The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 566 Containing Each Other

Chapter 566 Containing Each Other

Seeing the latent command displayed on the screen in his eyes, Pearson glanced at everyone in the cabin, then quietly retracted the miniature missile on his left arm, and sneered secretly: You are lucky this time.

In the cockpit of the butterfly plane, Coulson snatched Ward's pistol and reprimanded unceremoniously: "If you do this again, I will throw you from a height of 2 feet."

Ward raised his hand, smiled slightly, and backed away, but in the bottom of his heart, he put a bright red cross on the prospect of cooperating with Coulson this time.

Suddenly, an area on a computer inside the plane at the ground airport turned red, and the technician rushed to report: "Doctor, that happened again."

Upon hearing the news, Liszt immediately became nervous, put down the champagne in his hand, and said apologetically to Bakshi, "I'm sorry!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for any reaction from Bakshi, he immediately stood up, walked quickly to the computer, looked at the locked address, and said with satisfaction: "Yes, we are close, notify the driver immediately Take off, and then we'll see how faithful you are."

With that said, Liszt raised his head and looked at Bakshi and Pearson. With his sophistication, although Pearson is what he desperately needs, he has not completely trusted them and is not on guard. The necessary tests are still needed. of.

As soon as Liszt's plane took off here, it was immediately spotted by Coulson's butterfly plane.

Ward immediately analyzed: "If Strack is overseas, that may be where they will go next."

Coulson understood the meaning of Ward's words, nodded, and said, "Then let's follow them and see where their next destination is?"

But things didn't go as Coulson and Ward hoped, and the plane landed at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, just an hour after takeoff.

Bakshi couldn't help but frowned. He knew that the mission goal this time was to find traces of Strucker, but now they didn't have the slightest intention of looking for Strucker. Although he was puzzled, Bakshi still took this Puzzled in my heart, I asked insincerely, "Are we arriving so soon? I thought Strack was in Eastern Europe?"

"He's in Eastern Europe!" Liszt drank the champagne in his hand, gave an affirmative answer indifferently, and then continued: "But first we need to take a break. Mr. Bakshi, you have heard of Quantum Are you entangled?"

Bakshi couldn't remember quantum entanglement after searching his head, so he shook his head and said, "No, I've never heard of it."

Liszt smiled, and didn't mean to laugh at him. Even if Bakshi, as an elite trained by the Bavarian nobles, has never heard of quantum entanglement, it is quite normal. He explained in a deep voice: "In the past few months, Some of our special institutions have repeatedly discovered the phenomenon of high photon intensity, so that particles can exist simultaneously in two spaces that are far apart."

Bakshi frowned, and said carefully: "Things that can exist in two spaces at the same time..."

"No, no, it's not what you think!" Dr. Liszt quickly denied, and said, "This is a quantum entanglement bridge. We think it was caused by a supernatural person, and we want to catch him. His The experimental value is much stronger than ordinary super human beings!"

"It's a teleporter." Of all the people who heard this, Fitz, a top physical scientist, immediately understood the meaning of Dr. Lister's words, and he quickly said to Coulson: "They are tracking the teleporter." Or, the same guy who took Carl in Wisconsin, and Rena, who probably took him too."

"And Skye!" Coulson became tense in an instant. He had gone back to the hermitage. According to the analysis of the existing clues, Skye should have been arrested when Gonzalez's people sent him. After some resistance, he was rescued by the teleporter!

"Is this related to Skye?" Ward's face immediately showed a complicated look, and he couldn't help asking: "Why did the people from Hydra want to catch her?"

Hearing Ward's question, Coulson immediately frowned, exchanged glances with Fitz, nodded tacitly, and said, "I don't know!"

And Skye, whom Ward and Coulson were thinking of, was indeed in Wisconsin at this time, with her father, Calvin Zaber.

Before Barbara and Agent Calderon went to the hideout to catch him, Coulson, as they called him teleporter Gordon, had already visited Skye.

After Skye launched his ability to repel Barbara and Agent Calderon, Gordon came to her in an instant and took her away, and brought her to the secluded hermitage of the "afterlife", and here, Many are Inhumans who have been transformed by Terrigen crystals like her, but many more are those who are patiently waiting for the transformation to come.

This area is very likely to be a paradise located in the Kunlun Mountains of China, where hundreds of Inhumans gathered.

Here, Skye met not only her mother, but also her father, and the family was finally reunited.

Here, Skye's body finally adapts to the new abilities slowly after undergoing special recuperation, and under the guidance of her mother, Jiaying, Skye gradually masters her own abilities and makes new friends. At the same time, I met Rui Na who was like a gui.

Without Ling Xiao's help, the hair on Rena's face grew back and turned into barbs, forcing her to face everyone with a hood every day. Fortunately, her ability gradually showed, as A wizard who can predict a certain future, she is still very popular here.

It's just that even in such a secluded and secluded place as the "afterlife", Calvin Zabo is still an unwelcome existence.

In the past few decades, Jiaying has never seen Carl again even though Jiaying has come out of the original pain, and Carl has no way of finding such a person who is isolated from the world, has no information, and is only guided by Gordon alone. of the mystery.

This time, if it wasn't for Skye, Jiaying would not let Gordon bring him back to the "afterlife".

But after all, he is not a member of the Inhumans. After the family reunion, Jiaying and Skye discussed it and decided to send him back to his hometown of Milwaukee temporarily, and Skye will go with him.

It was this transmission that allowed the Hydra men to catch Gordon's trail and set their sights on Milwaukee, hoping to catch him here.

After all, this is Calvin Zabo's hometown. There are bakeries, bookstores, grocery stores, and audio stores he is familiar with, but it is a pity that he has not been back for so many years. Almost all of these familiar shops have closed down and become other industries.

In Milwaukee, Calvin Zaber not only had his own clinic, but an entire building that belonged to him.

It was here that Skye knew Calvin Zabo's real life, and also knew the name that was taken down by his parents: Daisy Johnson.

When Calvin Zabo was a little distracted, Skye had secretly contacted the S.H.I.E.L.D. base and Melinda, but because of Calvin's existence, they didn't say a few words, but according to the communication records, Melinda still locates Skye's position.

When Skye and Calvin were reminiscing about the past in the building, the Hydra people suddenly appeared, and Lincoln Campbell, who Kaying sent to secretly protect them, showed up to warn, but before he could finish speaking, Calvin suddenly shouted Push him to the ground.

At this time, Carl finally figured it out. This time Gordon took him back to Milwaukee, and he didn't plan to take him back again.

Just like the last time, after he saved Jiaying, he was sent out to live alone in the "afterlife".

Just when everyone started to quarrel, the Hydra agent suddenly appeared, and Gordon shot in time and used his ability to knock the person to the ground.

As an alien, Lincoln has the ability to manipulate electric charges. Although it is not as good as the ability to manipulate lightning, it is not weak either.

More and more Hydra agents appeared, but at this time, Coulson and his party also arrived in time.

Originally, it would not be a problem for a team including Skye, Calvin Zabo, Lincoln, Pearson, Coulson, Ward, Hunter and Agent 33 to drive away Hydra, but first Lincoln and Pearson fought each other, and Lincoln fell to the ground. Not long after, Pearson's control was taken away by Simmons again, and the situation was not good!

True SHIELD, New SHIELD, and Hydra all gathered in this small building, and the situation suddenly became complicated.

(End of this chapter)

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