The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 630 Ruthless Thoughts

Chapter 630 Ruthless Thoughts

A "bang" shot rang out in the reception room. Gonzales watched in disbelief as Jiaying pointed his gun at his shoulder and fired two shots in a row. This old man who was dying, finally There was only time to curse: "You madman, you will ruin everyone..."

Before finishing a sentence, Gonzalez was out of breath. The next moment, he saw a sneer on Jiaying's pale face, and then he staggered and ran out towards the outside, stumbling.

At this time, Ling Xiao came out of the dark with an expression of disbelief. He really couldn't believe that the matter had developed to the situation in front of him.

At the beginning of the entire negotiation, the atmosphere was very harmonious. Of course, the old-fashioned Gonzalez would not express a tough attitude at the beginning. He found a string of ancient coin amulets to win Jiaying's trust, and his request was very simple. The abilities of all the Inhumans were recorded in SHIELD, that's all.

However, Jiaying has long known from Lincoln, who just came back from SHIELD, that the records of SHIELD are not that simple. They not only have to record their real names, ages, home addresses, parents and social relations, but also record their real names, ages, home addresses, parents, and social relations, Blood samples were drawn for each individual, and their abilities were recorded.

According to this approach, it means that all the lifelines of the Inhumans are in the hands of S.H.I.E.L.D.

In this case, once there are aliens doing evil in this world, SHIELD will stop them, or arrest or kill them.

If it is just to register the individual's family situation and their abilities, the Inhumans can still accept this point, but the S.H.I.E.L.D. agency's blood drawing records for the Inhumans has triggered the most sensitive nerve in Jiaying's heart .

You must know that she was directly cut open by Whitehall, took away all the internal organs, drew all the blood, and survived very hard in the end. Now SHIELD is coming to draw blood from the Inhumans again, let alone They also have a god gui that can destroy the entire Inhuman race.

So in the end, Jiaying took out a tiny blue crystal and smashed it directly. The next moment, Gonzales was not prepared to be ashes all over his body. He lost his breath before he finished his last sentence. Sarres snatched his gun from his hand and shot himself directly.

It was agreed before the meeting that only the leaders of the two parties will meet, and they must not carry any weapons.

However, not only did Coulson become Gonzales at the end of the SHIELD meeting, but Gonzales was also carrying a gun, so it would be strange to have a good result.

Ling Xiao sighed slightly. In fact, today’s matter would be the same if Coulson was replaced. Maybe he is not as good at persuading others as Gonzalez, but it turns out that Gonzalez is the same. In this way, Coulson may only have a dead end when he comes.

And judging by Jiaying's approach, she might have already planned everything. If the conditions proposed by SHIELD were relatively loose, she might still be able to obtain the mysterious stone door through negotiation, but Gonzales, although on the surface, The attitude is soft, but the implied meaning is very tough.

What would happen outside, Ling Xiao didn't need to think about it, Jiaying pushed all the incidents of being shot on Gonzales, and then didn't know what happened, the butterfly plane of SHIELD suddenly took off, Then missile bombardment was carried out on the entire starting base. For a while, flames blazed everywhere, gunpowder smoke dispersed, half of the houses were destroyed, and the entire "Afterlife" base was in ruins.

When Ling Xiao walked out of the house invisibly, he happened to see Skye and Melinda fighting fiercely. This pair of once close companions fought fiercely without reservation, and in the end it was the old-fashioned Melinda who won the battle. First of all, her experience in fighting and fighting is not comparable to that of Skye, but in the end it was Skye who won the victory. After all, she has the ability to launch shock waves, and she used it without reservation in the end .

Seeing Melinda lying unconscious on the ground, Skye hesitated for a moment, then turned around and left, while Ling Xiao remained invisible, confirming that Mei was rescued by Simmons to the butterfly plane, and then he left quietly.

Ling Xiao put the plane on a icy snow mountain, standing in the cold wind, he thought silently, the whole thing he thought was a bit simple.

