The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 625 Follow-up

Chapter 625 Follow-up

The hundreds of meters long and extremely heavy Edman metal pillar brushed past Stark's waist with heavy pressure, frightening him to fly far away, even if he was lightly touched by such a pillar He couldn't take it anymore.

However, among the chaotic rubble, he didn't see a streak of colorful light continuously flowing through the long metal pillars, branding marks one after another.

With a loud bang, hundreds of meters of long metal pillars penetrated directly into the Black Sea, causing endless splashes. Fortunately, the average water depth of the Black Sea reached 1315 meters, and the maximum water depth even exceeded 2210 meters. After the long metal column entered the water, it was finally submerged by sea water.

The Black Sea is oval in shape, 1150 kilometers long from east to west, 611 kilometers wide from north to south, and 263 kilometers narrowest in the middle, with an area of ​​42.2 square kilometers. How can such a floating land with a radius of only a few kilometers be more than enough. However, after everything calms down, the Black Sea The water level rose by 1.8 cm.

The steel battle armor drew a beautiful arc and landed on the shore at the edge of the Black Sea. There were still gravels falling on the sea in the distance. Stark let out a breath of fear, and then said to the communication frequency: "Everyone, report the location."

"Pietro, Wanda, I, and I just boarded the Helicarrier." When Hawkeye said this, he had just stepped off the rescue ship.

"I'm on the deck of the Helicarrier." It was Rogers who said this, and he had just jumped onto the Helicarrier just before Stark started the plan.

"I'm in the command room." It was Natasha who answered, and she said in a hurried voice: "Hulk left in a butterfly plane. He activated the stealth program and closed the communication channel. He couldn't get in touch with anyone. Do you know where he went?"

After Natasha finished speaking, the communication channel suddenly fell silent. In fact, after several consecutive battles, the Avengers did not cause many accidental injuries to ordinary people. However, under the fuel of the media, Hulk seemed to become a heinous Criminals, almost everyone is condemning him. Some members of the U.S. Congress even proposed a proposal to put Hulk in a cage and never release him.

Although Stark deliberately blocked the relevant news, Hulk was aware of it after all. Although Ling Xiao made an appointment with Dr. Banner in advance to find a small island to live in seclusion after the whole thing was over, but when Hulk occupied When he was conscious of the subject, he ignored the agreement between Banner and Ling Xiao, flew directly into space in a butterfly plane, and disappeared into the vast universe.

This butterfly-shaped aircraft was specially modified by Stark, and it would not be a problem to fly interstellar, but who would have thought that he would go to the depths of the vast universe and enter Gao Tianzun's betting field. It's wonderful as if someone is fiddled with on purpose.

Ling Xiao didn't know that Hulk had left at this time, he was refining this long metal pillar with all his strength, and at the same time manipulated him to enter the Mediterranean Sea along the Turkish Strait in the southwest corner, hiding it in the Mediterranean Sea, which is almost several times the size of the Black Sea before returning to the shores of the Black Sea.

Thor also appeared at the same time as Ling Xiao. Compared with Ling Xiao, Thor really lost his strength and completely destroyed such a large floating land. Although Stark also made a lot of effort, but It is Thor who is really responsible for the main power output. This time, the divine power in his body is severely depleted.

However, Ling Xiao and Thor finally showed up one after another, but Dr. Banner and Dr. Banner have not been seen yet.

Hearing the news of Hulk's disappearance, Ling Xiao couldn't help but fell silent. He originally wanted to bring Hulk into his camp, but the plan was forced to die with Hulk's disappearance before it even started.

To be honest, if Ling Xiao is willing to go after him with all his strength, according to Stark's signal installed on the butterfly plane, he is still very likely to catch up with him, but what if he catches up, now for Hulk , neither Earth is a friendly place for Dr. Banner.

From his point of view, perhaps leaving is the best choice. As for Ling Xiao, in the whole Ultron incident, he has gained a lot. The value of Hulk's existence is not, nor is it so special. No, forget it, just let it go.

