The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 86 Race against time

Chapter 86 Race against time

Pepper returned to the company with some disappointment, and started her whole day's work. Now the atmosphere of the whole company is getting more and more wonderful. Although Pepper guessed something, everything is still in her guess, and now she can only Carefully check some things.

The next morning, just after Pepper was busy with some things, she saw a piece of news that sounded a bit confusing.

The news was convened by Colonel James Roddy of the Weapons Research Department for the media release, and it was about an accident yesterday.

"During the air drill yesterday, an F-22 fighter jet unfortunately fell." Standing on the press platform, Colonel Roddy in a decent military uniform said to many reporters: "It is gratifying that the pilot did not escape because of the timely parachuting. As for the unexpected riot in the small town of Gomila, it is still unclear who or which group was involved, so I can assure you that the US government has nothing to do with it."

After hearing the endless news, Pepper immediately realized that the matter had something to do with Tony Stark. The night before yesterday, the reporter Christine had just approached Tony Stark about the small town of Gomila. , and this happened yesterday.

You must know that because of the incident in the small town of Gomila, Tony Stark and Obada Stein had a very unpleasant quarrel. Stark House on Malibu Beach.

When she came to the villa, Pepper did not find Stark in the upper room. She knew that he must be in the basement at the moment. During this time, Tony had been busy with something below, and he was very careful to avoid the attention of others.

As soon as he walked into the basement, Pepper heard Stark's painful cry from inside: "Oh, oh, oh..."

Immediately afterwards, the voice of the intelligent butler Jarvis came out: "It's not too bad, sir. The more you struggle, the more it hurts."

"Be lighter, this is the first time I use this thing, I designed it to fall off automatically." Tony Stark was a little dissatisfied.

However, Pepper, who was standing at the door, was stunned by everything in front of him. He saw Tony Stark wearing a red armor standing on a bracket, with six robotic arms under the control of the intelligent butler Jarvis, helping Watching Stark take off the armor on his body.

"What's going on here?" Pepper walked up to Stark in disbelief, and opened his mouth blankly.

Seeing the sudden appearance of Pepper Potts, Stark also panicked for a while, but he calmed down quickly, shrugged, and said indifferently: "Come on, it's not like you haven't seen anything worse than this." scene."

"Are those bullet holes?" Pepper looked at the row of holes on the steel suit, his face full of panic.

Regarding Pepper's concerns, Stark was speechless, and could only tell her the whole process of developing the steel suit with a wry smile on his face. It explained it in detail.

In fact, Stark also saw the news report on the small town of Gomila yesterday, and at that time he just finished the last part of his steel suit, so after the assembly was completed, he immediately The steel suits were urged to arrive in the Iraqi town of Gomila.

The function of the formed Mark 3 this time far exceeded Stark's imagination. In just half a day, he had traveled tens of thousands of kilometers from the mainland of the United States to Iraq.

In the small town of Gomila, Stark killed dozens of terrorists who were slaughtering and looting, rescued dozens of old and weak women and children from their hands, and destroyed all the original Stark industries. Armored vehicles and missiles.

When the leader of the terrorists arrived with a large number of people, there was only a mess left here.

Stark, who was full of revenge, was a little overwhelmed, and didn't notice that he had been detected by the U.S. military's radar, which caused a burst of panic.

At the base of the US military in California, the military quickly noticed the high-speed aircraft over Iraq. After confirming that it had nothing to do with the CIA, the Navy, the Army, or the Air Force, they sent two F-22 fighter jets to hunt down the aircraft that suddenly appeared. aircraft.

It's just that after some chasing and confrontation, an F-22 fighter jet crashed accidentally, but at the last moment, Stark rescued the pilot, and it didn't make this incident a tragedy.

In the United States, although an F-22 fighter jet is expensive, the value of fighter pilots is not much worse than that of fighter jets.

Because of the mediation of Colonel James Roddy who was present, the incident was finally announced to the public as an accident.Of course, there is no lack of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s intervention to help, otherwise the US military would not be able to easily let this matter go.

Naturally, Colonel James Roddy knew the identity of the inexplicable aircraft, and after that, he even knocked out the loss cost of the entire fighter jet from Stark to calm the situation.

The whole news saw not only Pepper and Tony Stark, but more people also saw the news, especially Obaday Stein.

That night, Obaday Stan, who had been following Tony Stark's movements, ran to Iraq because the Ten Commandments gang who kidnapped Stark found the Mark 1 in the desert.

The relationship between Obaday Stan and the kidnappers is much closer than people imagined. The leader of the kidnappers saw the steel suit flying away yesterday, and immediately guessed that it was Tony Stark, because he was monitoring A similar steel suit was seen in the equipment.

He quickly led to speculation that the Mark 1 had been found in the desert, and then contacted Obadie Stein, who had hired him to kidnap Stark.

In the temporary camp of the terrorists, Obaday Stan, who came with a large number of men, saw some broken Mark 1 in a tent.

It was this shoddy thing that allowed Stark to escape from the hands of terrorists, and the improved version made the U.S. military helpless. For this, Obaday Stein and the leader of the kidnappers were equally coveted.

The kidnapper's leader's appetite is far greater than what Obaday Stein expected. He can give the broken Mark 1 to Obaday Stein, and in return, Obaday Stein must successfully develop the Mark [-]. After that, a steady stream of Iron Warriors was supplied to him.

Obaday Stan, who originally came with the intention of killing his mouth, became even more murderous after hearing this condition.

After killing the gang leader with high-tech weapons, Obaday Stein ordered a group of men who had already disarmed the terrorists to start clearing the scene.

Hundreds of terrorists were killed in the desert that night, and the U.S. military soon learned of the news, but they regarded it as an internal conflict among terrorists, and did not pay much attention to it, nor did they notice the silent attack. The Mark 1 that was taken away.

Opadi Stein, who got the Mark 1, immediately established the 16th area under the arc generator, called the best engineers, and secretly developed and improved the Mark 1.

Obaday Stein knew that he was still a big step behind now, because Tony Stark had completed the development of the improved model, and he had to race against time.

Also racing against time is Tony Stark. After convincing Pepper, Stark immediately asked her to go to his office, hack into the host, and take out all the recent shipment information. Take out the sold Stark Industries weapons and destroy them.

However, compared to Stark's drastic methods, Pepper hopes to find out these things, and then hand them over to the government, and the government will deal with these things. She doesn't want Tony Stark to die for this.

In the end, no one convinced anyone, and Pepper finally left with the unlock code given by Stark.

(End of this chapter)

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