After the Ultron incident, S.H.I.E.L.D. was able to openly appear in this world. After the New S.H.I.E.L.D. and the True S.H.I.E.L.D. were merged into one, a large amount of resources were transported to the space carrier, and the damage suffered before was also recovered. After repairing and regaining their force, the members of S.H.I.E.L.D. naturally became a little arrogant, so when they learned of the existence of the Inhumans, Gonzales insisted on attacking the Inhumans.

However, when it was found that the "Afterlife" base where the Inhumans are located is located in an extremely sensitive political and geographical area, even Gonzalez did not clamor so much to destroy all the Inhumans. Gonzalez reappeared, his tone amiable but hidden.

However, Jiaying is not easy. It is certain that S.H.I.E.L.D. has something wrong with it, but she did not choose to negotiate with S.H.I.E.L.D., but planted Gonzales to shoot herself, which triggered the conflict between the entire Inhuman race and S.H.I.E.L.D. fighting.

Perhaps in the eyes of S.H.I.E.L.D., the Inhumans only have these people in the "afterlife" base, but Ling Xiao knows that the real Inhumans are much stronger, and the leader of the Inhumans, Black Bolt, even has the ability to destroy the earth. , is a real S-level powerhouse, once the Inhumans and SHIELD go to war, the consequences will be unimaginable.

No one is a fuel-efficient lamp. Ling Xiao took a deep breath. On this matter, he had to admit that he was a little simple-minded. Jiaying was too vicious, and he would not hesitate to seek skins from tigers when he cooperated with her. However, if she wanted to use this part of the Inhumans on Earth for her own use, Jiaying couldn't get around it.

Glancing at Whitehall, who was thrown at his feet, Ling Xiao shook his head. The value of this person's existence is gone. With Jiaying's personality, there is no such thing as gratitude. It would be good not to be used by her Now, Ling Xiao took the initiative to hand over Whitehall, and she would definitely think that he had ulterior motives.

Ling Xiao did have ulterior motives. He originally wanted to use Whitehall to gain the trust of the Inhumans while the Inhumans were suppressed by S.H.I.E.L.D. soldiers, and then provide them with a way out, and finally use Skye's The relationship gradually subdued the Inhumans, but now it seems that he was a little too optimistic.

Jiaying is far more resentful than he imagined. Since she was hurt by Whitehall, she is very sensitive to the coveting of the outside world, and under the resentment, her methods are also more vicious. The biggest mistake of S.H.I.E.L.D. Treat Jiaying as an ordinary person.

Thinking of this, Ling Xiao glanced at Whitehall indifferently, then ignored him and directly boarded the plane and left.

And Whitehall on the ground turned into a ball of popsicles at some point. After a long time, with a gust of cold wind, Whitehall suddenly turned into a ball of ice powder and was blown away in all directions. The leader of the all-powerful Hydra died so silently!

"Sir, there was a firefight. Skye's mother was shot. It is said that Gonzalez did it. I'm afraid the situation will get worse." When Melinda woke up in a daze, she just heard Simmons talking to Cole. Sen reported the situation.

"Where is the Gonzalez man, where is he now?" Coulson was also furious, how could things have developed to this point.

"I don't know." Melinda stood up and shook her head at Coulson. Simmons and Thomas Weaver also had the same attitude.

"He finally got what he's always wanted!" Fitz, who was standing with Coulson in the command room of the Helicarrier, couldn't help but sneer.

Fitz didn't like Gonzalez and his group at all. They even sent people to hunt him down. Although the S.H.I.E.L.D. is now integrated, this didn't reduce his dislike for them at all.

Coulson turned his head and glared at Fitz before continuing to ask, "Jemma, are you sure who fired the missile?"

"No, sir, we are still trying to figure out what happened to that fighter jet?" Simmons took a deep breath and continued: "Our focus now is to safely evacuate all S.H.I.E.L.D. Investigate."

(End of this chapter)

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