The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 597 The Future

Chapter 597 The Future

"The Stark Rescue Fund has been activated?" Tony Stark couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. The Stark Rescue Fund was originally established to compensate for the damage caused to ordinary people by the Avengers during their missions. , being able to play a role in time is the best case scenario for him.

"Hmm!" Hill nodded lightly, and asked cautiously, "How is everyone doing?"

"It's slightly damaged, but it's okay. The jade pendant made by Ling played a big role this time." Stark couldn't help but look back at Ling Xiao. This time it was really thanks to Ling Xiao. Both Rogers and Natasha would be severely injured under the mental attack of the psychic attack. The most important thing is Dr. Banner. If it hadn't been for the jade pendant to resist for some time, so that Stark could catch up in time, otherwise once he rushed into the city center, the consequences would be severe. unimaginable.

After hesitating for a moment, Hill still suggested: "However, in order to avoid some people making trouble, you'd better keep a low profile recently."

"Well, that's what we plan to do too. Find a hidden place to stay for a while." Stark nodded slightly, and said, "We will enter stealth mode next, so we will avoid people's sight first."

Tony Stark is equally sensitive to many things. From the inside and outside of Hill's words, he has already noticed that some caring people have begun to make use of the topic.

"So are we going to run away and hide?" Natasha, who was sitting aside, had a slight sneer on her face, Ling Xiao and Stark were not the only ones who guessed these things.

They are a group of people who don't care about life and death for the safety of the earth, but at a critical moment, these people really want to put everything on their heads, and Natasha feels a burst of discomfort.

"Before I find Ultron, I have no other suggestions." Hill forced a smile on her face. She could imagine the storm of public opinion she would face, and the situation was far more serious than what she said.

Although there were not many casualties this time, people with good intentions still couldn't help fueling the flames. This time their actions did not communicate with the Ethiopian government in advance. If the other party wants to arrest them, it is justified.

However, with Hill's ability, these things can still be suppressed. The African government can buy them with money. In the end, this matter is nothing more than arguing for a while, condemning the public for a while, and finally worrying about the future, but there are no victims. Stand up, this storm will eventually pass.

"This is actually not a bad thing." Ling Xiao walked up from behind and said to Hill behind the virtual screen: "Hill, please do me a favor and collect information from all parties on this matter." Make a statement, some things can’t just be left alone.”

Ling Xiao made it clear that he wanted to find a later account. Natasha nodded in agreement. Although Rogers had gotten rid of the environment, he was still silent in the past memory and did not speak. Patton was flying the plane ahead, and Thor did not Participating in this conversation, Dr. Banner has not recovered from the impact of the transformation, Stark wanted to say something, but finally did not speak.

He couldn't express his opinion. In the final analysis, this matter should be counted on Tony Stark's head. Although he was said to be affected by the Scarlet Witch, the Ultron Project was a long time ago. Already started planning.

"That's it." Stark nodded to Hill, and then closed the video call. He looked at Barton and said, "Do you want me to change shifts with you?"

"No, I'm fine." Barton smiled, looked back at Stark, and said, "If you want to take a nap, it's just right now, because we still have a few hours to get to the safe house .”

This time, the destination they went to was the safe house that Barton talked about. There are not many places for them to go. Whether it is Ling Xiao or the property under the name of Stark, those who are interested can find out as long as they put their heart into it. It couldn't be easier to send a few people to watch and find their tracks.

The sky in the east just turned pale, and the plane that the group of people took landed slowly in a manor in southwestern New Jersey. Everyone got off the plane one after another. Surrounded by endless wheat fields, the fresh air was refreshing. I feel very comfortable.

There is a three-story wooden villa in the manor, which is full of the atmosphere of life. Ling Xiao and Thor, who have sensitive ears, can even hear some women's voices coming from the house. Thor couldn't help asking: "Where is this place?" Where?"

"A safe house!" Stark said, shrugging, "I hope so."

