Chapter 646 Organs

The passage is not very long, and after going down for dozens of meters, after turning a few turns, it enters a somewhat empty underground space.

There are also some machinery and equipment in this space, which are old and rusty.

Randolph said full of surprise: "Well, I didn't see this room last time I was here. As far as that period is concerned, the shape of the room is very strange. It must have been built after I came."

Barbara illuminated everything in the room with a flashlight, and said subconsciously: "It's a bit like the dungeon of the Louvre."

"What?" Randolph turned his head in surprise, looked at Barbara, and said, "There is no bunker under the Louvre, are you kidding?"

Barbara just turned her head and glanced at Professor Randolph, and then started to look around. Professor Randolph could only say to himself: "That's good, I have to check that the Louvre is under the There is not really an underground palace. Ling, when the time comes, shall we go together?"

Professor Randolph said, looking at Ling Xiao, Ling Xiao looked at him indifferently, and said: "No need to go, there is really a bunker under the Louvre, I can be sure of this, maybe it is I dug it after you went there!"

The Louvre was built in 1204. It was originally the royal palace of France. It lived in 50 French kings and queens. It didn’t become a museum until the Great Revolution in 1793. Professor Randolph is very old. If he doesn’t say it himself, who knows him When have you been to the Louvre?

Of course, everyone knows that what Professor Randolph cares about is not whether there is a bunker in the Louvre, but whether there is a similar portal in the Louvre.

Regarding these old machines, Fitz, a physics expert, has the most say. He quickly made a judgment and said: "These things are from the late 19th century, and they still have some vitality."

As he said that, Fitz cleaned and fiddled with it a few times, and then directly pulled down a certain switch. The next moment, the light bulbs in the room began to light up. After more than a hundred years, this thing was still working.

"I heard a sound of water!" Ling Xiao raised his eyebrows, and said in a low voice, "Maybe there is a stream underground, or it might be hydropower or something."

The electricity is only used to provide energy. Fitz punched a place where the circuit was rusted. The next moment, other instruments and equipment in the room began to make a "humming" sound, and the person in charge Randolph, who has been a college professor for many years, also hit another gate.

There was a sound of "cha-cha", and the floor in the center of the room slid in to one side, revealing a round hole three meters deep.

Even Ling Xiao didn't notice the strangeness before. Those patterns on the floor have some weird powers!

Barbara estimated the width and depth of the burrow, and guessed, "This looks like a..."

"Boulder." Fitz came to the same conclusion. He pointed to the equipment in the room and said to everyone: "These machines are designed to control the portal, open and close it at will."

"Are you sure?" Ling Xiao looked at Fitz. If it was as he said, then the matter would be serious. Over the years, how many times have the people who controlled it entered that ancient planet and brought it back? Why, and the reason is that they gave up here, thinking about it, they are terrified.

"Now we can only confirm the authenticity by verifying it." Fitz's eyes fell on Coulson who also looked puzzled.

Coulson sighed softly, took out his mobile phone and dialed Alfonso McKenzie: "Mike, I need you to put something on the Hefeng No. [-] and ship it... oh, you probably won't like it. "

Although Coulson was the director of transporting the boulder from the S.H.I.E.L.D. base to the UK, many people dissuaded him. But for Simmons, this time the risk had to be taken. After all, more people Support bringing Simmons back, because they are likely to encounter similar crises in the future.

It is not so easy to make these nineteenth-century antiques fully functional. Everything has to be cleaned and descaled, and some things have to be replaced. In order to ensure as successful as possible, Professor Fitz and Randolph Made their most possible transformation and improvement.

Ling Xiao was not idle either. In order to avoid accidents, he took photos of all the instruments here. In his opinion, there should be many fragments like this big rock in this world. As long as he can find it, and then Using these devices, it is absolutely possible to restart the portal again.

Looking at the strange boulder slowly being put into the round hole from the sky, Ling Xiao narrowed his eyes tightly, and he was adjusting his breathing.

In order to send this boulder in safely, Ling Xiao decisively drew out his sword to completely open up the upper part of the underground space, together with the outside world, let the plane hang the boulder out of the round hole, and finish this time , Barbara ordered Hefeng No. [-] to leave temporarily.

Along with Hefeng No. [-], Skye and Alfonso McKenzie also came here. After entering here, Alfonso couldn't help but joked to Coulson: "A room full of antique equipment is a bit annoying to me. Think of your office, Chief."

What do you mean by that? Coulson raised his head and looked at Alfonso McKenzie with some annoyance, but at this time the other party had already walked away for a certain distance.

At this moment, Skye asked, "Realistically speaking, how likely are these things to work?"

"If we were realistic, we wouldn't have come to this point." Coulson looked at Skye and said this, but he didn't have much confidence himself.

"Andrew Garner thinks I should be more realistic. He said I was reckless, but I think you are!" Skye looked at Coulson. Dr. Andrew Garner is a psychiatrist for S.H.I.E.L.D. and Melinda ex-husband, the two parties tried several times to get back together, but in the end nothing came of it.

Although Ling Xiao has never met this person, he often hears his name. Although the incident of the Inhuman Race has passed for a long time, Dr. Andrew Garner is still a little worried about Skye's mentality. After all, those things are not for everyone. acceptable.

Dr. Andrew Garner not only analyzed the psychological condition of Skye himself, but also other people in S.H.I.E.L.D. Will be sent to the secret gathering place of the Inhumans.

"I can't help it." Coulson glanced at Fitz before Skye said, "But don't take it to heart, he's not that..."

Skye raised his eyebrows at Coulson, interrupted him directly and said, "He said you are reckless in everything you do."

"No, he didn't say that." Seeing Skye's calm expression, Coulson couldn't help asking: "Did he really say that?"

"Hmm!" Skye nodded. Dr. Garner is a very good psychiatrist, and his identity is not just that simple as a doctor.

At this time, Fitz's voice suddenly sounded, and he said to Alfonso McKenzie: "Mike, Mike, help push down that pole."

Alfonso McKenzie found the pole, as Fitz said, and pressed it straight down.At this time, Fitz glanced at the entire set of equipment again, then nodded to Randolph, and closed the main switch in his hand.

The next moment, under the expectant eyes of everyone, the entire set of equipment began to operate. After the renovation, the entire set of equipment was operating very well.

Everyone subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, but at this moment, the entire set of equipment suddenly began to shake violently, and the whole room was the same, and everyone couldn't help but raise their hearts.

Suddenly, in front of everyone's eyes, the boulder in the round hole suddenly turned into a black liquid, which began to fluctuate violently, and the space channel opened.

"Everyone back off!" Ling Xiao asked everyone to step aside, and stood cautiously on the edge of the round hole, holding the Guan Xiao sword tightly in his hand.

Fitz carefully held the flashlight to shine on the black liquid below. Although the fluctuations of the black liquid were violent, they were very regular.

"The space channel can be continuously opened." Fitz immediately became excited, and shouted to everyone: "Light, I need more light."

With a light shake of Ling Xiao's left hand, a soft ball of light floated above the round hole, illuminating everything clearly.

At this moment, the trembling in the room became more and more distant. Ling Xiao hadn't felt anything yet. Skye had already started to feel uncomfortable, and the instruments in the room had begun to spark. Alfonso McKenzie endured Can't stop shouting: "Fitz, we're in trouble."

(End of this chapter)

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