The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 752 The Mysterious Hellfire Club

Chapter 752 The Mysterious Hellfire Club

"Then what about you, what is your choice?" Magneto slowly landed on the ice, his eyes fixed on the Red Devil Gui and his party.

Looking at this enemy who just killed their previous leader, but inexplicably, the Red Devil Gui, Saber-toothed Tiger, and Angel Salvador couldn't feel resentment and hostility in their hearts. Sebastian Xiao's death was caused by him The personal enmity with Magneto does not involve the rest of them.

For Sebastian Shaw's plan, with this group of X-Men, he has no hope of victory at all.

Seeing that the three people did not speak, with hesitation on their faces, Magneto smiled and said: "Now that you have been exposed to the eyes of the whole world, there is no room for you to survive in this human society. World, who among you wants to follow me?"

Angel Salvador turned his head and glanced at the Red Devil Gui and the Saber-toothed Tiger. She was not very familiar with these two people. She only participated in this battle as a friend of Sebastian Shaw, and had nothing to do with the Hellfire Club. Regarding Magneto's solicitation, she pondered for a while, and finally stepped forward, walked to Magneto's side, and said, "I'll go with you."

"Okay!" Magneto nodded happily. Angel Salvador's ability is not weak. She can fly with her own detection skills, and her spittle can explode. In a sense, Angel Salvador's ability It is not inferior to a bomber, and it is the kind that does not need to be refueled for battery life.

Magneto's eyes fell on the Red Devil Gui and Saber-toothed Tiger. The Saber-toothed Tiger stood up first, shook his head at Magneto, and said very sincerely: "I can't go with you. I'm from the Hellfire Club. I'm a member of the Hellfire Club. Also loyal to the Hellfire Club."

"Oh?" Hearing what Saber-toothed Tiger said, Magneto showed surprise on his face. He also had a certain understanding of the Hellfire Club. This is a club group composed of global elites. Sebastian Xiao and Emma Foster is one of the six leaders of the club, the Black King and the White Queen. This time, the secret plan to trigger a nuclear war is also their plan.

As if knowing what Magneto was thinking, the Red Devil Gui also took a step forward and said: "The plan to trigger the war this time is only the intention of Sebastian Shaw and Emma Foster. It has nothing to do with the Hellfire Club, Saber Tooth Tiger and I are not loyal to Sebastian Shaw, we are members of the club, and following them is nothing more than obeying orders."

"The Hellfire Club, the Hellfire Club?" Magneto began to ponder. He had always believed that Sebastian Shaw and Emma Foster, who had special abilities, must be the leaders of the Hellfire Club, but from now on It seems that within the Hellfire Club, there are people stronger than the two of them, and it is precisely because of this that the Red Devil Gui and the Saber-toothed Tiger are so loyal to the Hellfire Club.

Seeing that Magneto became interested in the Hellfire Club, the Red Devils Gui immediately said: "Sebastian Shaw's plan has nothing to do with the Hellfire Club. As for his death, the club will not pursue it. There is a personal enmity between you. However, Sebastian Xiao is dead, and the White Queen is missing, so there are two high-level positions in the club suddenly vacant, if you are interested..."

"I will find a way to contact you." Magneto smiled softly, glanced at the group of Storm and Wolverine who were only a dozen meters away, sneered disdainfully, and then pointed at the sky above his head. Beckoning, the next moment, an invisible plane appeared in midair.

The hatch opened, and Transformers, Riptide, and Red Tank stood behind the hatch, looking at Magneto on the ice.

Magneto ignored the others and stepped directly out of the ice. However, he did not fall into the sea, but stepped on the void step by step, as if there was an invisible step, he walked into the invisible step by step. Inside the plane, and the angel Salvador has been following behind him.

Magneto left with his people, and the Red Devil Gui and Saber-toothed Tiger didn't dare to stay longer. The group of people in front of them were not easy to mess with, and if they didn't do it, they would have to explain here.

Holding the saber-toothed tiger's hand, a burst of red light flickered, and the red devil gui and the saber-toothed tiger had disappeared, leaving only Ling Xiao and his party of six on the ice.