Barton and Natasha walked into the house first, followed by others. As soon as they entered the living room, Barton said loudly, "Honey, I'm back."

As he finished speaking, a woman in home clothes came out of the kitchen with a big belly and cereal in her hand.

"A guest is here. I'm sorry. I didn't call back beforehand." After speaking, Barton walked up to his wife, hugged her gently, and introduced to everyone: "Gentlemen, this is Laura, My wife."

Laura was a little shy. She smiled at everyone and said hello, "I know your names..."

Saying that, two children, a boy and a girl, ran down the stairs, and the two ten-year-old children ran directly towards Barton, shouting joyfully, "Dad!"

"Hi, baby, young man!" Barton picked up his daughter, put his arms around his son's shoulders, greeted him intimately, then stood with his wife in his arms, and explained to the stunned crowd: "It was Fury who joined me at the beginning. When I was in S.H.I.E.L.D., everything that helped me settle down was not recorded in S.H.I.E.L.D.'s files. I think it's better to keep it like this. This is indeed a good place to hide my name."

Barton's past is also very complicated, and he also has many enemies. Fury may not have expected so many things to happen later, but it played a big role in the disintegration of Aegis. Speaking of this, Natasha's She looked a little unnatural, but she quickly became one with the children.

Compared with other people, she has a good relationship with Barton, and she seems to have been to this place several times. The children are very close to her, and even the child in the belly of Barton's wife Laura is named Natasha.

Everyone quickly settled down here. Barton was talking privately with his wife in the house, Natasha helped take care of the children, Rogers and Stark were chopping wood together, and Ling Xiao continued to help Dr. Banner stabilize his emotions , Thor came over to say hello to everyone, and then left alone!

Because of his own carelessness, Thor also fell into the illusion of the Scarlet Witch, but compared to others, his understanding of this illusion is far superior to others.

He knows that this is not just a simple illusion, it can even arouse the fear in others' hearts, and some things that he is not aware of will be clearly revealed. This is what Thor encountered. Walking out, there are only four words in his mind, Ragnarok,

Ling Xiao always thought that it was Loki's conspiracy to go to Muspelheim to find the flame giant Surtur, but in fact the real origin was the fear that he didn't even know he was aroused by the Scarlet Witch when he was in North Africa yesterday , which made Thor want to continue looking for the answer.

And what is the deepest fear in Ling Xiao's heart, don't say he doesn't have it, he has it, Ling Xiao faces his demons very honestly.

In this world, no matter how powerful it is or how long its lifespan is, when the Thanos Infinity Gauntlet is fired, there will be a half chance of being erased, so what is the deepest fear in Ling Xiao's heart? Thanos, is the moment when Thanos fired the Infinity Gauntlet!

Like Thor, in the face of the deepest fear in his heart, Ling Xiao chose to face it head-on. All he is doing now is to prevent the last scene from happening. Of course, he did not tell anyone else about this, because It's useless to say that when the threat of Thanos is faced directly, no one will believe it.

For Hulk, Ling Xiao knew that Dr. Banner should have left the earth at the dusk of the gods in Asgard, so that he would meet Thor on the planet Saka in the depths of the universe, but he was a little unclear. When exactly did Dr. Banner leave Earth.

Whether it was after the heroic civil war, or after the end of this incident, his memory of this incident has been blurred.

But no matter what, Ling Xiao hopes to control Dr. Banner, or Hulk, in his own hands, which will be very helpful for his future plans.

"Why, Bruce, are you still thinking about what happened in Ethiopia?" Ling Xiao handed Banner a bottle of beer mixed with the essence of Renshui, and comforted him: "Didn't I tell you everything, the damage caused this time , Has the Stark Rescue Fund been settled, wait until this gust of wind passes..."

"Not this." Bruce Banner raised his head, looked at Ling Xiao and said, "Ling, since yesterday, I feel that Hulk has become more and more active!"

(End of this chapter)

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