The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 609 Opposition

Chapter 609 Opposition

As soon as they returned to Stark Tower, the atmosphere almost turned cold. When the Scarlet Witch siblings saw Tony Stark, their eyes narrowed immediately, full of murderous intent, and Dr. Banner's face was also gloomy. Especially for the Scarlet Witch, it was a very bad memory for him.

Although Natasha had communicated with Stark in advance, Dr. Banner still stared at Ling Xiao and asked, "Ling, are you being controlled by her?"

Before Ling Xiao could speak, the Scarlet Witch stood up and said, "I'm sorry, I know you're very angry..."

"Oh, I'm far more than just angry!" In addition to the complete loss of control that the Scarlet Witch brought to Banner, there was also a nightmare that no one knew about. strangle you to death."

"Okay!" Ling Xiao took a step forward, standing in the middle of the crowd, and said in a deep voice: "No matter what grievances and grievances there were in the past, the common enemy of all of us now is Ultron. I don't care whether they are killed or go their separate ways, the most important thing now is to deal with this guy."

Ling Xiao touched the cradle of life, and said in a deep voice: "We have to come up with a solution, what should this guy do?"

In the Stark Industries laboratory, Dr. Banner carefully inspected the Cradle of Life, and said: "This thing is completely sealed, we need to start a program to disintegrate it from the inside, I can destroy its body tissue, If you can shut down the operating system implanted by Dr. Zhao..."

"About that," Stark said, standing up, "do we really have to destroy it? Can't we make him work for us?"

"No." Rogers was the first to stand up and objected: "One Ultron has already brought such a big threat to the world, and we haven't solved it yet. If there is another one, who knows if the earth will be destroyed directly. "

The Scarlet Witch wanted to say something, but Ling Xiao next to her grabbed her wrist, shook her head at her, took a step forward, and said, "Tony, we don't know what's in there. Chuang has copied part of his consciousness into the cradle of life, we can't be sure whether we will create something more terrifying than Ultron, and Thor, the soul stone, will bring it back to Asgard."

Now Thor is not here because of something, but this does not mean that Stark can take the Mind Stone as his own.

"Ling is right." Dr. Banner looked at Stark, and persuaded in a deep voice: "Tony, we'd better follow the original plan, destroy his body tissue, and take out the mind stone. There is no need to take risks. Such a big risk."

"Hmm!" Natasha and Barton on the side also nodded. The damage caused by Ultron was too painful, and they didn't want to have something more uncontrollable than Ultron. In this case, Let alone one Avenger, even ten cannot save the earth.

Seeing that everyone except Tony Stark opposed his opinion, Scarlet Witch and her younger brother Quicksilver looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Tony Stark did not give up. He glanced at everyone and said: "Say another thing, our ally, the person who protects the military nuclear weapons code, I have found him."

With that said, Stark took out his mobile phone and flicked it lightly, a familiar yellow structure appeared in front of everyone's eyes, and the same familiar voice came from inside: "Hello, Dr. Banner, Natasha, Ling, Captain Rogers, Mr. Button."

"Jarvis, it's you!" Ling Xiao couldn't help saying in surprise. According to Tony Stark, the person who has been preventing Ultron from obtaining the military nuclear weapon code on the Internet is Jarvis. I don't know if it was repaired by itself, or even if it is incomplete, it has the ability to fight against Ultron on the Internet. Maybe the latter is more likely. If it is the former, it should have contacted them long ago. .

Seeing everyone's surprised faces, Stark couldn't help but smiled, and continued: "Ultron's attack on Jarvis was not out of anger, but out of fear of him and his ability, so Jarvis lurked underground, disassembled the system, wiped the memory card, but kept the communication protocol, and it didn't even know where it was until I fixed it."

Stark emphatically emphasized that even Jarvis, who only kept the communication protocol, can still prevent Ultron from obtaining the military nuclear weapon code.

Dr. Banner immediately understood the meaning of the words, looked at him, and said with a look of surprise: "So you want me to help you implant Jarvis into this thing inside, will it be a bit strange?" Too risky?"

"No, no, of course not, I'm going to help you implant Jarvis into this thing." Stark looked at Dr. Banner with a smile, and said, "This is not my field of research. You understand organic biology better than anyone."

Dr. Banner shook his head vigorously, and said, "Do you think Jarvis can defeat Ultron's calculation matrix, and if not?"

Sure enough, Stark took out what he just said: "Jarvis has defeated Ultron unconsciously from within, and this is an opportunity for us to create another Ultron—no, it was our original plan The one that was created, a perfect version that doesn't use homicide as a personality."

At this time, Jarvis also agreed and said: "I think it is worth a try, I am sure that I can defeat Ultron's calculation matrix."

"Then what if it fails?" Ling Xiao said abruptly. He looked at Jarvis and said, "What if Ultron's calculation matrix assimilated you and created a more terrifying monster than Ultron?" That's all for the guy, what will happen to the military's nuclear weapon code? What if Ultron has mastered the nuclear weapon?"

This is the most realistic threat, and no one can ignore it. Whether it is Ultron, or the more terrifying guys created in case of failure, they are not an absolute threat. What really threatens the world is that they want to obtain The plan to control nuclear weapons, because once it succeeds, the consequences will be disastrous.

"It's like being caught in a vicious circle." Dr. Banner smiled wryly, and said, "It's like being caught in a vicious circle of time loops. That's how things got worse in the first place. In order to solve the existing threats, a new one was finally created." A more threatening guy."

"This is not a strange circle, this is the end of a timeline." Stark glanced back at everyone, and said in a deep voice, "Can you express your opinion, Barton?"

"I don't care, as long as you don't use nuclear weapons in his program, I'm fine!" Barton shrugged. This guy is very cunning. For him, there are enough monsters in this world, and it's not bad. Such a, of course, provided that the Earth cannot be destroyed.

"Yes!" Stark nodded after pondering for a moment, then looked at Jarvis, and Jarvis agreed, "I have no problem."

"I object!" Natasha glanced at Button and said with a sullen face, "I don't agree to implant Jarvis's consciousness into this thing until Jarvis can definitely win."

People who have experienced World War II and even the Cold War cannot feel the dark clouds that nuclear war may descend on their heads at any time. Natasha expressed her absolute opposition.

Steve Rogers had the same attitude. He said with a sullen face: "I also object, we can't be sure what will be built!"

"One vote for, two votes against, Bruce, it's your turn!" Tony Stark turned to look at Dr. Banner with a calm expression.

"If it is really possible to set in the program that nuclear weapons cannot be used, I have no problem." After hesitating for a while, Dr. Banner still voted in favor. He glanced at Ling Xiao with some embarrassment. If he can produce an artificial intelligence robot that is not inferior to Ultron but can stand in the position of an Avenger, then he can retreat without any hesitation!

"Barton, Bruce, and me, three votes for it." Stark's target fell on Ling Xiao, and continued: "Natasha and Steve objected, Ling, what about you, what's your opinion? "

"The two of us don't agree either!" Kuaiyin couldn't help standing up, the situation was a bit unfavorable now, and the Scarlet Witch stared closely at Ling Xiao.

"You two don't have the right to vote!" Stark gave Kuaiyin a cold look without backing down, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense again.

(End of this chapter)

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