The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 576 Quicksilver

Chapter 576 Quicksilver

"We have everything ready, and we are about to achieve the greatest breakthrough." Baron Sterak turned around, gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "But at this moment, this group of avengers came to our door! "

For the transformation of the twins, Baron Sterak was very careful. They were the only ones who survived among the countless superhuman beings who participated in the first stage of transformation. Everyone else did not survive the first stage of transformation. Therefore, he is very cautious about the further transformation of the twins.

At present, the twins have completed the second stage of transformation, and the third stage of transformation is almost ready for completion. On the eve of the transformation, the Avengers came to the door. How can Baron Sterak not be angry!

Liszt looked at the twins standing not far away, and said in a low voice: "Since the matter has reached the point where it is today, then simply send the twins and let them see our research results. Isn't it designed for this day?"

"No." Baron Strucker decisively rejected Liszt's proposal, shook his head, and said, "It's not the time yet, they're not ready yet. My people can still stop it, so you don't have to worry."

In this ancient castle, Baron Sterak has at least hundreds of Hydra elite agents who have undergone biochemical transformation, plus tanks and various light and heavy weapons, individual armor and energy cannons, it is like a military fortress , for resisting the attack of the Avengers, it can still persist for a period of time.

Baron Sterak gave an order, and more Hydra agents rushed out of the castle. Some of them drove tanks and rushed towards the direction of the Avengers, while others rushed to The defense points of the castle fired more energy cannons to attack Iron Man flying in mid-air.

Tony Stark walks through countless energy cannons, carefully avoiding them. Such energy attacks, even if he honestly gets hit by himself, will not feel good.At this time, Jarvis' voice rang in his ears: "Sir, the city has been attacked."

It turned out that after the energy cannons that attacked Tony Stark were dodged by him, some fell into the jungle, and some fell into the edge of the city below the mountain. Some ordinary people who could not dodge were bombarded by the energy bombardment In the middle, flesh and blood flew all over the place, wailing all over the ground.

"Send the Iron Legion" Tony Stark gave an order, and several steel battle armors flew from a distance, and finally fell into the edge of the city, blocking the way for these ordinary people to enter the mountain area, and warned: " This area is not safe at the moment, please get out of here, we are here to help. This area is not safe at the moment, please get out of here, please get out of here..."

Surprisingly, under normal circumstances, when hearing the footsteps of war, most people would choose to return to their homes, or hide somewhere to avoid being hurt by artillery fire, but the people in this small town are different , It is very different. Facing the sudden robots and distant artillery fire, they actually chose to stand there to confront them, and even protested verbally, regardless of more artillery fire coming at any time.

Perhaps it is the perennial wars in Eastern Europe that have made the people here more sturdy, or it may be that Baron Sterak has done a lot of things locally.

"We hope to avoid collateral damage, and we will tell you when the conflict is over..." Before a robot armor could finish speaking, it was hit hard by an egg in the face, followed by more eggs, and the ice Pieces, vegetables, leaves and fruits were smashed one after another.

But from a distance, behind these people, more ordinary people can be seen anxiously returning to their homes.

"We will never surrender. The Americans sent these clowns to test us. We must not let them go back alive. We will never surrender!" Baron Stark suddenly shouted, and more biochemical soldiers standing beside him Immediately after Gao shouted: "We will never surrender!"

These people were all controlled by Baron Sterak with the spiritual scepter, and then gave them the best treatment. At this time, they naturally need to fight with their lives, not to mention that the will of these people has been controlled by him No, there is no other choice.

However, just after the opponent's subordinates finished speaking and asked them to leave, Baron Sterak turned around suddenly, lowered his voice and said to Liszt: "I will surrender next, and you delete all the records. If We hand over our weapons to the Avengers, and they probably won't find out what we're working on."

From these words, it can be heard that Baron Sterak is studying something else, something more hidden than the spiritual scepter.

"The twins." Liszt suddenly glanced into the distance, and said with surprise on his face, "Why are they missing?"

The twins had disappeared without a trace. Strucker and Liszt looked at each other, and things had begun to get out of control.

This pair of twins may not be clear to others, but Ling Xiao has a good understanding of their identities and abilities.

This is a pair of twin siblings, the elder sister is Scarlet Witch, and the younger brother is Quicksilver.

The scarlet witch has the ability to use chaos magic after being transformed by the spiritual scepter. She can ignite objects, distort objects, control objects, detonate objects, create energy force fields, deflect magic attacks, accelerate or slow down the corruption of materials, etc.It can even release and disintegrate energy attacks, causing fear in people's hearts.

As for the younger brother Kuaiyin, his ability is very simple, one word, fast.

Through the transformation of the spiritual scepter, he has the ability to move quickly. He can easily reach a speed of 80 million kilometers per hour, can easily run on water or vertical walls, and can even perform short movements by shaking his arms or legs quickly. Flying at a distance, Kuaiyin can also transform itself into a high-speed particle vibration state to penetrate objects.

Ling Xiao once read a saying that Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver are the sons and daughters of Magneto, which explains why it is difficult for others to survive the transformation of the spiritual scepter, but the two of them alone are exceptions. Because the mutant abilities of the two of them were activated.

The abilities of this pair of twin siblings, even among mutants, are not inferior to the existence of Wolverine and Storm, but they are still in the initial stage of mastering their own abilities, and they are compared to King Kong There is a huge difference in experience between wolves and storms.

Especially Wolverine, if it is really a life-and-death fight, then Ling Xiao believes that Wolverine will definitely survive.

But it is undeniable that these twins have the potential to become S-level powerhouses, especially the elder sister Scarlet Witch. She has only just touched one side of the ability of chaos magic. As for Kuaiyin, when the speed reaches the extreme, she has it. The ability to interfere with time, but it is very difficult to do.

Unknowingly, in the face of endless attacks, the Avengers have dispersed.Thor and the Hulk, as well as Captain America Rogers, have advanced a long way, while Natasha and Barton are far behind, because it is unknown when, most of Hydra's attacks fell on the Ling Xiao had to stand up and bear more pressure to prevent the two of them from being injured.

However, even so, it was still exploited.

Barton hid behind a tree, and shot an arrow at a bunker that was moved out. However, just as the arrow was about to fly into the bunker, a figure quickly passed by, grabbed the arrow, and left behind A series of afterimages.

For a moment, Barton immediately sensed something was wrong. The next moment, following his intuition, he pulled out the arrow and was about to shoot, but it was too late. A blurred figure flashed in the corner of his eyes, but before he could react , others have been kicked to the ground severely.

"Didn't you notice that all of this is coming?" A silver-haired boy stood where Barton was originally standing, and gave him a mocking look. The next moment, the man left hastily. Barton just stood up, first He was taken aback for a moment, but his face changed drastically the next time, because the bunker he attacked originally stretched out an energy gun at some point, and there was a "bang" sound.

"Ah!" Barton couldn't help but let out a muffled cry. He had already fallen to the ground, but fortunately he dodged in time, allowing the energy gun to avoid the vital parts of his body. After falling to the ground, he persisted in hiding behind a tree. But soon, the person passed out.

"Clint!" Natasha, who was not far away, immediately noticed that Barton was injured, and rushed towards her quickly. However, Ling Xiao really wanted to go one step faster, and rushed to Barton's side first, picked up the A bottle of Renshui essence was directly poured into Barton's mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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