Chapter 658 Origin

Zepko is a small town in Mecklenburg in northeastern Germany. It was originally a quiet town, but the calm was broken!

A parachute landed slowly on the outskirts of the small town, retracted the parachute, and it was Grant Ward who appeared here.

Ward took a lot of effort to find the secret room of the Baron Sterak family through the coordinates and entry method he asked from Malik's men, and entered it, but he just jumped from the open zenith , Immediately after he saw Malik standing aside full of surprise.

"I seldom admire anyone. I have shaken hands with many presidents, and I have had technology from other planets, and I don't think much of it." Malik looked at Ward, who was pointing a gun at her, with a little excitement. "But I have to say, I'm literally speechless right now," he said.

"But you want to kill me!" Ward stared at Malik, his face full of hatred for him, just because he revealed the secret of the Chamber of Secrets, he was going to kill him.

"I let those people kill you, then you can easily deal with them, and search and find this place." Malik smiled with satisfaction and took out a bottle of champagne that had been hidden for decades from the box behind him. When he got out of the cup, he said, "I only arrived a few minutes earlier than you, and I still took a private jet."

"Why, is all this just a test?" Ward frowned slightly. Hydra's methods were full of tricks, and he began to feel a little uncertain.

"No, I really want you. You're a real threat to everything I've built, but now..." Malik didn't just go downhill, but was very candid about his true intentions, and then continued: "Now I'm starting to think, maybe I'm looking at the problem from the wrong angle, maybe you are the second head of Hydra, growing right next to me."

With that said, Malik handed the champagne to Ward, Ward was unmoved at all, holding a gun and said coldly: "I should have killed you."

Malik heard Ward's softening attitude, chuckled, and said, "Then you're going to miss our history lesson."

Ward took a deep breath, lowered his gun, and took the glass of champagne from Malik.

Malik smiled with satisfaction before continuing, "I know you're bent on restarting Hydra, but how much do you know about our origin?"

"Hmm!" Ward frowned, and said with some uncertainty: "During World War II, John Schmidt used that kind of funds to establish..."

"No!" Malik waved his hands a little funny, and said something amazing: "John Schmidt just followed the establishment concept of Hydra, that is, the ultimate power does not come from this world. But Hydra The actual history of snakes is much older than that."

As he said that, Malick took out a 20 cm long glass box from a lockbox, which contained a black stone. If Coulson were here, he would be able to find that the stone was the same as the one originally used by S.H.I.E.L.D. The portal boulder is very similar.

While carefully placing the glass box on the table, Malik continued: "Hydra is as old as a stone. This stone, like other stones that survive, has been passed down for a hundred generations. Keep an eye on it. Don't miss the show it presents, Mr. Ward. It's cut from a bigger stone, taken from a boulder, and it has extraordinary properties, beyond anything we have. It's the way to another Portal to the world."

If Ling Xiao was here, he would confirm that his judgment was correct. When he saw the strange boulder on the S.H.I.E.L.D. It was purposely cut apart.

"Thousands of years ago, the first alien was born in this world." Malick looked at the stone in the glass box, and said with emotion: "This alien is destined to rule the world, so powerful, it is daunting , and the others were terrified by it, and finally joined forces to expel him from the earth. Use that portal to send him to another distant planet."

As soon as Malik finished speaking, the stones in the glass box suddenly softened into a black liquid, and turned back into black stones in the blink of an eye.

"Hydra was created for only one purpose, and that is to find a way to bring him back." Malik took a deep breath and continued: "Hydra has changed several times over the years, and even changed its name, but every generation has sent man through the portal in the hope of saving, or at least serving, our leader on the other side. Now we are building an army to command when he returns, and you and I, will rule with him."

"Okay." Ward blinked hard, and said vaguely: "These things... I am a little hard to accept for a while, and it takes time to digest."

"Hehe, this is indeed absurd!" Malik smiled understandingly, and continued: "But you should believe it, because we are finally getting close to the final chapter, and we will write it ourselves. Then you don't have to believe me, I Knowing that you want revenge, cut off the head of S.H.I.E.L.D. and watch him suffer, I can help you. But in return, I hope you can help me understand how S.H.I.E.L.D. Something that could not be done for thousands of years."

"What's that?" Ward asked very cautiously. He didn't have that much hatred for S.H.I.E.L.D. Malik actually misread him.

Although Ward was hunted down several times by S.H.I.E.L.D., there was no room for change, but there was not much hatred, it was just that the two sides had different positions. Of course, if they met each other, they should be killed, just like S.H.I.E.L.D. chased and killed him again and again. Well, what Ward has to do is to get back with revenge, without getting involved with many personal emotions.

Not to mention that Ward is now working for Ling Xiao, as a pawn for him to secretly usurp Hydra's rights.

Ling Xiao hung up the phone, and stood on the edge of the cliff, muttering in a low voice. Now everything is finally clear, Hydra actually exists to save a foreigner, a powerful enough to make all the people of the same race fear. , had to join forces to expel it from the land of the earth.

Leaving aside other things, the Cree and the Inhumans were created by the Crees, but there is no record in the legends of the Inhumans and the Hydra how they escaped the control of the Hydra. Most importantly, the appearance of this most powerful alien made Ling Xiao faintly understand something.

As soon as he reached out his hand, a black column with a width of one centimeter and a length of three centimeters appeared in Ling Xiao's hand. It is not difficult for the inner body to open the space channel, but the rare thing is that the time to open the channel is too short.

The larger the size of the black stone, the wider the space channel that can be maintained in the end, and the longer the time.

Of course, even though there is only such a small piece of stone, Ling Xiao can still use Kuaiyin's ability to quickly pass through the space channel and enter another world.

But if it's just for himself, all of this is enough, but the trouble is that if he wants to get more things, just this is not enough.

The first time Ling Xiao saw the black boulder, he concluded that he had been divided by someone, so he kept sending people to collect these things secretly, but there was no result. But now, the news finally appeared, and as soon as it appeared, five piece.

Malik found a black stone from the secret room of Baron Sterak, and from his words, it can be heard that there are four other black stones in other places, and the next thing is to wait for Malik to find all five of them. A stone, and then Ling Xiao snatched it from his hand.

Suddenly, the sound of a plane taking off sounded from the front of the Four-dimensional Building. It was the plane for Fitz and Simmons to return to S.H.I.E.L.D.During the time in Siwei Island, they did not get anything valuable from the wreckage, but they had other gains.

And these other gains, they didn't tell Ling Xiao, but Ling Xiao already knew about it.

It is hard to imagine that the source of this turmoil turned out to be the return of Simmons. It was precisely because she returned from a different planet almost unscathed that it attracted Malik's attention, and ATCU and Aegis came into existence. The purpose of the bureau's contact is to find out how she came back from a different planet.

Things are definitely not that easy to solve. Now that Malik's identity has been exposed, it is impossible to use Rosalind to obtain relevant information from SHIELD. very intense conflict.

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(End of this chapter)

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