Chapter 713 Missile

England, Siwei Island in the northwest of the Scottish Highlands, and in the stone house on the top of Xuefeng Mountain in the north, Ling Xiao kept making moves against Skye, who was invisible in front of him. Nanoparasites inside her.

A layer of cyan light cluster formed on Skye's lower abdomen, and then gradually spread to her feet and top of her head. A layer of white nano-worm mist suddenly emerged from Skye's head, violently colliding with the cyan light cluster. fight.

Although the nano-worm mist is powerful, it can't support it quickly under the impact of the endless cyan light group, and is finally expelled from Skye's body directly. However, after this group of nano-worm mist hovered in mid-air for a week, He rushed towards Ling Xiao directly.

Sitting there, Ling Xiao looked cold and serious, watching the insect fog rushing over, the next moment, his figure flickered, and he transformed directly into a whipping appearance.

But Ling Xiao's heart suddenly moved, and he borrowed the ability to whip from the list of gods and demons. He raised his right hand, and a red flame shot out from Ling Xiao's hand. The next moment, the red flame directly hit the attacking The insect mist shrouded it, and immediately afterwards, the white insect mist burned directly in the red flame, and was completely wiped out in the end.

From the very beginning, when Whiplash appeared, he had the title of the nemesis of aliens, no matter how strong the aliens were, they had no power to fight back in front of him.

Ling Xiao also transformed into a whipping appearance with a heartbeat, and he also prepared a backhand, borrowing various abilities from the list of gods and demons at any time.

Regardless of whether he transformed into Human Torch, or water demon, wind demon, earth demon and other elemental bodies, these nano-worm mist would have no effect on him, but it was also difficult for him to eliminate these insect mist.

After a long time, Ling Xiao walked out of the stone house, and behind her was Skye who had returned to normal.

When the two returned to the villa in the south, Fitz and Simmons were already waiting there anxiously. Seeing Skye appear, Simmons immediately rushed over, grabbed Skye's shoulder, and suppressed the urgency in his heart. , asked carefully: "Skye, are you alright?"

"Yeah!" Skye nodded to Simmons, then looked at Ling Xiao, and said, "Thanks to Ling, I was able to get out of this nightmare this time."

"What's the matter, where are you?" Ling Xiao sat back on the sofa, stretched out his hand, and the teapot on the table had already flown into his hand, and a light red flame burst out from Ling Xiao's palm, just a few seconds Seconds later, the water in the teapot had become boiling hot. Ling Xiao poured a cup of water into each of the several teacups in front of him. With a wave of his hand, the teacups had floated in front of several people. Ling Xiao asked while drinking tea : "Is something wrong?"

Fitz was very surprised by Ling Xiao's understatement. On the other side, Skye and Simmons had already taken the tea and drank it. Then Fitz asked the teacup hanging in front of him to take it, and lightly After taking a sip, he said to Ling Xiao with a solemn expression: "We found the American missile silo in the Pacific Ocean, which meets all the conditions for spreading the virus..."

"If they plan to do something there, they must have arrived first." Skye put down the teacup in his hand, and his face became serious.

"Yes!" Fitz nodded, and continued: "The staff of the silo lost contact four hours ago, so the situation over there is probably very critical now. Ling, Coulson hopes that you can now Just set off and rush to join Mei, it is very difficult to deal with the hive just based on their words."

"Coulson really doesn't let me be idle for a moment." Ling Xiao sighed with a wry smile, and said, "But this matter has endangered the survival of the entire human race, so I have nothing to say. Skye, let's go, go together."

"Okay." Skye didn't refuse, but she immediately asked another question: "But even if we successfully sneaked into the missile silo, we can't stop the missile launch without the government shutdown code. The officials of the Ministry of National Defense personally escorted it, and there is no way to hack it..."

"We know." Simmons interrupted Skye, and said comfortingly: "Don't worry, Coulson is solving this matter."

"Okay then, let's go now." Ling Xiao drank the tea in his hand, put the teacup on the coffee table, stood up, looked at Fitz and Simmons and said, "What are your plans for the future? Come with us to the missile silos in the Pacific, or back to S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters?"

Fitz shook his head, and said, "We need to go back to the headquarters. We still need our help in the missile light shutdown code."

"Well, don't say anything, hurry up." After finishing speaking, Ling Xiao took Skye directly to the direction of the butterfly fighter, and on the other side, Fitz and Simmons also took another plane Butterfly, hurry back to S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters.

Ling Xiao jumped tens of thousands of feet into the sky in the blink of an eye while driving the butterfly plane. While piloting the plane, he looked at Skye, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, and asked in a low voice: "Skye, when things are over, Are you still going back to S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

Ling Xiao's question made Skye's face a little sad. She shook her head and said, "No, I don't want to go back. During this time under the control of the hive, I have hurt almost all the friends I know. There’s no way to face them anymore, maybe it’s a good thing to leave.”

During this period of time, Skye did not lose her memory. She felt like she was crazy. The more she hurt her friend, the happier she felt. When she woke up, she even suspected that the person who did everything Not herself at all.

Ling Xiao sighed slightly, nodded and said, "Okay, then after everything is over, you should go back to the Inhuman Race."

"Okay!" Skye replied and stopped talking. He looked at the clouds in front of him, and the butterfly plane quickly passed by.

Two hours later, the plane had approached the Pacific missile silo. In order to avoid being detected by the radar, Ling Xiao followed Melinda's instructions and flew the plane close to the sea, avoiding the radar and flying to the small island, where , May and Alfonso McKenzie are already waiting with a squad.

"How's the situation now?" Ling Xiao asked Melinda about the current situation after getting off the plane.

"Now the missile silo has been controlled by the people of the hive, but so far, the missile has not been launched." Melinda said without any muddling, "There is not much time left for us. Go and rescue other people with Mike. Ling, I need you and Skye to find a way to get the upload line. Once Coulson sends the shutdown code of the missile, you must immediately enter the shutdown code into the computer to stop the missile in time. emission."

"There is no problem on our side." Ling Xiao glanced at Skye, and Skye nodded seriously. As a top hacker, she still has no problem doing these things, but she still said something : "Colson must send the missile shutdown code in time."

"It's okay." Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, and said: "Even if the missile shutdown code cannot continue to be sent, I still have a way to prevent the missile from launching. Coulson called me over to prevent accidents. Happened!"

Using Ling Xiao's ability to control the frost, Ling Xiao can completely freeze the entire missile silo. Even if they arrive a little later, Ling Xiao's two flying swords can destroy the missile, so even though Mei Linda and Alfonso McKenzie had already set off, and he told them to wait for Ling Xiao, who came later, to arrive before acting together.

After entering the missile silo, the two sides explained one last time, and then went their separate ways.

However, inside the missile silo at this time, the honeycomb was also nervously urging the staff to prepare to launch the missile, and the radar next to it kept scanning. They knew that SHIELD's aircraft had stealth technology, so they specially increased the intensity of the radar scanning.

This is an isolated island, as long as there is a slight abnormality in the surrounding sky, it will be immediately displayed on the radar, which is why Melinda specially reminded Ling Xiao to fly close to the sea.

The hive didn't notice Ling Xiao, Skye, and Melinda's sneaking in. At this time, he was standing in front of a big screen with Jiera and James. On the big screen, the missile launch had entered the countdown. 48 seconds, 47 seconds...

At this time, Ling Xiao and Skye have already fixed the uploading line, and they have also fixed the monitoring system. As long as Fitz sends the missile shutdown code, they can immediately stop the missile launch.

(End of this chapter)

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