The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 715 Countermeasures (Thanks to the book friend Silver Moon Devil for the reward)

Chapter 715 Countermeasures (Thanks to the book friend Silver Moon Devil for the reward)

Hearing what Coulson said, everyone couldn't help but look at each other. Who would have thought that the location they called an Avenger was just a smoke bomb, and the real purpose of the hive turned out to be the S.H.I.E.L.D. base Hefeng No. [-].

Hefeng No. [-] is an air emergency command center specially developed by S.H.I.E.L.D. There is almost no upper limit to the height, of course, the premise is that the problem of breathing is not considered.

It is precisely because of this that once the Hive Pilot Hefeng No. [-] detonates the warhead directly after reaching a certain height, it will also be able to cover the three continents of America, Europe and Africa in the cloud of parasitic viruses.

Moreover, the hive not only transferred Ling Xiao this time, but also brought heavy damage to S.H.I.E.L.D. The D area of ​​S.H.I.E.L.D. Base is mainly where the S.H.I.E.L.D. There are many agents who have just returned from missions, or are preparing to go out on missions,

This time, the entire D area of ​​the base was infected, and the 28 elite agents turned into primitive aliens with neither gui nor gui. Melinda lost her temper immediately, turned around, and grabbed Dr. Radcliffe's arm Collar, the muzzle of the gun was pressed against his chin, and he said coldly: "Tell me, how can I restore the person to his original state."

"Don't do this, don't do this, I was also forced to study the formula." Dr. Radcliffe looked at Melinda with some fear, and said timidly: "I'll tell you the truth [-]%, that process is irreversible of."

"Mei, that's fine, don't force him, even if there is a way, he won't be able to think of it for a while." Ling Xiao came over and patted Melinda on the shoulder, asking her to let go of Dr. Radcliffe. Then he brought him to the communication channel and said: "Then you should tell Coulson and the others what kind of weaknesses those primitive aliens have. Didn't you say that they are unsuccessful semi-finished products? They all have What kind of ability?"

Professor Radcliffe nodded quickly, and continued to the communication channel: "These things are actually babies, if I hadn't been forced to do nothing, I wouldn't have made such rough things. It’s heartbreaking to an extent.”

"Let's discuss the consequences of your small scientific production later." Coulson's impatient voice came from the communication channel, and he asked anxiously: "Now, what we need to know is what we are facing ?”

"Yes!" Professor Radcliffe hurriedly brought up the topic, and said: "The original aliens have the strongest physical ability induced by adrenaline, but their eyes are not good. They are closely connected with the hive just like Skye before. But they didn't show a sense of originality."

"So they still have memories?" Simmons' voice came from Coulson's side. She and Fitz were just a little surprised. The two of them encountered an attack not long after they came back, and they were only a step away. , the two of them are also likely to become members of the original aliens.

Dr. Radcliffe nodded heavily, and said, "They have memories of previous abilities, weapon memories, and so on."

"In other words, we now have 28 former S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, all of whom know the structure of the machine base like the back of their hands." Coulson couldn't help but smashed the table in front of him, then raised his head, and asked through the communication channel : "How often do they figure out a way to break through the hangar door?"

"At least a few hours." Professor Radcliffe's answer made everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Simmons then asked Professor Radcliffe several questions, including the exact formula used by the parasitic virus.

At this time, Skye's voice came from the cockpit: "Ling, I have found the exact location of Hefeng No. [-]!"

Hefeng-[-], like other flying tools of S.H.I.E.L.D., has a very strong stealth system. The people in the hive immediately activated the stealth system after driving the plane to leave the S.H.I.E.L.D. base.In this case, unless it is a person inside S.H.I.E.L.D., most people will not be able to catch its trace at all. Skye also determined its location through the independent system of the isolation cabin on Hefeng No. [-].

Coulson's voice came from the communication channel immediately: "Ling, I will leave the matter of Hefeng No. [-] and the hive to you, and you don't have to worry about the base, we can eliminate all troubles. "

"Okay then!" Ling Xiao took a deep breath and said to Skye, "Flying at full speed, I want to catch up with Hefeng No. [-] in the shortest possible time."

To be honest, Ling Xiao is also a little uneasy now. When he went to the Pacific missile launch base before, he was still very sure. Even if the warhead had already been launched when they went, Ling Xiao was capable of shooting down the warhead, but now Same.

If at this time, the hive directly detonates the warhead, then no matter how powerful Ling Xiao is, he will not be able to prevent so many parasitic viruses from spreading across half of the earth, and next, he is likely to be on the other side of the earth. At one end, he faced the hive and his army of nearly billions of primitive aliens.

This time Ling Xiao was sitting in the passenger seat, staring at the red dot on the screen, and asked Skye: "How long will it take for the Hefeng No. [-] to reach the height where it can spread the parasitic virus? In the past?"

"Yes." Skye nodded affirmatively, and said: "The hive wants to spread the parasitic virus to a wider area as much as possible, so he must not only reach the designated height, but also must reach the designated height." In the airspace, like here, we're probably going to be able to catch it here."

"Very good!" Ling Xiao couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, and then said to everyone: "After catching up with Hefeng No. [-], I will enter Hefeng No. [-] alone, and the rest of you will wait outside... ...don't argue with me, you could all be infected by parasitic viruses."

Ling Xiao didn't want other companions around him to suddenly become the enemy's helpers in the process of fighting the hive, which would cause him great trouble.

In fact, if possible, Ling Xiao still hopes to avoid confrontation with the hive. This guy's ability is very strange. The parasites on his body can not only turn aliens into puppets under his control, but also absorb the blood of ordinary people. Vitality, it is very difficult to kill him.

Even Ling Xiao must be very careful about this kind of nano-scale parasites, because if he is not careful, these parasites are likely to invade his body. Facing the hive, Ling Xiao himself can transform into a wind demon. Elemental bodies like demons, but with other people around, that is really cumbersome!

"I'll go with you!" At this time, Skye suddenly raised his head, looked at Ling Xiao and said, "I'll go with you, at least I can attract the attention of the hive and buy you some time!"

"Skye!" Both Melinda and Alfonso McKenzie couldn't help but show an unbearable look at this time. They both understood what this girl was thinking. She wanted to buy time by sacrificing herself so that Ling Xiao could Able to defeat beehives and destroy parasitic viruses.

Ling Xiao stared at Skye, looked at her for a long time, saw that her expression was still determined, and then said: "Okay, but after it's over, you have to listen to me and don't mess around. Okay, now Let's discuss the future plan carefully, Mei, I also need your cooperation here."

As the emergency command center of S.H.I.E.L.D., Hefeng No. [-] is loaded with several power drives because of its huge size, which makes its speed barely keep up with the speed of other butterfly aircraft, but even so, after such a long In time, Hefeng No. [-] had climbed to a height of nearly [-] meters, and then it was able to break through the troposphere and enter the stratosphere.

The stratosphere is about 2 to 5 meters away from the earth's surface. The air is relatively stable, the atmosphere flows smoothly, and there is little water vapor and dust, which is conducive to the spread of viruses.

The hive stands alone in front of the LCD screen, staring at the data on it, and is calculating nervously in his mind. In order to achieve the best delivery effect, he must choose the best time, the best position, Insect virus delivery.

After a while, he breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Now I can finally think normally, now I need to adjust the course of the aircraft slightly to adapt to the wind speed, set the last set of coordinates, and detonate immediately after arriving at the predetermined position. "

(End of this chapter)

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