The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 582 Life Body

Chapter 582 Life Body

"I've been analyzing gems." Stark has been researching the soul scepter. Over the years, since the New York War, the soul scepter has been in the hands of S.H.I.E.L.D., and Stark occasionally enters S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau, to conduct research on the soul scepter.

"I've made some new discoveries inside the gem." As he spoke, Stark took out his phone and swiped in front of him. The next moment, a virtual golden structure appeared between Ling Xiao and Dr. Banner In front of him, Stark introduced: "This is Jarvis. In the beginning, Jarvis was just a natural language interface, but now he is in charge of the Iron Legion, and he is in charge more than anyone else, except Pepper! !"

"I don't think it will be long before I'm not." Jarvis' voice sounded from the side, and he greeted Banner and Ling Xiao: "Hi, Doctor, Ling!"

"Hello, Jarvis!" Both Ling Xiao and Banner replied kindly. They have been very familiar with Jarvis for such a long time. Basically, it can be said that Jarvis is also a member of the Avengers One, rather than a purely intelligent system.

"Okay, now let's take a look at his competitors." As he said, Stark scanned the Mind Stone with his mobile phone, and then swiped in front of him. The next moment, a virtual blue structure appeared in the In front of the three of them.

Compared with Jarvis's globe-like structure composed of countless lines and electron waves, the blue structure in front of him looks like a skull from the outside, with sparse electron groups surrounding the center. Drifting slowly, and the electronic structure in the middle is like the human heart, no, like the human brain, it is expanding and contracting regularly, as if it is beating like the heart, or breathing like the brain.

"It's so beautiful!" Stark couldn't help admiring the charming blue structure, and then continued, "Guess what it seems to be doing..."

"Thinking!" Before Stark finished speaking, Dr. Banner had already given the answer. He walked around the blue structure, carefully observing his breathing, and finally Some said in disbelief: "You mean that this may be... no, no, this is not human thinking. Look at this, it looks like neurons are firing. Could it be that he is really a conscious living body Well?"

Ling Xiao looked at the blue structure, his eyes were filled with shock. He didn't know how Stark revealed this thing from the spiritual scepter, but he knew that this was what he had always been afraid of s things.

The soul stone, no, the soul stone itself is unconscious, and the group in front of it is obviously a self-conscious thing, just like Xiaoyue Bangling in the list of gods and demons in Lingxiao, but it has an obvious different.

Although he also has self-awareness, seeing its steady fluctuation frequency, Ling Xiao knew in his heart that this mass of self-awareness should still be asleep.

And it should be the hands and feet that Ling Xiao has always suspected Thanos did in the Mind Stone. Stark still has some abilities. He was able to detect the existence of this clump, and finally attracted him from it out, thus making Ultron.

"Xiaoyue, do you have a way to kill him now?" Ling Xiao secretly communicated with Xiaoyue, the demon bangling, trying to destroy Ultron before it was born.

"No, Master." Bangling Xiaoyue seemed to have grown a lot after not seeing him for a while, and replied to Ling Xiao in a voice similar to that of an eleven or twelve-year-old girl: "Now it is protected by the Soul Gem, and I want to attack it , will definitely cause the backlash of the Mind Stone, so the best way is to attack him directly and destroy it the moment he transfers out of the Mind Stone. This is the easiest way."

Regarding the method Xiaoyue mentioned, Ling Xiao shook his head lightly. When Ultron was born, maybe Tony Stark was right there, and even if Tony Stark was not there, it would be very difficult for him. With Jarvis's ubiquitous monitoring, it seems that this catastrophe cannot be avoided.

Seeing Ling Xiao's dignified face and Banner's unbelievable expression, Stark smiled and said: "In Strack's laboratory, I saw some very advanced semi-finished robots. He is also doing similar research.”

"Imitate artificial intelligence?" In this regard, both Dr. Banner and Stark are much more proficient than Ling Xiao.

Stark walked up to Dr. Banner, lowered his voice and said, "It may be this, Bruce, this may be the key to creating Ultron!"

"Wait a minute!" Ling Xiao suddenly heard Stark mentioning Ultron, couldn't help walking over, looked at the two, and asked suspiciously: "What is Ultron?"

"Ultron is just a fantasy of Tony, don't worry about it." Dr. Banner quickly explained to Ling Xiao.

"It was indeed yesterday." Stark looked at Ling Xiao, pointed at the blue structure, and said, "If we can control this power and use my Iron Legion agreement, we can create an extremely powerful artificial intelligence , and then use it to command the Iron Legion, and if the next time the aliens attack in large numbers, which is almost certain, we can even keep them out of the line of defense."

Ling Xiao's current space locking technology has actually received strong support from Stark Industries. The reason is that the last time the Kiritas invaded the earth to transmit their troops through space portals, but if other technological methods can be used , If the space portal is infinitely reduced or even closed, then the method for aliens to invade the earth by opening the space portal will become completely unfeasible, and they can even cheat aliens in turn.

Ling Xiao remained silent, but Dr. Banner said somewhat unacceptably: "This 'if' is a bit too heaven-defying."

"Our job is to realize the 'what if'." Stark approached Dr. Banner and persuaded in a low voice: "Think about it, if you drink a cocktail and lie on the sunny beach, your body turns bronze instead of Go green so you don't have to think about Veronica all the time."

Veronica is the aforementioned satellite that Jarvis used to detect Sterak Castle, and Veronica is not just a satellite.

Dr. Banner glanced at Stark, waved his hand, and said, "Don't talk about this, I helped you design Veronica."

"But that's for things to go bad, right, what about the best-case scenario?" Stark said in a seductive voice, "What if the world was safe?"

"This method is feasible." At this time, Ling Xiao nodded slightly, and took the lead in recognizing this concept, and said, "However, Tony, in order to prevent some uncontrollable accidents, I hope you can put Ultron in the Outside the earth, build a space station on a certain space orbit of the earth, no, build an interstellar fortress, once the aliens come to the earth through space navigation, he can block it at the first time."

"Hey, this method is fine." Dr. Banner agreed with Ling Xiao's suggestion, and then said: "This way we don't have to keep it secret from others."

"Confidentiality is still needed." Stark shook his head and said: "Use this in the Ultron program, but Jarvis can't download the schematic diagram of data with such a high density. Only when the scepter is there can we do this." Do it, three days, just give me three days."

For the research time of the psychic scepter, they negotiated with Thor for ten days, but Stark will use three days of it alone. Once the news spreads, it will inevitably arouse opposition from the United Nations. There will also be various opinions.

In order to prevent accidents, the fewer people who don't know, the better.As for the people involved in the study of the spiritual scepter, there are only three people, Stark, Dr. Banner, and Ling Xiao. The three of them have reached an agreement, so there is no need to worry about the news leaking out.

"We don't have time to debate, I don't want to hear nonsense like 'who is right and who is wrong'." Stark looked a little excited, and he then said to the two: "What I see is the world under armored defenses, This is a very fragile blue planet, and it needs Ultron. It will bring peace to our world."

"Tony, I have no objection to your building Ultron, but he must be placed outside the earth to deal with threats from aliens." Ling Xiao's face was firm, and he said in a deep voice: "Once you create Ultron Create, and use it to command the Iron Legion, and then participate in disputes on the earth, then it is very likely to cause dissatisfaction among various countries, and it is very likely that you will cause the destruction of this world."

"Is this why you have been collecting aviation metal for a while?" Stark looked at Ling Xiao and suddenly threw out such a sentence.

(End of this chapter)

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