Chapter 652 Decision

It was a monster wearing a black cloak with long hair covering his face. His height was about the same as that of a human being. Fortunately, Simmons was only on the edge of the sandstorm. When he saw the figure of the predator, he immediately ran to the side to avoid the sandstorm and escaped. Passed this time.

I don't know if it was the sandstorm caused by the monster itself, or the monster itself couldn't leave the sandstorm at all, so although the predators are very dangerous, according to the analysis of the sandstorm's trajectory, Simmons finally escaped before the sandstorm came to the shelter. Into the shelter, thus escaped all this.

After the incident, Will sternly warned Simmons not to go there again, but Simmons argued with Will face to face without flinching.

Based on what Simmons found there, Will wasn't the first person to come to this planet at all, and Will already knew that.

From Will's mouth, Simmons knew that for centuries, people have been sent to this planet, but no one has ever returned, and everyone has turned into piles of bones, and The action of sending people here has never stopped.

Although she knew something was wrong, Simmons couldn't care about it at the moment, because she had found a way to return to Earth.

Through the space channel made by the giant stone, it directly connects its location on the earth with a certain point on this planet.

Although it seems that everyone comes to this planet in a different place, and the portal looks like it is constantly moving, but in fact it is because the planet is rotating, and the position of the portal is in the middle of the entire universe. Coordinates are fixed.

Based on the calculations of when and where they knew their respective arrivals, plus tracking the orbits of the stars, they could predict when and where the portal would next appear, and the only thing they needed was equipment to help them observe.

In order to do this, Simmons even sacrificed the battery of his own mobile phone, and finally made a suitable observation device,

According to their observations, they found that the stone gate seemed to be opened randomly on the earth, but from the perspective of a different planet, it opened regularly, and the source of these regularities was the satellites above their heads. Affecting the opening of the portal is like the earth's moon affecting the tides, causing the gate to rise and fall, enter and exit.

According to their prediction, they rushed to the next place where the portal might open, but a 100-meter-wide canyon blocked their way, and on the mountain peak opposite the canyon, within their estimated time, the portal opened. It's on!

However, it is a pity that there is a 100-wide canyon between them and the portal. Not only can people not drive through it, but even their water bottles filled with relevant information, the second before being projected above the portal, the portal Closed, and the water bottle shattered!

All hope was shattered, and they could no longer calculate the location of the next portal opening. In desperation, Simmons embraced Will in the cave, and the only man and woman on the planet began to kiss passionately.

After the two were together, Simmons calculated the sunrise on this planet once every 18 years. While the two were watching the beautiful sunrise, Simmons discovered the signal flare thrown by Fitz. Overjoyed, the two moved toward The direction of the signal flare ran quickly, but at this moment, danger came.

The sandstorm and the hunter appeared together, and Simmons was horrified to find that it could actually transform into various false images such as astronauts to hunt and kill. In the end, Will let Simmons rush to the passage alone, but he stayed behind to resist the hunter.

Simmons was very reluctant, but in the sandstorm, she quickly lost track of Will, and at this time, she heard Fitz's cry again, at this time, the idea of ​​returning to the earth still occupied her In her mind, this is the only way for her to return to Earth, and there are hunters chasing after her, and only by returning to Earth can she avoid this hunt.

With the help of Ling Xiao and Fitz, Simmons successfully returned to the earth. On a different planet, under the sunshine of the sunrise once every 18 years, Will stood where Simmons left and pulled the bullet hard. After a long time, he threw the pistol away in frustration and left under the night of sunset.

Simmons didn't know whether Will was dead or alive. After telling everything, she begged Fitz to help her go back to the Boulder planet to rescue Will, but unexpectedly, Fitz had already started to study the various principles and recovery methods of the Boulder passage, and Simmons couldn't help being moved by promising to save Will.

After Ling Xiao listened to the conversation record between Simmons and Fitz, he couldn't help sighing softly. Coulson still made a move, and before sending back the wreckage of the situation, he had already asked Fitz to start researching His heart is also very big about the various principles and recovery methods of the giant stone passage!

But this is also good, with Fitz's research, the pressure on Ling Xiao's side can be relaxed.

Relying on Ling Xiao's own ability, and based on the wreckage in his hand, he was able to find a way to open the space passage to the alien planet, but the opening time was very short, and once he entered, he could not return.

As a result, Ling Xiao had to say hello to Asgard first, and ask them to help him use the Rainbow Bridge to bring him back to Asgard when he was lost in the starry sky, and then transfer back to Asgard through Asgard. to earth.

It is very dangerous to go to the starry sky. Ling Xiao doesn't want to disturb Asgard because of this, but in order to give himself an extra way out, he has to choose to do so. People come to solve it.

With the star map, it means that he doesn't have to take such a risk to go to a different planet, and he can start from the earth and go to the depths of the universe through the space wormhole.

However, this will bring new dangers. There are many eyes in the universe that pay attention to the earth. If Ling Xiao leaves the earth according to the star map provided by Asgard, he will inevitably be noticed by some people. He can't imagine If you enter the depths of the universe, you will be watched by others, so be careful.

In any case, the wreckage of the boulder was still in his hands, and Fitz still needed to come here to find him if he wanted to restore the boulder.

Before that, Ling Xiao needs to start preparing for the next move. Since he is going to leave the earth for a while, many follow-up matters must be carefully considered. At this time, it is also time to let his power show a part coming!

Coulson didn't realize what Fitz and Simmons were doing in private, he had a lot of things to do, cooperating with ATCU, hunting down Hydra, saving other mutants, tracking down the monster whip, etc. , all of which require a lot of manpower to carry out.

Andrew Garner was injured, which really angered Melinda. She removed Hunter from the action team, but instead pulled Barbara into the action team and began to pursue Ward further. Anyway, Andrew Garner was nearly killed, and Hunter was to blame.

Based on the analysis of the scene, Melinda quickly found out the true identity of Garner's escaped student, Alex von Strucker.

Melinda knew that as long as they found Alex, they would be able to follow the clues to find Ward, and they already had clues.

S.H.I.E.L.D. has been monitoring multiple HYDRA accounts, and one of them, based in the Cayman Islands, has just been tampered with, and this is their lead.

Alex von Strack, Ward always thought that this kid knew nothing about Hydra, he was just a rich second generation who ate and drank all day long, and even SHIELD did not This kid is taken seriously. After all, if he is really capable, he will not be sent to perform monitoring tasks.

But in fact, everyone underestimated Alex. Although he is not strong and doesn't know much about Hydra, it doesn't mean that he really knows nothing. Strucker The baron still kept a few cards for his son, such as the contact information of a certain hydra boss.

Although it is said that since the Sokovia incident, all Hydra forces have fallen into silence, and even Ward's attempt to contact other Hydra leaders through Bakshi has no effect, but this does not mean that these Hydra In the head snake branch, they completely lost contact, and they still communicated with each other.

And Alex von Strack, after the failure of Ward's mission, found the most important contact left by his father, Gideon Malik, the head of Hydra's German branch.

(End of this chapter)

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