The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 660 The Real Goal

Chapter 660 The Real Goal

"Long live the triumphant hero." Malick looked at Ward who approached the door, and said with great emotion: "That was really swift and resolute. I seem to have just issued an action order, and your action has ended."

"It's been a long time since I shot at such a long distance." Ward exhaled lightly and said, "It feels good."

"I think so!" Malick said, his face gradually turned cold: "Then I guess you are patronizing excitement, and forgot what I said Coulson is going to catch alive!"

Ward frowned and explained, "That's because he managed to get away."

"It's just escaped from danger." Malik stared at Ward, and said sternly: "What do you think, send your bone team?"

"I just want to test Coulson's ability." Ward looked at Malik very calmly, with a stern look in his eyes.

Malik took a deep breath, turned his head sideways, and taught, "This is not a game of fate."

"Maybe it's not the case for you!" Ward said with his eyes still calm: "I can do whatever I want!"

"Okay!" Malik snorted unhappily, walked towards the silver box next to him, and said, "If Coulson can't escape, you can achieve what you want. I never Believe in nothing, I only believe in looking forward and never looking back."

As he said that, Malik came to the silver box and opened it directly. Inside the box were five small black stones packed in glass boxes. Malik said with emotion: "These stones are hundreds of years old. Taken from the boulder before, it is divided evenly among the most capable leaders of Hydra."

"Now you have collected a whole set." Ward looked at Malik, chuckled, and said, "You have to thank me."

"You missed the point." Malik said bluntly with a stinky face, "These stones are the key to the cause that Hydra has been working on since its establishment, but now, you are willing to pay for the trivial end." jeopardizes all of this."

Hearing what Malik said, Ward finally lowered his head and said frankly: "Don't worry, everything will go according to plan. You know, I know Coulson better than himself. What you want will come soon. It will come to you."

"Really?" Malik looked at the confident Ward, nodded slightly, and said, "I hope so."

It was Malik who personally ordered Rosalind to kill Rosalind. Rosalind knew him very well. Malik didn't want to see her alive and cause trouble for him at some point in the future, so he sent Ward to go in person. Kill Rosaline and capture Coulson alive.

What Malik wants to know most is how S.H.I.E.L.D. opened the portal to bring people back. This is the most important thing, and Ward is sure of this.

Just when Hydra began to carefully prepare to deal with SHIELD, SHIELD also tried every means to find out their details.

"Yes, that's the plan of the Pathfinder." Banks nodded as he looked at the drawings Fitz and Simmons showed on the computer, and continued: "That was when Rosa and I joined, ongoing projects at the bureau. But we don’t know the details.”

Alfonso McKenzie, who was standing aside, frowned and asked, "Then do you know where the space agency is implementing this plan?"

"Not them." Banks shook his head and said, "An independent third party proposed this project, and it was implemented in an experimental institution that closed down many years ago."

"Maybe it's worth a look." Simmons raised his head thoughtfully, and asked, "Do we need to guess who funded this independent third party?"

"No." Banks said very straightforwardly, "It's Gideon Malik."

This answer is not surprising. After all, there were many clues revealing this before, and now it is only the final confirmation.

But of course things didn't end so easily. Fitz and Simmons still wanted to go to that institution to see if they could find any clues.

Under the leadership of Banks, they quickly found this almost deserted institution. The light illuminates everything, but it makes people feel uncomfortable for a while.

Maybe it's because she's been on a different planet for a long time, and Simmons didn't feel anything about it. As she walked, she observed everything around her, frowned, and said, "It seems unlikely that the portal is here."

"Don't jump to conclusions so quickly." Fitz shook his head, and said very cautiously: "We may still find something that can help us save Will."

"We can't get him back." Simmons said suddenly.

Fitz didn't understand the subtext in her words, but said comfortingly: "Gemma, we have already established a procedure to determine where the portal opens on the Death Star, and now we only need to get there."

"That's not what I meant." Simmons struggled, and said, "It would be irresponsible to open another portal. For centuries, Hydra has been looking for monsters on that planet. None of us Know……"

Fitz didn't understand the subtext in Simmons' words at all, and said nonchalantly: "This is just nonsense that the Hydra mother told the monster baby."

"But I've seen it, it's real." Simmons couldn't help but raise his voice, that monster is probably real, then...

"But Will is also real, he's still stuck there, and he needs our help." Fitz, an elm-headed man, couldn't figure out what the problem was.

"Do you think I don't want to save him? Do you think it won't make my heart ache? He saved me." Taking a deep breath, Simmons tried his best to regain his composure, and said in a deep voice, "You know what I do to him feeling, but it would be selfish to put so many people at risk."

"It's not selfish." Fitz shook his head lightly. In his opinion, he owed Will. Will allowed Simmons to survive on a different planet, and then let her successfully fly to On the earth, although it is said that there is a super-intimate relationship between two people, it is all caused by the environment.

And if you want to completely break the relationship between the two, this love must be returned to Will, so that he and Simmons can come together without obstacles.

As for the monsters involved here, Fitz does not believe it. After all, Asgardians can live for 5000 years. It is not strange that there is such a monster who has lived thousands of years ago, but Fitz I don't believe that monster has such a great ability.

Simmons lived on such a different planet for such a long time, even if some monsters really took the opportunity to come to the earth, he could deal with them.

"Don't worry, Simmons, I..." Fitz hadn't finished speaking when a "bang" gunshot woke the two of them up. They only saw Banks, who had led them here, suddenly raise his gun. He shot directly at the several special forces members whose backs were turned to him, and killed them all before they could react.

Fitz pulled Simmons behind him and looked nervously at the scene in front of him. Could it be that Banks is from Hydra?

In the ATCU, although Rosalind is the top leader, it is obvious that she does not know the details other than controlling the general direction. This is how Malik kept it from her, and now it is obvious that Banks also appeared. problem.

Seeing Banks who turned around slowly and pointed his gun at himself and Simmons, Fitz quickly raised his hand and said, "Don't shoot."

"It's not me. Someone else is controlling me." Banks' face was terrified. Don't look at the gun he is holding in his hand now, but the shooting and the turning of his body just now were driven by the pistol. It was someone else who took control of the pistol, and then took control of him.

Just after Banks finished speaking, the gun in his hand gradually turned around, and in his extremely horrified eyes, he pulled the trigger on himself.

With a "bang" gunshot, Banks fell to the ground. A small hole the size of a peanut was cut in the middle of his brow, and he lost his breath.

Fitz and Simmons seemed to be watching a thriller, but before the two of them could react, Jiera, the alien with the ability to control the mind, who had appeared at the ATCU base before, came out of the shadows, coldly Looking at the two of them, he said, "Let's go, Mr. Malik is still waiting."

(End of this chapter)

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