Chapter 579 Fear

Entering the castle, after clearing all the threats, Stark put the Mark 43 armor in alert mode in order to download data from the computer, and he himself walked out of the armor and detected the existence of After the mystery, Stark entered the underground passage alone.

If you really think that Tony Stark has no power to fight back, then he will definitely be pleasantly surprised. Tony Stark naturally has something to rely on if he dares to enter the deep underground passage alone.

"Hey, guys, we caught Strack." Rogers' voice sounded in Stark's ears, but he couldn't care less about answering, the scene before him completely shocked him.

At this time, Tony Stark had come to the end of the underground passage, and what appeared in front of him was an extremely wide underground space, and the most eye-catching thing in this underground space was a head from the sky that appeared in the Battle of Manhattan. A strange creature warship of the Kirita.

This strange-shaped biological battleship was erected in the entire underground space. At first glance, it seemed to be alive.But in fact, after the New York War, the space wormhole was closed, and these half-mechanical, half-biological weapons of Kirita were completely paralyzed as if they were disconnected from the net.

But looking at the appearance of this strange-shaped biological battleship now, Sterak is obviously trying to find a way to activate it. At the same time, he has also studied and improved many of Hydra's existing weapons from it, such as Hydra The current energy cannons of the head snake are completely based on the energy weapons developed by John Schmidt based on the Rubik's Cube during World War II, and combined the transformation of the energy weapons by SHIELD and Hydra, and finally took shape.

"Damn Fury!" Stark cursed, and then said to the communicator: "Rogers, I have gained more here."

With that said, Stark walked forward, his eyes fell on the workbench scattered around, on which lay a half-finished robot.

Yes, it is a robot, which is completely different from those individual armors outside, and it is also different from Stark's steel armor. Strucker seems to want to create a more advanced robot based on the technology of the Kirita people. Robot soldier, but unfortunately, before he was finished, the Avengers came!

Glancing at the somewhat weird-looking robot head, Stark shook his head slightly, and continued to walk forward. Finally, his eyes fell on the robot that was placed in the deepest part of the underground space and fixed on a platform that was being driven mad by countless electronic programs. Analytical psychic scepter.

"Hey, Thor, I think we found what we were looking for." Stark immediately told Thor and others about the discovery of the spiritual scepter through the communication channel.

Hearing this news, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and found the spiritual scepter, which means that all the tasks for their trip to Sokovia have been completed, and the rest is finishing, and then they can return to It's New York.

Stark also thought so at this time, and he couldn't help being a little happy to find the spiritual scepter.

However, just when he was slightly relaxed, the Scarlet Witch suddenly appeared behind him, raising her hands, and the chaos magic immediately began to work, and began to stimulate the deepest fear in Stark's heart.

After doing all this, Scarlet Witch immediately retreated, facing the spiritual scepter not far in front of her, as if she didn't see it.

As if aware of something, Stark turned his head subconsciously, but he was immediately startled, because the strange-shaped biological battleship that was originally behind him suddenly moved again, and at the same time it let out a violent roar, it rushed forward Flying away, almost passing by the top of his head.

The surrounding environment did not know when it became dark and dark, as if in the starry sky of the universe, there were falling meteorites everywhere.

But at this time, Tony Stark had no time to take care of all these changes, his eyes were dull and not far away, and his body was dripping with sweat.

Just a dozen meters in front of him, on the uneven steps, lay corpses one after another, pierced by several spears. Hulk, the dying Hulk, was sitting there holding his longbow tightly, clearly Hawkeye, who was no longer breathing, dropped a long arrow to the side; lying behind him was the bloody black widow, and the other corpse next to him was Hill.

Thor was lying not far from Hawkeye, his face was bloodstained, he didn't know whether he was alive or dead, and even Thor's Hammer was casually thrown on the ground aside.

Next to Thor was Ling Xiao. Two long swords, one gold and one silver, pierced his body from the front and back, and the blood seemed to have drained.

And the closest to Stark is Captain America Rogers. His iconic shield has been broken in half at some point, and people are lying there unconsciously. Stark subconsciously wants to check Rogers' Life and death, but just when he was on Rogers' neck, Rogers suddenly stretched out his right hand and grabbed his wrist tightly.

"You... could have... saved... us, why didn't you do your best." Rogers finished this sentence with endless hatred, and the next moment, he bled from all seven orifices and swallowed his last breath.

Looking at the familiar face with hope and regret, Stark kept shaking all over his body, and his heart felt cold.

In this world, only Pepper and Ling Xiao knew that Stark was injected with the Extremis virus. Even without the steel armor, he was strong enough to stand firmly among the Avengers, but because Afraid of the impact that Killian, who was injected with the Extremis virus, would have on the US government, Stark kept this matter very secret.

But at this moment after Rogers said these words, Stark suddenly felt that all the casualties in front of him were because he did not release all his abilities in time, and his regret almost drowned him like a tide .

Suddenly, a roar came from a distance, Stark raised his head suddenly, and saw a circular space wormhole in the extreme distance, countless Kirita spaceships and strange-shaped battleships were swarming towards the space. The earth at the other end of the wormhole rushed in, and it seemed that the entire earth had been occupied there.

No, Stark immediately noticed the abnormality. The battle of New York has passed for a long time, and the earth has also won the victory. What is going on with all this?

The moment Stark figured it out, he felt a trance, and he had returned to the underground space. He subconsciously looked back at the strange-shaped biological battleship, and saw that it still hadn't moved at all. Never alive, Stark's eyes fell on the spiritual scepter again.

It must be the GUI caused by this thing, Stark was afraid for a while, he immediately stretched out his right hand, half a second later, a hand of the steel armor flew in from the outside, and directly put it on his hand, Then Stark grabbed the spiritual scepter in his hand and looked at it fiercely.

"Tony, are you okay!" Ling Xiao's voice suddenly sounded behind Stark. It turned out that just now, Ling Xiao and Rogers had entered the underground space, and saw Stark holding the spiritual scepter, viciously Staring at it, he asked subconsciously.

"I'm fine!" Stark smiled reluctantly, and then pointed to the strange-shaped biological battleship and said to Ling Xiao and Rogers: "Look, that bastard Sterak is still hiding such a thing, and even tried to find it by studying it. Come to make robots, if not, I happened to discover the underground base, and I was really concealed by that guy. By the way, what happened to that bastard!"

"Who, Strucker?" Rogers glanced at the strange-shaped biological battleship, turned his head and said to Stark: "Just now, a female super human suddenly appeared and attacked Ling, trying to rescue Strucker, but Ling It was repulsed, and Strucker was completely frozen by Ling Bing!"

Seeing Rogers with an inexplicable smile on the corner of his mouth, Stark couldn't help but shook his head, looked at Ling Xiao and asked, "Ling, that super human?"

"She is very strong, Tony, you should be more careful when you meet her in the future." Ling Xiao looked at Stark, frowning tightly. If he remembered correctly, Stark should have been blush at this time. The witch awakened the fear in his heart, and when he returned to New York, he began to study the spiritual scepter, and finally created a monster like Ultron.

Ling Xiao still couldn't help asking: "Tony, I don't think you look right, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, what can I do?" Stark smiled very calmly, obviously, he didn't intend to tell Ling Xiao what happened just now.

(End of this chapter)

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