"We should go too." Ling Xiao glanced at an armed helicopter flying towards here. He had no intention of dealing with the US military, and took the lead in walking into the butterfly plane parked aside. He followed without the slightest hesitation.

Wolverine shrugged at Beast, Siren, and Shockwave, and followed behind on the plane.

Not long after, a group of six people left here directly in a butterfly plane, and just after they left, almost only a few minutes, the ice layer backed by the reef had begun to melt rapidly, when the armed helicopter arrived When you're here, you can't land here.

The Crimea incident ended with the independence of the Republic of Crimea and its entry into the Russian Federation, but the whole thing did not end. The relationship between Ukraine and Russia continued to be tense, and the United States and Europe refused to recognize the Crimea. Mia's independence, while taking more severe economic sanctions on Russia.

They even launched a plenary vote at the United Nations on the issue of Ukraine's territorial integrity. According to the voting results announced on the spot, 100 countries including the United States, Britain, France, and Germany voted in favor, and 11 countries including Russia, Cuba, North Korea, and Venezuela voted against. China, Brazil, India, South Africa and other 58 countries abstained.

According to the rules of the General Assembly, the draft resolution can be passed with a simple majority, and no country has the right of veto in the General Assembly.

The resolution declares that the UN General Assembly's commitment to Ukraine's sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders nullifies the referendums held in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.However, in this resolution, Russia was not mentioned by name.

As for the two fleets confronting each other at sea, after half a month of "military exercises", the two fleets retreated to their previous military boundaries. Since then, the two fleets have carried out several military exercises. Friction went off, but in the end it didn't lead to war.

Under the night, a red figure appeared in the underground secret room of the Hellfire Club in London, England. The lights flickered, and the person who came was the Red Devil Gui who had left from the Black Sea earlier. Seeing that the familiar underground secret room was empty, the Red Devil Gui He sighed silently.

I think it used to be the place where he and Sebastian Xiao, the White Queen and the Saber-toothed Tiger gathered here, but now it is almost abandoned.

He walked to the wine cabinet on one side, took out a bottle of fine wine hidden by Sebastian Xiao, poured himself a full glass, and tasted it carefully.

You must know that it took Sebastian Xiao a long time to let them taste this kind of fine wine before, but now that the whole day's fine wine belongs to him, the Red Devils were a little excited for a while, but fortunately, Sebastian Xiao Stian Shaw is dead, and a good one.

After drinking the fine wine in the glass in one gulp, the Red Devil Gui started to get down to business. He didn't come here just to drink, he came to get down to business.

Walking to the center of the secret room, the Red Devil Gui lowered his body and looked at the seamless floor. He tapped lightly, and there was a solid echo from the floor, but the sound satisfied the Red Devil Gui. He directly pressed his hands together. On the floor, and then activate the ability, outsiders can hardly imagine, the Red Devil Gui directly inserted his hands into the floor, but did not damage the floor at all. When he took out his hands, he already had a black one in his hand card.

It is said to be a playing card, but the material of this playing card is some unknown black jade, which exudes a strange luster under the light. It is painted and engraved on it, which is a king of spades, which represents the king. King, think about the identity represented by Sebastian Shaw in the Hellfire Club. The significance of this card is self-evident. It is really the symbol of the Black King in the Hellfire Club. The purpose is it.

After getting this card, the Red Devil Gui couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, his eyes revealed a burst of ecstasy. With this card, even if he himself couldn't become the Black King, he could use it to exchange some other cards. Things, especially his favorite, the way to break through the S-level.

In the entire Hellfire Club, the age of the Red Devil Gui is second only to those few, but everyone else is already an S-level powerhouse, but he is the only one who has never been able to step on it because of his strong personal talent. After passing that checkpoint, I have been locked below the S level for so many years.

To put it bluntly, in the eyes of the Red Devils Gui, Sebastian Shaw is nothing. If it weren't for his father, who was the previous Black King of the Hellfire Club, with his pseudo-S-rank ability , How could it be possible to get the position of the Black King, and even try to trigger a world war in vain.

(End of this chapter)

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