The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 710 Frustration

Chapter 710 Frustration

Canada, within the Arctic Circle, north of Victoria Island, a butterfly plane landed slowly, and the hive in a black windbreaker brought Skye and James down from it.

"You mean here?" The hive looked at Skye with some uncertainty. He had looked around the entire Victoria Island on the plane before, but the island was desolate and there were basically no human traces. How could it be an alien? The gathering point of the human race.

"That's right, it's here." Skye nodded with certainty, and she handed the tablet computer in her hand to the hive, which was densely dotted with red dots, and explained to him: "The S.H.I.E.L.D. There are miniature positioning devices installed on the aliens, and few people know about this, so those tribesmen can be sure that they are all on this small island, but they are not above the ground, but below the ground."

Skye pointed to a snow-covered hillside in the distance, and said with a smile on his face: "This was originally a branch base of Hydra, but it was destroyed by S.H.I.E.L.D. Thinking of it, they actually reused this abandoned base."

"Yeah." Hive nodded expressionlessly, and then walked towards the hillside, but Skye and James didn't rush to keep up.

At the bottom of the hill, Skye searched for a while, finally stomped the ice and snow under his feet, and said to the hive: "It should be here, but the gate was blown up by the SHIELD people, I don't know , where is their newly opened access channel?"

"Let's start here." Hive turned to look at James behind him, and James hurriedly said with a smile: "It's up to me next."

After speaking, James walked directly to Skye's side, lowered his body, and pressed his hands on the hillside. The power in his body was activated, and a big rock under his feet immediately turned red.

James and Skye quickly retreated to the side of the beehive, and the next moment they heard a bang. The boulder that was originally embedded in the hillside exploded like a huge bomb, and the whole ground suddenly exploded. It shook.

After everything calmed down again, a five-meter-deep crater had been blasted on the ground. The hive brought Skye and James over, looked at the big crater on the slope, frowned, and said, "Or Didn't it open?"

"It shouldn't be!" Skye walked to the big pit and pressed her right hand on the ground. A strong wave had already followed her hand and rushed to the ground. However, the whole ground seemed to be one, except for a slight shaking. , but nothing happened.

"Could it be that I made a mistake?" Skye picked up the tablet with some uncertainty and started to operate it again, but the red dots clearly showed that all the aliens were below the ground, but she didn't feel the ground. The following empty environment.

"No, you're right." The hive walked over from behind, looked at the pothole on the hillside, took a deep breath, and said, "I can feel that the so-called gathering point is just below the ground, and it continues to explode." , Even if the entire island is blown up, people must be found again."

"Yes!" James immediately walked up again, with his hands on the ground, ready to activate his ability again, but at this time, ice and snow not far away spread along the ground, and the extremely cold temperature immediately followed James' arms spread into his body.

At this time, a big hand reached out from behind and directly grabbed James' collar, pulling him away. Hive looked at the layer of ice that was gradually thickening to seal the pothole on the ground, and frowned tightly. Wrinkled, his face very dignified.

"Someone is against us, and they don't want us to find the alien inside." Skye has now understood.

"You said that only people from S.H.I.E.L.D. knew this place, right?" Hive turned to look at Skye.

"It should be like this, wait a minute." Skye's complexion couldn't help changing, he swallowed, and said: "There is another person who also knows this place, and he also came with the SHIELD people, but At that time, no one knew except me, and I didn't expect him to intervene in this matter."

Hive could feel Skye's uneasiness, he stared at her, and asked in a deep voice, "Who?"

"It's Ling Xiao, a doctor in the Avengers." Skye looked at the entire hillside covered by a five-centimeter-thick layer of ice, and said with an ugly face: "He is very powerful. Among the entire Avengers, It is also ranked in the top few, second only to Thor, Hulk and Vision, why is he here?"

The hive looked at the thicker and thicker ice on the ground, and asked curiously, "Does the Inhuman have a deep relationship with him?"

"It's okay." Skye said while recalling: "We asked him for help several times, and he agreed without refusing, but it seems that he is not very willing to intervene in SHIELD recently. He has also been in retreat for a while, and Coulson sent people to look for him several times, but there was no response."

"Yeah!" Hive nodded lightly. His current body has memories about the Avengers. The strength of the Avengers is unquestionable. With his current strength, he still has no strength to fight the Avengers head-on.

And this avenger is also very cautious. If he stands up to the front, the hive can compete with him by infecting the aliens here. All avenues of infection have been cut off from the earth.

"Can you blow up these ice layers?" The hive turned to look at James. His ability to turn objects into explosives is what he relies on most now.

"If it's an ordinary ice layer, of course there is no problem." James looked at the hive helplessly, and said, "There is a flowing extreme cold force in these ice layers, and it has already charged towards me before my ability is released. into my body, if one fails, I will explode myself instead."

"Then let's leave first." Hive blinked and made a decisive decision: "We still have more important things to do now, and we can't waste precious time here. As for them, I don't believe they can live forever." Stay underground."

Of course they can't stay underground forever, so when the hive took Skye and James away from Victoria Island, a figure suddenly appeared on the ice, watching the butterfly plane above the head leave quickly, not long after, Skye inside the plane suddenly found that all the red dots had disappeared.

The conversation they had just now was obviously heard by Ling Xiao, so when they left, he directly checked everyone in the underground base and completely destroyed all the positioning devices.

This place cannot stay any longer. Since the hive can find this place, SHIELD probably already knows the existence of this base, so a large-scale transfer is necessary, but things are not as difficult as they thought. Ling Xiao directly used Teleportation brought everyone to Ellesmere Island hundreds of miles away.

As early as Ling Xiao's Yuan Magnetic Divine Light refining was completed, he transferred the space carrier to the base at the magnetic north pole in the center of the island, and the previous base happened to be vacant at this time, and was handed over to the Inhumans to live in.

And among these nearly hundreds of aliens, few know of the existence of the space carrier, and not everyone is trustworthy.

Although S.H.I.E.L.D. did not know the details of what happened on Victoria Island, the Hefeng-[-] air command center had already flown to Victoria Island soon.

Compared with Hydra, they had more time and patience, and used special equipment to drill holes directly into the ground, but after a day and night passed, they found nothing, and the base there had long been destroyed by Ling Xiao. Manipulating soil and rocks is completely destroyed, and there is nothing at all.

Not found on Victoria Island, Coulson naturally went to find Lincoln, but Lincoln didn't know much, he could only honestly tell Coulson that some of his friends at the "Afterlife" base did it. Lincoln didn't know where they were, so he had to go find them.

Coulson had no reason to prevent Lincoln from leaving. Before, he suspected that Lincoln was infected, so he was forcibly quarantined, but now it was proved that he, Elena, and Joey were not infected, so Lincoln left with the two of them.

Coulson was surprised to find that after they left the base, they went to the British four-dimensional island.

(End of this chapter)

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