783 The Way Forward

For so many years, Professor Charles has made great achievements in the education of mutants. I don't know how many mutants have mastered their abilities after being trained by the Xavier Genius Youth School, and then re-entered society.

However, his greatest achievement is to train batch after batch of X-Men, Jean Gray, Scott, Ororo, Hank McCoy and other first-generation X-Men are all over the super world. After that, Jenny Pereira, Iceman, Colossus, Phantom Cat, and Little Rascal also participated in several missions, and after them, Li Qianhuan, Jones, Siren, the three cuckoo sisters and other newcomers A generation of mutants has gradually grown up.

This is the greatest achievement of Professor Charles in his life, but at Professor Charles' funeral today, all these children were missing.

"Ling has gone to London!" Storm hurriedly comforted Wolverine, and said, "He said that in order to avoid the impact of this incident on several children, he sent them away. When he left last night , he told me, and I agreed!"

In the current Mutant Academy, Professor Scott and Charles have passed away one after another, and Jean Gray’s whereabouts are unknown. The master of the academy is Storm Ororo.

Although Wolverine is also a member of the Mutants, he only joined S.H.I.E.L.D. in recent years. He doesn't know many things and secrets, so after discussion, Storm is temporarily in charge of the academy.

"Where did you send it?" Logan couldn't help being slightly taken aback, he didn't know about this matter at all, and he never heard Ling Xiao mention it.

"London." Storm gave Logan a deep look, and said, "Ling sent a few children to the Mutant Research Center in London. In addition, he will come back with Dr. Mora today. I think we should hurry up." Already!"

Dr. Mora was the lover of Professor Charles when he was young. Logan knew this. He also went to the research center several times and met Dr. Mora, as well as Siren and Shockwave who had quit the X-Men. However, since Professor Charles had never been to the mutant research center in London since he joined, Logan ignored it.

Hearing what Storm said, Logan nodded with some understanding. Speaking of which, the Siren is still the daughter of Sean Cassidy, the Siren. Perhaps Ling Xiao sent the children back to London at the request of the Siren. .

Is this really the case? When Logan turned his back, he couldn't help showing a trace of doubt on his face. He always felt that Ling Xiao and the others were hiding something from him.

Not long after, Logan finally saw Ling Xiao and Dr. Mora, but the strange thing is that only Ling Xiao and Dr. Mora came from London, Siren Sean Cassidy and Shockwave Alexander Summer Strange that Stu didn't come!

Even though Dr. Mora didn't set foot in the Mutant Academy, she still attended the funeral as a family member.Neither Ororo nor Hank McCoy have any opinion on this, let alone the others!

The funeral was presided over by Storm Girl Ororo, who stood next to the tombstone of Professor Charles and gave a speech: "This is a dark age, the world is full of fear, hatred and prejudice, but in every age, people are fighting. Charles Xavier Born into a divided world, a world he wanted to heal, a task he would never be able to accomplish himself, the great man could never see his goals accomplished.

Charles was more than a leader, more than a mentor, he was also our friend, a strength when we were afraid, a home when we were alone.He may be gone, but his teachings will always remain in our hearts.

Wherever we go, we carry his ideal, and that ideal is world peace. "

Ororo's words evoked everyone's memories, and many people couldn't help crying. Almost everyone here has been taught and helped by him, even Ling Xiao is no exception. The death of Professor Charles, It is a loss to the entire super power world.

Suddenly Ling Xiao raised his head and looked at the high sky in the distance, where there was a black dot standing in the void overlooking here, Ling Xiao immediately recognized who he was, Magneto, Professor Charles' life Among them, he is also an enemy and a friend, and has been entangled with Magneto for almost a lifetime.

When Ling Xiao was about to go forward to teach Charles the first flower on the current line, there was already a flower placed in front of the tombstone. Ling Xiao knew that it was Magneto's handwriting. When he raised his head, Magneto had disappeared .

After sending away all the guests, the entire Mutant Academy regained its tranquility. The world can do without anyone, and it will continue to operate without anyone. After the death of Professor Charles, the whole world seems to be peaceful, but Everyone knows that the sea is already rough.

Regarding the changes in the mutant world, the entire super power world is just staring at it. Everyone knows what is going on. The implementation of the Superhero Registration Act is unstoppable, and this time the mutant mutant event is the culmination of the whole thing. In the preview, everyone is staring at its direction.

The Avengers are very cautious about this at this time. No one is willing to give up their abilities and return to normality. A thing or two is revealed.

Captain America Rogers is currently sitting at the headquarters of the Avengers. Judging from the attitude of the Avengers to the outside world, it is known that he is inclined to oppose this bill, so the Avengers did not speak out in the mutant incident.

Although the attitude of the Avengers is ambiguous, it is certain that Tony Stark is inclined to agree to this bill. This has nothing to do with beliefs or ideals. The main customer of Stark Industries is the US military. Stark Industries has a deep influence. Once the U.S. government makes a decision, at least Stark cannot stand on his opposing position, and as long as he chooses neutrality, there will be fewer obstacles for the U.S. government to implement.

However, Ling Xiao obviously did not approve of this bill. When the news of this bill came out, he immediately transferred most of Siwei's business to the UK. The UK has its own set of measures for the implementation of the bill, and Ling Xiao Xiao has already communicated with the Knights of the Round Table, and they already have a general approach to this bill, but the outside world knows nothing about the details.

The Superhero Registration Act is one thing, but what needs to be solved urgently is the disaster of the mutant world. After the death of Professor Charles, the mutant college must also have its own response and make its own voice in the mutant world.

Although Professor Charles is out of date, the Mutant Academy is still one of the powerful forces in the mutant world. important role in an event.

Especially Ling Xiao, the U.S. government saw very clearly that when Phoenix Girl broke out that day, the distance between Ling Xiao and Magneto from Phoenix Girl was second only to Professor Charles. Wolverine, Storm Girl and Red Tank were all thrown out. The two of them are still standing in place, so their strength should not be underestimated.

For the future of the Mutant Academy, a decision must be made as soon as possible, so soon Storm, Beast Hank McCoy, Wolverine, Ling Xiao, Jenny Pere, Iceman, Colossus, Phantom The cat and the little naughty all gathered in the former office of Professor Charles to discuss the way out.

Professor Charles is the supreme leader and spiritual pillar of the X-Men. Although the X-Men still have strong strength from the outside world, they are panic-stricken inside. They don't know where to go. Some people want to go home, some People want to inject the antidote and completely become ordinary people.

"What now? What should we do?" Iceman couldn't stand the heavy atmosphere in the office, and broke the calm with his first opening.

Taking a deep breath, Hank McCoy said, "Charles founded the mutant academy, and the academy should go with him, and the students should go home."

Hank McCoy's words made Ling Xiao couldn't help but raise his head. He couldn't believe that such words came from the mouth of the student beast that Professor Charles once trusted. What is he going to do? Do you want all the students here to inject the government antidote and register as mutants?

(End of this chapter)

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