The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 666 Approaching

Chapter 666 Approaching

Coulson and Fitz are fine, and returned to S.H.I.E.L.D. safely. After Ling Xiao, Barbara also knew the details of what happened before.

It turned out that not long after Coulson and Fitz entered the space channel, Alfonso McKenzie rushed over with a large number of people in the command center.

However, the situation at the scene made it difficult for them to attack. Apart from Simmons still falling into Malik's hands, there were also a large number of aliens in the castle. They were all locked in boxes and fell asleep. The head snake's manpower and powerful firepower made them have to be cautious and unable to launch large-scale operations.

Whether to save the aliens, or to save Coulson, or to attack the Hydra, or to take a combined action, all this caused everyone a headache.

No matter what the new action plan is, Lincoln demands to ensure the safety of the aliens below. Similarly, both Fitz and Simmons must be rescued, and Coulson, who entered the space channel without authorization to hunt down "Ward", but what? What about a solid action plan?

Although the temporary command center of S.H.I.E.L.D. can be invisible, once they get too close, they can still be located by Hydra's missiles. The only way to take down the castle and control the portal is to sneak in quietly from the ground, that is to say No exchange of fire, no backup, all tactical support has to stay.

This is the only way. Everyone sneaks in in two teams. One team searches the yard to find Simmons, and the other controls the portal. As for the aliens who are still sleeping, they can only wait for the other actions to succeed before dealing with them. Start the rescue, after all, things have priorities.

Although the Hydra is well-defended, it is not foolproof. The original mechanism used hydropower to open the portal, but the nearest river to the castle is half a mile away, so the water diversion area constructed by the Hydra is introduced into the castle. Then enter the portal room, one of which is an overflow leading to the depths of the woods, and the people of S.H.I.E.L.D. used that passage to enter the castle without being discovered.

After entering the castle, the team immediately separated. Alfonso McKenzie led Hunter and Barbara to move forward into the teleportation room, while May took Skye, Lincoln, Joey, and Agent No. 33 Kara together in the yard Search, look for Simmons.

Lincoln used his ability to overload the circuit, the entire castle suddenly lost power, and entered darkness, while Joey used his ability to melt specific metals to remove obstacles on their way forward, even when other people met. When threatened, stand up and block the bullet.

Joey's special ability made all the bullets melt into liquid before hitting him, which made everyone dumbfounded.

And the person who suddenly came out to shoot and attack them was Jiera, who controlled the psychic power inside Hydra. He was shocked and knocked down by Lincoln.

At this time, Melinda also found Simmons.

Simmons is not the kind of simple technician who has no power to restrain a chicken. After all, she has survived in the harsh environment of a different planet for several months, and she has already become different, but the people of Hydra, but Was unlucky not to find this out.

The plastic handcuffs binding her had long been broken away by Simmons with a sharp wooden stick that fell to the ground.

Afterwards, when all the lights went out and the castle was plunged into darkness, Simmons took the opportunity to escape. Later, by mistake, she broke into the sleeping boxes where aliens were placed, and even found a place belonging to the gods. The isolation warehouse of the Shield Bureau, and the flogging that has not been released in the isolation warehouse, Andrew Garner.

The role of Simmons is very important. Malik will not only use her to contain S.H.I.E.L.D. , so not long after Simmons escaped, he was discovered.

Malik was furious, and at the same time asked people to conduct a comprehensive search of the base, looking for Simmons on the one hand, and looking for S.H.I.E.L.D. people who might sneak in on the other hand.

Don't take Malik as a fool, as a veteran who has been around for decades, he has already noticed that something is wrong.

Simmons was quickly found by Hydra agents. At a critical moment, Simmons had to release Professor Garner for his own safety.She didn't even dare to look at what happened afterwards, and ran out alone. Just when she met another Hydra agent, Mei appeared!

After rescuing Simmons, Mei immediately led her, and others entered the passage again, and finally joined Alfonso McKenzie and others. At this time, they had already captured the teleportation room, and from Simmons's , they knew more and more detailed information.

Similarly, they also knew about the monster. Now, Lincoln and Skye finally understood why Jiaying's attitude changed resolutely when she discovered that the boulder was on the S.H.I.E.L.D. space carrier. Because she knew the devastating threat that monster would bring to the Inhumans.

At this time, some other things were also connected. When the S.H.I.E.L.D. The plan to let Hydra get that boulder.

Alfonso McKenzie doesn't believe in the so-called monsters, such as Hydra's alien god mansion, and it is already the 21st century. For him, everything is like a fantasy.

But what Lincoln said made him startled again. Now is not the time in the past. Even the Asgardians with a lifespan of 5000 years have appeared. How can it be impossible for an alien monster with a lifespan of more than 2000 years to survive?

After all, Simmons has been to a different planet. When everyone started to decide whether to rescue Coulson and others, their eyes gradually focused on Simmons. Everyone needs to hear her evaluation of the monster. If what came back was a vicious monster, not the Coulson or Fitz they were expecting, then everything would be really troublesome.

Simmons pondered for a moment, and then said: "I saw him, but I can't tell what he looks like, it's more of a feeling, ancient and painful, as if he once possessed great power, But now one thing is missing, and the whole planet is desolate, probably because of him."

No one can be sure whether it is Coulson and Fitz or the legendary monster that came back, so all this must be destroyed.

But before that, no matter what the conclusion is, they have to rescue those aliens first. However, when they were preparing to act, it was discovered from the satellite thermal image that all those aliens were dead because of the whipping.

Although they have used Joey's ability to strengthen their defenses, they can't hold out for long under the crazy attack of Hydra.

Under such circumstances, Alfonso McKenzie made a decisive decision. He asked everyone to go back to Hefeng No. [-] through the tunnel, and he himself stayed here until the last moment, waiting for Fez, Coulson, and Wei Wei. you.

But if Hydra and the alien come in, the others will blow up the entire castle and the courtyard, using up all the bombs on the plane.

Although others had other disagreements, Alfonso McKenzie used his status as interim director to force everyone to leave.

Time is getting closer and closer to the last moment, and Hydra's attack is becoming more and more violent. Not long after the space channel was opened, Hydra also broke into the teleportation room. At this time, Alfonso McKenzie appointed as the next Melinda, director of S.H.I.E.L.D., gritted her teeth and pressed the missile launch button.

More than a dozen missiles bombarded the castle at the same time, and the intense bombing immediately plunged the castle into a sea of ​​flames. Hydra didn't care about things like the portal at this time. Those Hydra agents would either be killed or killed. Either decisively choose to withdraw from the castle.

However, in the middle of a sea of ​​flames, the isolation cabin of S.H.I.E.L.D. suddenly lifted into the air, and the voice of Alfonso McKenzie came from inside. He successfully brought Fitz and Coulson back, and S.H.I.E.L.D. Total victory.

For S.H.I.E.L.D., this adventure was worth it. Not only did they destroy Hydra's conspiracy to save the monster, but they also brought back Fitz, Simmons, and Coulson. It also allowed Ward to stay on that planet forever.

However, they didn't know that the real Ward did not follow to that planet, and a greater crisis was slowly approaching.

(End of this chapter)

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