The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 690 Desperate

Chapter 690 Desperate

The smoke and dust dissipated slowly, and a terrifying figure slowly stood up, the luster of the purple power stone revealing a bone-piercing coldness.

Ronan, who was hit in the front with almost the power of a small nuclear bomb explosion, stood up intact.

No, it wasn't intact. On Ronan's chest, a mass of scorched fiery red was still burning violently, but soon a layer of purple light was gradually expelling this flame from his body.

Obviously, at the critical moment, it was the Power Stone that saved Ronan. The explosion that could have killed Ronan directly was completely blocked by the Power Stone.

"Aww" let out a painful roar, and the next moment, Ronan, who was holding the accuser's scepter, sent a fierce shock wave at everyone.

On the opposite side of the shock wave mixed with the energy of the original power stone, Ling Xiao didn't even think about it. He erected the Edman iron rod high in his hand, and hit the shock wave with all his strength, and smashed it down hard. The arc-shaped energy of cyan-purple rays of light rushed out from the tip of the iron rod immediately.

With a loud "boom", Ling Xiao smashed a big hole in the floor with a stick with all his strength. The strong arc-shaped energy and the rushing shock wave immediately collided violently, making a loud bang, bearing the brunt of the blow Ling Xiao was thrown directly by this force.

The same is true for the others, but compared to Ling Xiao, they were less impacted and did not suffer any injuries.

However, before Ling Xiao stood up, Drax rushed towards Ronan regardless. Ling Xiao stood up, and before he could stop him, Drax was directly pinched by Ronan's neck.

Now that Ronan's body has been partially transformed by the original power stone, his strength has improved a lot compared to their battle in the barren land not long ago. Drax, who could have fought Ronan twice, now even he I can't take a single move.

"Idiot!" Ling Xiao couldn't help cursing secretly. Even if Ronan only has a small part of the power of the original power stone, he is not something Ling Xiao can deal with. He knows in his heart that Drax is doing this , I also want to buy some time for everyone to react.

Once Ronan has mastered all the power of the original power stone, as long as his strength needs to be raised to a higher level, Ronan at that time, in the entire Nine Kingdoms, I am afraid that only Odin in the heyday of his strength can suppress him, but now, his strength is displayed. However, there are still some loopholes.

With a wave of Ling Xiao's hand, a dozen sharp ice thorns were instantly formed, but they spun rapidly and pierced towards Luo Nanfei.

"Hmph!" Ronan let out a cold snort, turned around, and directly blocked Drax in front of him. If Ling Xiao's ice thorns wanted to hit Ronan, they would hit Drax first. A teasing smile appeared on the corner of Ling Xiao Luonan's mouth.

In fact, with Ronan's ability, these ice thorns can hardly hurt him, and a little use of the power stone can tear all these ice thorns to pieces.The reason why he did this was to put pressure on Ling Xiao. He could feel that there was also a majestic force in Ling Xiao's body.

That was the power of the ancient winter coffin. Although Ronan didn't know the source of that power, he knew very well that he must not let this power become an obstacle for him to destroy Xandar, which is why this scene happened.

Facing Ronan's move, Ling Xiao had no expression on his face, watching those ice thorns all stuck on Drax's body.

At this moment, Ling Xiao thought about it, and all the ice thorns that had penetrated into Drax's body turned into a blue liquid that circulated continuously in Drax's body.Suddenly, Drax opened his eyes, and under Ronan's strong control, he punched Ronan's nose fiercely.

At this time, Ronan certainly couldn't let Drax hit him, so at the critical moment, he waved his hand, and Drax was thrown out fiercely. The tree man Groot was the closest, and he Subconsciously went to pick up Drax, but was flown out with him.

However, at this moment, Ling Xiao had already launched an attack on Ronan again. This time, with a wave of his hands, an extremely cold mist diffused in the entire room in an instant, and he disappeared almost instantly.

At this time, several thick and long ice thorns came towards Ronan again through the mist. Facing Ling Xiao's tricks, Ronan sneered, and the accuser's scepter in his hand sent out a strong shock wave. The next moment, these shock waves smashed all those ice thorns into pieces.

Ronan took a step forward, waved the accusation scepter in his hand again, the fog in front of him cleared, and he saw Ling Xiao standing near the security door, looking at him with disdain, while Quill and Gamora , and the tree people Groot and Drax all hid far away.

Ronan was a little confused for a while, so at this moment, there was a strong roar behind him, and before Ronan could turn around, a Sweeper fighter plane had slammed into it from the outside, hitting heavily It hit Ronan's body, knocked him flying, and finally hit the safety door fiercely, and the entire fighter plane was also smashed to pieces.

It was Rocket Raccoon who was supposed to fight the Kree fighters on the ground to fly the plane. According to the original plan, if they killed Ronan, Star-Lord would immediately notify Rocket Raccoon to come here to pick them up. fail……

Rocket Raccoon's attack can be said to be the last backup plan. No one knows whether it will be successful, but what this attack brings is that the group of them will probably go the same way without escape, and they will basically follow the death ship. The Spirit spacecraft was destroyed together.

The impact of the plane just now not only hit Ronan, but also destroyed the control system of the entire spaceship. Numerous explosions came from all over the Necromancer spaceship. The crash of the entire spaceship is inevitable, and they are likely to It will also die when the spaceship crashes.

You must know that this is an altitude of tens of thousands of meters. Except for Ling Xiao and Drax, the strength of the others present can hardly guarantee that they will survive in the end, especially Rocket Raccoon and Quill. Root, their life and death are unpredictable.

Alas, Ling Xiao seemed to hear the sigh of the tree-figure Groot. The next moment, when Quill took Rocket Raccoon out of the plane and was about to discuss the next plan, the tree-figure Groot grew out. Countless branches and leaves enclose everyone little by little.

Quill and Gamora looked at Groot curiously. Although they knew that Groot did this to protect everyone, they didn't know the price he had to pay.

Ling Xiao couldn't help but sighed a little, stretched out his hand, countless water droplets flew out from his hands in all directions, landed on the branches, and also fell on everyone present, the unconscious De Lax and Rocket Raccoon also gradually came to life.

The branches stretched out by the tree figure Groot became more and more crisp, and the branches and leaves became more and more tender, and a little bit of water fell into his body, and he felt a burst of vitality brewing in his body, looking at Ling Xiao's face There was a smile on his face.

Numerous branches and leaves wrapped everyone into a tight and flexible tree group, this structure is enough to offset the impact of most spaceship crashes.

"No, Groot!" The waking Rocket Raccoon looked at the safe crowd under the bright lights, facing Groot, with pain, remorse and other complex emotions on his face, and choked up Gru Grabbing his body, he shouted, "Don't do this, Groot, you're going to die."

Groot looked at Rocket Raccoon quietly like this, and his determination could be seen from his crude tree face.

Rocket Raccoon can be said to be the person who knows Groot best. Looking at his appearance, he already knows his determination. He cried helplessly: "Why do you want to do this? Why?"

Groot can be said to be Rocket Raccoon's most trusted, caring, and longest companion for so many years, but now that this companion is about to leave, how can we not make him heartbroken and indignant.

Groot stretched out a tentacle to wipe away Rocket Raccoon, looked at him, and looked at everyone, and said firmly, "We... are... Groot."

Now that Ling Xiao finally understood the meaning of Groot's words, he sighed lightly, and pinched the magic weapon in his hand. In an instant, a stream of water filled the entire tree group, and the others quickly closed their breath. Although he didn't know what Ling Xiao was doing, he knew in his heart that he must be saving everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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