Chapter 676 Trading

"100 million federal coins, are you robbing?" Rocket Raccoon, who had been drinking a lot at this time, immediately woke up when he heard the number, and raised the big gun that had been put down in his hand again, and looked at Ling Xiao viciously .

Drax on the other side didn't say anything more at this time, and gloomyly took out two horn knives from the back of his waist, and looked at Ling Xiao with cold killing intent in his eyes. The guys in the conflict aimed at Ling Xiao collectively at this time.

100 million federation coins, to those big shots, this may not be a big deal, but to ordinary people, 100 million is definitely an astronomical figure, even for an interstellar wanderer like Lonnie, his lifetime is only nearly Tens of millions of federal currency.

For people like Rocket Raccoon and Drax, they may not be unable to spend 100 million federal coins, but it will definitely make them feel pain.

Ling Xiao couldn't help sneering, and along with his laughter, extremely thin ice spikes suddenly appeared on the thin ice layer on the ground around Rocket Raccoon and Drax, and the center of the ice spike was right Facing these two people, the atmosphere became tense again.

"Don't, don't, don't..." Quill hurried between the three of them, trying to comfort everyone and said, "Don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive, Rocket, Drax, don't forget, the bounty of 40 billion, don't be impulsive, The money will be deducted from my share at that time. Bear with me, after this bad night, you will be rich."

"Forget it!" Hearing what Quill said, Rocket Raccoon slowly put down the gun in his hand. If so, this matter has nothing to do with him.

On the other side, Drax was still holding the two knives tightly. Seeing Quill's gaze, he said bluntly: "You pay for the money, but this guy, after the matter is over, I don't promise not to pay you." tear him to pieces,"

"Yes." With a wave of Ling Xiao's right hand, all the frost in the room disappeared. He stared at Drax coldly and said, "Everything is one thing. After this matter is over, I welcome you to come and find him at any time." Trouble, of course, you have to bear the consequences yourself."

"That's great, let's come down and talk about things and be friendly." Quill saw that the atmosphere had eased, then looked at Ling Xiao, and asked in a low voice: "Sir, don't you know about returning to Earth?" method……"

"100 million." Ling Xiao said a number directly, then sneered, and said: "The asking price is not high, because it is difficult to achieve this, but it is not impossible. Not long ago Someone came here directly from over there."

100?Pete Quill couldn't help but frowned. The asking price is really not high. It seems that Ling Xiao's way to return to Earth is not through space wormholes. After all, the price of a star map route leading to Earth should be at least More than tens of millions, this is in line with the final income.

It seems that there are still some problems with this method, Quill couldn't help frowning, looked at Ling Xiao and asked, "Can you..."

"No, it's not negotiable." Ling Xiao resolutely rejected Quill's request. He might not be able to get the money, but he didn't do it for money, but for the sake of money. Suspend Quill's appetite, and then he can mix in with them.

Although Ling Xiao has a general understanding of his own strength now, he is also taking precautions. Ronan is behind Thanos. Ling Xiao doesn't want any accidents to happen, and if he really grabs the power gem in the end, He can also use the identity of the Frost Giant to hide people's eyes and ears, lest Thanos know that Ling Xiao, an earthling who got the power gem, can't wait to attack the earth in advance.

200 million federal coins!To be honest, if it was before, Quill would definitely feel pain in his heart. You must know that he has not saved so much money for so many years, and even if he can get 14 billion federal coins, but when it comes to He immediately took out 200 million, but Quill absolutely refused.

Looking at this group of preoccupied people, Drax suddenly felt a little frustrated. He shook his head and said, "I traveled half the galaxy with you to come here, but Ronan is still alive and well. What is it for!"

After finishing speaking, the frustrated Drax pushed Gamora away and left the casino, even ignoring Star-Lord's yell behind him.

"Let him go, we don't need him." Gamora looked at Drax's back and shook his head, this man's head was already filled with revenge.

At this moment, the elevator behind everyone suddenly opened, and a beautiful pink-skinned woman in a white maid uniform came out. Her eyes quickly fell on Gamora, and then she used extremely Standard etiquette bowed to Gamora, and then said: "Miss Gamora, my master ordered me to pick you up!"

Seeing the appearance of the maid, all the people present fell silent. They all knew that in this barren land, there was only one master, and that was Tiwan the collector. Over the years, no one had challenged Tiwan's authority. But they all turned into corpses.

Gamora nodded to Quill, then took the lead and walked over, Quill followed closely behind, Ling Xiao hesitated a little, but still followed.

"What are you following, you greedy Popsicle?" Rocket Raccoon couldn't help but snarled when he saw Ling Xiao following.

Ling Xiao glanced at him indifferently, and said coldly: "I'm worried that my 200 million will fly away!"

"You!" Rocket Raccoon was choked by Ling Xiao. He turned his head to look at Quill and Gamora, but at this time Gamora shook his head slightly at Rocket Raccoon. It's not a joke now Back in the day, Collector Tywan was never a guy to mess with.

How strong is Tiwan's strength? Ling Xiao has no real grasp, but he handed over the Soul Gem to him from Odinken for safekeeping. This shows that even if this guy's strength is worse than Odin's, it is not much worse. If Plus one or two artifacts, I'm afraid...

Thinking of this, Ling Xiao took a deep breath, and the power of Loki borrowed from the list of gods and demons circulated quietly. His skin had already turned dark blue under the influence of this power, in order to avoid being discovered by Tiwan , he not only blessed the illusion, but also borrowed a trace of ability from the ancient winter coffin.

If Tiwan can still detect his identity under such circumstances, then Ling Xiao has nothing to say!

Diwan's room is on the top floor of the entire building, and it is also the tallest building in the entire barren land, symbolizing Diwan's noble status.

Tanya Tiwan, the elder of the universe, the founder of the famous Tiwan Group, and the top collector in the universe, the place where he lives is not as solemn, luxurious, and resplendent as people imagined, just like Asgard. Compared with the holy palace, this place is like a garbage dump.

The eerie atmosphere permeates the entire space. The endless room is filled with countless treasures and rare creatures from all over the universe. These things are placed in square glass tanks, reflecting a kind of eerie atmosphere of.

Ling Xiao felt bursts of cold air pouring into his body. This cold air is different from the cold of the Frost Giant. It is more of a cold that can freeze the flow of blood and the operation of thinking, even though Ling Xiao is now the body of the Frost Giant He didn't dare to let this force seep into his body.

Among the five people present, the first one who couldn't bear it was Rocket Raccoon. He couldn't help shaking, and complained at the same time: "This place is really uncomfortable."

Rocket Raccoon is an experimental subject who has undergone complicated experiments, and belongs to half-world citizens. His physical fitness is the worst among all present.

Needless to say, Xingjue, his father is a god, although he has not activated the genes in his body, but this situation is not enough to win him; Gamora, although her specific race is a secret, but As the most proud killer under Thanos, her physical fitness is needless to say; the last is Groot, the tree figure Groot's physical essence is extremely miraculous, and this cold air came to him, not only did not hurt him , but absorbed by it.

As for Ling Xiao, his current body belongs to a frost giant. Although this cold air is very strange, with its own frost power, it is still very easy to get this cold air out of his body. More out of curiosity, why is the environment where collector Tiwan lives like this?

(End of this chapter)

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