of the waiting hall, entered a coffee shop inside the airport, and ordered a cup of coffee for each of them. Xiao explained: "My master was framed because of a case, and was arrested and prosecuted by the New York police. This time I called you here because I hope you can help me find a key piece of evidence that can help my master reverse the case."

After a slight pause, Holly Robinson continued: "The person who framed my master is very powerful, especially in New York. It can be said that as long as you are seen walking with me, someone will immediately treat you So this time when we arrived in New York, we had to separate from the moment we got off the plane. It’s best not to be seen while flying. I can be sure that there is no one behind me now. I was followed by people, but once I got on the plane, who knew if there was anyone waiting for me on board."

"Then what should I do when I arrive in New York, can I just find a hotel to stay in?" Ling Xiao frowned and looked at Holly Robinson, this time the trouble was beyond Ling Xiao's expectation.

The reason why he agreed to Holly Robinson to take this trip was mainly because he realized that he was alone and alone, and many things would be greatly restricted by himself, and Holly Robinson felt very good to him. Something is different, her background is much deeper than Ling Xiao imagined.

Especially when it came to her, how could a person who could offend a powerful person in New York, be safe, not be killed secretly, and could only go through the normal procedure to prosecute, be an ordinary person.

This was noticed when Ling Xiao discovered that Holly Robinson was deliberately eyeing Scott West.As a black market diamond dealer with some background, Scott West has never been a simple character, let alone his identity as a mutant.

Holly Robinson has been staring at Scott West from the very beginning, which can be seen from the fact that she handed over the valuable gems she had acquired to Ling Xiao as a price to move him Come to this point.

Another thing is that Holly Robinson confirmed the time of the trip, which happened to be shortly after Scott West was strictly prohibited from leaving California by the California police. This time point is very interesting.

As for Holly Robinson's words of threatening Ling Xiao, he didn't take it very seriously. If Ling Xiao wanted to, he could capture Robinson directly, and then search all the relevant information he wanted from her mind , and then remove all the troubles one by one.

If it wasn't for Ling Xiao who was also interested in Holly Robinson's trip, maybe he would have already done it.

(End of this chapter)

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