After learning the news of Hulk's departure, Ling Xiao nodded to Stark without saying anything, and then got into the Black Sea again and disappeared without a trace.

As for Vision, although he did not show up, everyone knows what he did. He went to hunt down Ultron. Among the entire Avengers, only he has the ability to completely destroy Ultron, but if he chooses to stay If it is in hand, no one else can do it.

However, Ultron was completely destroyed by the Vision in the end, and no one knew what happened, but Ultron has never appeared since then.

The end of the Ultron incident, because of the departure of Dr. Banner, no one mentioned such a thing as celebration. In addition to the Avengers, the US government has also received a lot of praise from the public, because they declared that the ship The space carrier was sent out by them.

The governments of all countries on the earth know what is going on, but if S.H.I.E.L.D. does not stand up, they can't say anything, let alone offend the US government because of this, and for the follow-up treatment of those victims, the US government A lot of manpower and material resources were also spent.

It’s just a false name, but the real and practical benefits are still obtained by S.H.I.E.L.D. Once the space carrier appeared in the world, after getting the consent of the US government, Fury reached an agreement with other governments that the space carrier would only stay on the high seas forever. They will not enter land without an invitation from the country concerned.

This time, no country has hunted down the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. They even reached some consensus to jointly deal with some unsolvable threats, and when the threat rises to a certain level, the Avengers will also intervene .

But this time, there is nothing wrong with Ling Xiao. Hulk went into space, Barton chose to quit the Avengers because of his family, and Ling Xiao also planned to live in seclusion. He was really tired from this incident. Everyone It is inevitable that there are disagreements between each other and frequent contradictions.

The new Avengers headquarters is in a scenic suburb in southwest New York. Stark bought a large piece of land and built such a new headquarters.

The first lesson of the Ultron incident for everyone is not to build the headquarters of the Avengers in the bustling downtown area anymore, because the aftermath of the Avengers battle is likely to destroy everything, causing countless casualties, countless property losses, endless Instead of this, it is better for the Avengers to move out of Manhattan Center directly, so as to save everyone from trouble.

In this new, extremely modern headquarters of the Avengers, Hill is still in charge of all affairs. Many people who are unwilling to rejoin S.H.I.E.L.D. choose to work for the Avengers here. So as not to be estranged because of the previous things.

Walking in the aisle in the back garden, Rogers, Ling Xiao, and Stark walked with Thor, and Rogers suddenly sighed and said, "The rules have changed."

Stark nodded, and said with full approval: "Yes, we are dealing with new things."

"Yes, Vision is actually an artificial intelligence, a machine, so it doesn't matter if he picked up the hammer?" Rogers looked at the others puzzled, and it turned out that what they had been discussing was about Thor's Hammer Things, Thor said before that whoever can hold Thor's Hammer can become the master of Asgard, so after the incident, Rogers couldn't help but joked.

However, was it really just a joke? Ling Xiao stood behind and kept silent. Their attempt was so obvious that a smart person could see through it at a glance.

As soon as Rogers finished speaking, Stark immediately answered again, saying, "No, he's not human!"

Rogers immediately nodded in agreement and said, "Well, the rules for judging us are different."

"He's nice, but it's just an artificial intelligence." Stark quickly made a conclusion on this matter. Since Vision is an artificial intelligence, as Thor said before, no matter whoever picks up Thor's hammer, he can rule the world. Things in the world are naturally not feasible here in Vision.

So, you were taken back to Asgard. If he followed him back to Asgard and could afford Thor's Hammer, wouldn't he be taking over from Thor...

This is the purpose of Stark and Rogers' chatter, leaving both the Vision and the Mind Stone on Earth.

Thor smiled lightly, and said frankly: "Since he can afford Thor's Hammer, he can keep the Mind Stone and keep it on Earth."

(End of this chapter)

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