Chapter 93

Taking a deep breath, Ling Xiao swung the long sword upwards violently. At the same time, an armor-piercing bullet also struck directly from the night, hitting the long sword protected by true energy with a "ding" above.

I saw this long sword bent sharply, and a fierce sword energy shot out from the sword body, and hit the only street light in the whole back alley, and the whole alley instantly became dark down.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Linmao, who was hiding on the roof of the small building in the distance, immediately changed his face. Without his sight, his sniper rifle was useless, like a waste.

Xiao Linmao's reaction was quick, he immediately dropped this extremely rare sniper rifle, and dodged, hiding somewhere.

I have to admit that Xiao Linmao is very smart. Less than half a minute after he disappeared, Ling Xiao had already appeared on the roof of the small building, holding a long sword and looking around the entire roof. He wanted to see who it was, So interested in him.

Letting go of the whole body induction, Ling Xiao searched inch by inch on the roof. He couldn't let go of this brilliant sniper who would attack him at any time. He didn't want to live in fear all the time.

Ling Xiao frowned and walked to the top of the wall where the sniper rifle was placed, pondered for a moment, and the next moment the long sword in his hand suddenly slashed down towards the middle of the sniper rifle.

There is a clear light on the blade of the sword. Although it is thin, it is absolutely fierce. Although the material of this special sniper rifle is special, if it is hit by a sword, it will definitely be broken in two.

However, just when Ling Xiao's long sword was about to stand up to the sound of a rifle gun, the fierce sword light suddenly turned, and it passed by the gun body gently like a water wave, and sliced ​​towards the wall, only Hearing a light "ding", the swords clashed, and then, a white figure rolled up from under the roof, stabbing Ling Xiao's heart fiercely with a short knife.

There was no sound of wind on the short knife, and there was even a little green light shining on the blade, which reached Ling Xiao's chest almost in the blink of an eye.

However, only a soft sound was heard, and this long-planned assassination was actually blocked by the long sword that was withdrawn at some point.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time." With a sneer, Ling Xiao suddenly patted forward with his left hand, seemingly lightly, but in the blink of an eye, he had already patted Xiao Linmao's right shoulder.If he hadn't dodged a little faster, I'm afraid the palm would have landed on his chest.

Even so, Xiao Linmao's right shoulder felt a burning pain, as if countless thin needles were pricking in it. His long sword also fell to the ground.

At this moment, a sword light flashed in front of Xiao Linmao's eyes, and the next moment, his consciousness sank into the bottomless abyss of darkness.

"Huh!" Looking at the ninja in white who was lying dead and injured, Ling Xiao had seen this move on Yashita Jiro a long time ago, and it was a joke to want to work on him.

Picking up the sniper rifle placed on the small building, cleaning up the traces left by him a little bit, dragging the body to a corner to hide, Ling Xiao left here.

Returning to the back alley of the small building, Ling Xiao couldn't help but frowned slightly, what a mess, so many people died all at once, it would be troublesome to clean it up.

Ling Xiao walked through the corpses on the ground, walked to the back door, patted the wall on the right with his right hand, and gently shook the lock inside with a gentle force.

Unless someone who understands the gates of this organ, it is impossible to open it from the outside without any trace.

The back door opened quietly in front of him like this. Ling Xiao stepped into the small building, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Who is it that sent people to kill him so deliberately, and the method is So cool.

Could it be Yazhixuan's manpower, it shouldn't be, if it is Yazhixuan's handwriting, there is no reason for Yashida Ichiro not to send him news!

Could it be that the hands and feet I did on Yashida Ichiro were discovered? Are you saying that the plan is fake?

Ling Xiao pondered slightly, but he still took out his mobile phone and sent Qin Ming an email, telling him to be careful of the Japanese sneak attack, but did not inform him of the specific intelligence details. On the one hand, Ling Xiao was worried that the information was wrong, and on the other hand, he There is also no way to explain the source of the information.

Speaking of the attack this time, Ling Xiao had already used his last hole card. If it wasn't for the gods and demons who blocked the fatal blow, Ling Xiao might have been killed.It's a pity, if he was willing to stay with the white ninja for a while longer, maybe he could get information from him.

If the person who attacked him was not someone from the Nissin Society, who would it be?

Leaning against the door, Ling Xiao thought about it for a long time but there was no result. He shook his head and was about to walk upstairs. Only by putting the list of gods and demons back into the magic circle can he be completely at ease.

Ling Xiao was still thinking about who was staring at him, but as soon as he took a step, a sharp sword light shot into his heart, without giving him any time to react, Ling Xiao felt a pain .

In an instant, an inexplicable anger surged into Ling Xiao's mind, and there was no end to it, did he really think he was a soft persimmon?

In an instant, Ling Xiao's whole body turned green, his muscles stretched, and his whole body suddenly became bigger.

I don't know when the woman in black appeared in front of Ling Xiao. She looked at the monster that suddenly appeared in front of her in surprise. The long knife in her hand pierced Ling Xiao's chest less than two centimeters before it couldn't go in again. , and even pushed forward a little bit.

A warning sounded in her heart, and the man in black resolutely withdrew and stepped back. Almost instantly, a clear laser beam passed in front of her, almost ripping her open.Turning around, the man in black disappeared into the darkness, completely gone.

At this time, Ling Xiao was shocked. At that moment just now, he really thought he was going to die, and the sword had already pierced his chest. If it wasn't for the critical moment, the Gods and Demons List would have killed the Hulk Bruce Ban Na's ability is activated directly, I am afraid that he is already a dead body now.

Clenching his fist vigorously, Ling Xiao finally calmed down after a long time.Letting go of his hand, Bruce Banner's strength receded like a tide, and Ling Xiao's body returned to normal.

With a sneer, Ling Xiao pinched the magic weapon in his hand. After three or five breaths, a layer of mist rose in the darkness, and then slowly filled the entire small building. lights up.

In the mist, the visibility was less than half a foot. Suddenly, a sword light fiercely attacked the blue wall beside the medicine cabinet.

Almost at the same time as the sword light flashed, the seemingly ordinary wall began to undulate like the water surface. The next moment, a figure wrapped in blue clothes appeared in front of the wall. The man in black from Ling Xiao.

Seeing that Ling Xiao had seen through his invisibility technique, the man in black was startled, and subconsciously greeted the oncoming sword light with the long knife in his hand, but only heard a soft "ding", and the oncoming The long sword was chopped off by a knife.

No, the man in black subconsciously wanted to return his knife and slash behind him, but it was already too late. Ling Xiao, who appeared behind the man in black for some unknown reason, slammed her on the back of the head, and the man in black slammed Completely collapsed to the floor.

With a wave of Ling Xiao's hand, the fog in the small building immediately began to slowly dissipate. Ling Xiao carried the man in black up to the second floor, and the lights went out at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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