Chapter 687 Torment

The fighter plane rushed directly into the Necromancer Star from the outside along the small gap. With the thrust of the high-speed flight, the fighter plane slid quickly inside the spaceship and quickly approached the safety door.

"Hahahaha..." Drax couldn't help laughing happily. Ronan's spaceship was broken into by them so easily. Can't help showing a smile.

Ling Xiao also breathed a sigh of relief and entered here, proving that their plan is unfolding as expected. As long as they can kill Ronan and get back the power gem, their mission will be considered complete.

Of course, Ling Xiao knew it was difficult, but this did not prevent him from putting in all his efforts and taking the opportunity to reap some benefits at the same time.

Intruding into the spaceship does not mean that things will be much easier afterwards. In fact, the difficulty has just begun. When their fighter plane broke into the Necromancer Star spaceship, the nearby Kerry fighters immediately reacted. Keep holding energy weapons and being shot by them.

Although the fighters on the shell of the fighter plane helped them block these attacks, Xingjue knew in his heart that if he was attacked like a target, the fighter plane would be blown up in a short time, and the fighter sitting in the fighter plane They are equally difficult to survive.

So at the critical moment, Quill decisively shifted the forward direction slightly, pointed the artillery of the fighter plane at the Kree fighters lined up in a row, and then fired wildly, almost in the blink of an eye, wailing everywhere.

The powerful energy cannon hit every Cree who couldn't dodge, and then directly opened a big hole in them.

During the hasty escape, who can remember to attack the fighter plane again, but everyone knows that the crisis is just a little farther away, and it won't be long before more Kerry fighters will charge here from all directions.

Of course, Drax and the tree man Groot are exceptions here. Groot didn't feel much, and Drax laughed heartlessly.

At the same time, as expected by Gamora, when Xingyun informed Ronan that the starboard side was hit and someone invaded, Ronan's order was very clear, ignore those enemies who entered the spaceship to make trouble, in his eyes Here, the goal has always been clear, there is only one, and that is to land on the ground.

Knowing Ronan's decision, Xingyun no longer hesitated, and immediately ordered someone to close the safety door to protect Ronan. As for the invading enemies, she had to deal with them alone, especially Gamora.

Of course, the so-called one person is not just Xingyun alone. She has countless Kerry soldiers who can command her. In this regard, Ronan has fully delegated power to her. Originally, when Thanos sent her, Ronan still treated her a little bit. Take precautions, but now that the two of them have the same goal, Xing Yun has gained Ronan's trust.

In fact, Ronan was not wrong, his enemy was not those guigui scavengers, but the Nova Corps of Xandar.

The Nova Corps didn’t have many troops left on the planet Xandar, only a few ten-man teams, plus a group of space militias, and even the main spaceship of the Nova Corps was not on the planet, so what they could do was actually very limited.

Under the command of Day, the captains of several teams of ten, authorized by the Supreme Nova, began to set up a skynet. Under the leadership of all official officers, the planes of the Nova Corps formed a large golden net, checkmates The Spirit Star was tightly netted, preventing him from continuing to sink toward the ground.

Although the Necromancer is a large interstellar spaceship, its strong power pushes it to sink to the ground, but the Skynet of the Nova Legion also has enough patience to keep him firmly above the sky.

The Skynet of the Nova Legion is very famous. The real Skynet system actually uses large spaceships as the core, connecting other small and medium-sized spaceships to form an unparalleled Skynet in the universe. Even a planet can be destroyed. Lived by Skynet.

Although the power of the current Skynet is many times smaller than the real Skynet, Ronan is not one of those powerhouses who can be compared with the stars in the universe. The real Skynet is Odin and Annihilator. The treatment that can only be enjoyed by characters of the tyrant class.

This skynet is the last barrier of Xandar now, and Nova Supreme knows that once Ronan is allowed to set foot on the land of Xandar, the entire Xandar will be completely destroyed. They must, before the crisis comes, Remove as many ordinary people as possible from the battlefield.

Although it cannot be said that every family has a spaceship here, small planes and transport planes are almost everywhere. Although not every plane can survive in the space starry sky, at least it can avoid this situation that falls in front of our eyes. crisis.Moreover, the Xandars are also procrastinating for Star-Lord's plan. If Star-Lord's plan succeeds in the end, then they will be able to resolve this deadly crisis.

Just as Skynet and the Necromancer were fighting to the death, inside the Necromancer, Gamora was also leading a group of people along the zigzagging passages towards the safety door.

Gamora and Ling Xiao walked in the front, Gamora knew the way, Ling Xiao was the strongest, followed by Xingjue, followed by Drax holding a quantum cannon, and finally there was no expression Treant Groot.

"After entering this door, the flight deck is 300 meters away. Be careful, a large number of Kerry fighters will definitely be waiting for us on the flight deck." While opening the mechanism and entering the door, Gamora said to him again and again. The people warned.

"Yeah!" Ling Xiao nodded lightly. The battle was about to start, which was not a bad thing for him, and the others were also vigilant.

The door behind him was closed suddenly, and suddenly, darkness enveloped the area in an instant. Ling Xiao frowned and reminded: "Be careful, there may be some mechanism here..."

Before Ling Xiao finished speaking, he saw a light flashing on Groot's body suddenly, and in the next moment, countless lights rose, and everyone saw clearly that they turned out to be bright little flowers. Ling Xiao couldn't help being full of Looking at it in surprise, he had already prepared to shoot himself just before.

"When did you learn this trick?" Even someone as impulsive and reckless as Drax couldn't help but be full of admiration at this time.

Countless small flowers with light illuminated everything around them, and also illuminated their enemies.

Xingyun led dozens of Kerry fighters to block the passage less than two meters wide, and looked at them with eyes like a tiger and said: "Gamora, look at the good things you have done, you are still so useless , you traitor, fool..."

With a "boom", Xing Yun's unfinished sentence was interrupted, and she was blasted far away with a cannonball.

It was Drax who shot, and he said coldly: "Don't allow her to slander my friend!"

As soon as the cannon blasted out, the flames of war started immediately, and the Kerry fighters in front of them immediately attacked them with energy weapons. Ling Xiao stepped forward, and a blue ice shield was laid down, firmly blocking the energy artillery fire. At the same time, The others started to counterattack behind the ice shield respectively.

"Go to the flight deck, I'll turn off the power supply program of the safety door." After Gamora said this, he immediately chased after the place where Xingyun was knocked down. Xingyun is not so easy to die, if it is replaced by ordinary people After that blow, his body was already in tatters.

But Xingyun is different. In addition to endless torture from Thanos, Xingyun also has part of her body modified. No one knows what happened to her, so that she can turn her head on her back and have big bones all over her body. In the case of a partial break, it can still survive intact.

Gamora is one of the few people who knows what Nebula's body transformation is all about, and even she doesn't know how much Nebula's body is still normal.

(End of this chapter)

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