Chapter 89

Sitting cross-legged under the moonlight, Ling Xiao was completely immersed in his own practice between breaths and breaths. Now his cultivation base is only a thin line away from the eighth level of Qi training, and his cultivation base is stable. It won't take long for him to Able to break through to the eighth level of Qi training.

And at that time, he had to start preparing for his breakthrough to the innate realm.

Suddenly, Ling Xiao opened his eyes, raised his head and looked at the night sky through the glass skylight above his head, where a rapid flame pierced the night sky.

That was Iron Man, Tony Stark, and Ling Xiao knew exactly what that was.When he was practicing before, he suddenly felt a throbbing in his heart, and he was forced to retreat from the ethereal realm of practice.

It started, everything finally started, Ling Xiao stood up and brushed the folds of his clothes slightly, took a deep breath, walked to the altar, lit a stick of incense respectfully, bowed, stood up straight, Stretching out his hand, the list of gods and demons fell into Ling Xiao's sleeve as if it was very spiritual, and it also began to move around the corner.

Then, Ling Xiao reached out and picked up the small moon white bottle on the table. This jade bottle was placed here by Ling Xiao alone. Absorbed by the magic list, this jade bottle absorbs the lunar moonlight day and night, and after several years of soaking, it already has a bit of the power of a magic weapon.

Walking down the second floor, Ling Xiao put on a black windbreaker, picked up the long sword on the wall, then went down to the basement, took the mask of Sun Monkey, and walked out quietly through the back door.

As for the back door of Ling's Pharmacy, there were people watching all the time, but those punks could concentrate a bit, and saw a thin mist rising from the back door, covering all their sights, and it didn't take long for them to I don't know about personnel.

Almost every few minutes, all the people watching outside Ling's drugstore, no matter where they came from, were all fainted at this moment, and they didn't even feel the shadow of the person coming.

In the top suite of the Four Seasons Hotel in the center of Los Angeles, Shigeru Kobayashi hung up the phone with a worried face, then walked to the sofa beside him, and reported to Junze Sato who was sitting next to him: "Master, our people can't get in touch." Now, I suspect that there may be something wrong with them."

"Oh!" Sato Junze gently opened his eyes, glanced at Kobayashi Mao, and asked in a deep voice: "Xiaolin, you think there may be something wrong."

"This," Kobayashi Mao said in a deep voice, "According to my subordinates' guess, Ling Xiao should have smelled something. After all, tonight the Nissin Society and other organizations are going to launch a full-scale attack on the Chinese gangs. He guessed one or two. strangeness."

"Then how do you think we should arrange it?" Sato Junze asked blankly.

Kobayashimao knew that Sato was testing him, so he pondered for a moment, and said in a low voice: "Master, since Ling Xiao has made some moves tonight, we might as well plant people around Ling's drugstore, wait for him to come back, and then surround and kill him in one fell swoop." .”

"Then why don't you just ambush in Ling's pharmacy?" Sato Junze couldn't help but frowned slightly.

"The pharmacy is probably very risky." Shigeru Kobayashi carefully considered his words and said, "The death of Genya Saijo has been studied by his subordinates. Saijo's strength is very strong, and with his mechanical arm, I'm afraid Ya Zhixuan couldn't do anything to get him, but Ling Xiao killed him unscathed, and his subordinates boldly guessed that there must be traps all over Ling's pharmacy, so we better not go in easily."

"Don't you think that because of this, Ling Xiao's vigilance in the pharmacy will be very low?" Sato Junze looked at Xiao Linmao with a half-smile.

"Master, it's not that my subordinates are timid." Xiao Linmao bowed respectfully, and said in a deep voice: "A master like Ling Xiao will be very vigilant, and it is difficult for us to lurk in the area without being discovered by him." Inside the pharmacy, and if there is a slight accident, he will use the mechanism inside the pharmacy to fight back, so it is not as easy as besieging and killing him directly outside the pharmacy."

"Okay then, you will personally lead a team to carry out the mission tonight. No matter what, I will see Ling Xiao's head tomorrow morning, and you must get that thing back." Sato Junze said unquestionably .

"Yes, master." After finishing speaking, Kobayashi Mao respectfully bowed to Sato Junze, then turned and left.

Just after Shigeru Kobayashi went out, Junze Sato called softly: "Kudo!"

As soon as Sato Junze finished speaking, the shadow of the sofa suddenly began to twist, and a figure suddenly appeared behind Sato Junze, silently.

"You go and follow Xiao Lin. If he can kill Ling Xiao, you will supervise him to get the box back. If he can't complete the task, then you will take over his task. After Ling Xiao encountered an ambush, He never thought that the second ambush would follow." Sato Runze sneered, this time no matter what, he would take Ling Xiao's life.

The figure standing behind him bowed slightly, and in the blink of an eye, he merged into Sato Runze's shadow again and disappeared without a trace.

At this moment in Yazhi Co., Ltd., a middle-aged man hung up the phone in his hand, and then respectfully said to Yazhixuan: "President, the people over there have already dispatched, and the target is Ling's Pharmacy in Chinatown. The brothers who were watching over there were probably in trouble, and I called several times but no one answered."

"Yeah!" Ya Zhixuan nodded lightly. In fact, Sato Junze guessed right. As soon as he set foot on the land of Los Angeles, Yazhixuan received news about him. Even, Sato Junze was still on the sea. By then, he had already received information from local contacts.

To be honest, he still appreciates Sato Junze's series of actions in Los Angeles. He can restrain himself from looking for him. From this point alone, this person is worthy of his high regard.No matter who came to his territory, he would not act according to his will.

The middle-aged man respectfully asked for instructions: "President, do we want to..."

"No, we don't have to do anything on Chinatown, just pretend that we don't know about the existence of Sato Junze, whether his men successfully killed Ling Xiao or were killed by Ling Xiao is his own problem , as long as Sato himself doesn't die, we don't need to do anything more." Ya Zhixuan waved his hand, glanced at the middle-aged man, and asked in a deep voice: "Kujo, how is the arrangement for tonight?"

"President." Kujo Kiyomasa bowed slightly, and said in a deep voice: "According to the usual practice, we have drawn 10% of our manpower, which is in line with the guesses of our strength by those outside. This time, our mission target is still the old rival, the Four Seas Gang. , according to the unified arrangement of the hand and meeting, our manpower will launch an attack on all the properties in Monterey Park City where the Four Seas Gang is located at [-]:[-] in the morning. At [-]:[-] in the morning, I will personally lead a team of elites to raid Zhang Qingtian's Villa, successful or not, I will pull it out in [-] minutes."

"Yes, let's do it like this. Remember, we don't want to lose too much manpower." Ya Zhixuan said with deep meaning.

"I understand, President." Kujo Kiyomasa stood up straight and nodded respectfully, then turned and left Yazhixuan's office.

As soon as he walked out of the office, Kujo Kiyomasa saw Kujo Reiko standing beside him, and nodded slightly.

"Father!" Reiko Kujo took a step forward and asked in a low voice, "What happens from time to time tonight? Why aren't we allowed to leave the office building?"

"You shouldn't ask, don't ask." Kiyoshi Kujo glared at his daughter, and then said in a deep voice, "Remember, don't leave the building tonight."

"Yes, father." Kujo Reiko responded respectfully, and watched her father leave quickly, before she greeted Kuriyama Midori, and left here quickly, after turning a few corners, she knocked on an office The door of the room was opened, and the person sitting inside was Yashida Ichiro.

(End of this chapter)

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