Chapter 56

In any case, the Julia pink diamond necklace and the Delhi purple sapphire no longer exist in the world, so Ling Xiao's last hidden danger in this matter has completely disappeared, so after learning that the "Diamond: Rare Brilliance" exhibition restarted , Ling Xiao rushed over immediately.

On the one hand, he wants to find Holly Robinson again and get back the gem in her hand. On the other hand, he also wants to see how this matter will develop, especially the very interesting Scott West.

Since Beckett began to suspect Scott West, she immediately expressed her thoughts to Lisbon as soon as she returned to the office.

"Do you suspect that Scott West is the possible behind-the-scenes person?" Lisbon couldn't help being slightly taken aback. To be honest, she had been focusing on the arrested criminals, hoping to find some interesting ones from them. She never thought of suspecting the owner of this case.

"What Kate said is not unreasonable." Jane walked past the two with the coffee in her hand, then sat down on the sofa, looked at the two with a serious face and said: "That West looks very He doesn’t look like a good person, and this kind of fraudulent insurance is very common, and it’s easy to judge, and we need to see if his insurance amount exceeds the normal insurance amount.”

"It has been checked!" Beckett nodded, and said with great certainty: "Scott West invested more than twice the normal amount on the two jewels that belonged to him. If it wasn't for the third cursed jewel London If Bian strongly objects, he will also insure a large amount on the third piece of jewelry."

"That explains the problem." Jane spread her hands, shrugged and said, "If he didn't know in advance that the gems would be robbed, why would he take out so much insurance, and you must know that the insurance money will not be refunded."

"Okay, let's check this Scott West first." Hearing Jane said the same tone, Lisbon decisively decided to launch an investigation on West. If the matter really proved to be related to him, then they There will be a lot less stress in this matter.

In fact, Lisbon has a vague premonition that the gems stolen by the thieves may never be found again. Even if clues can be found, it will not be known for a few months in the future.

Once it is proved that the owner of the gems is really involved in insurance fraud, it doesn't matter whether the last few gems can be found or not.

Once the Los Angeles Police Department and the California Bureau of Investigation began investigating Scott West, a steady stream of intelligence poured in from all directions.

"Scott West, male, 46 years old, was born in Brooklyn, New York. His grandfather and father were both diamond merchants. He is the chairman and chairman of the LJ West Diamond Company in New York with a 40-year history of diamond trading. General Manager." Standing in front of the projector, Esposito introduced in a deep voice: "West is keen on looking for the rarest and brightest diamonds, and his most proud acquisition recently is the 2.83-carat oval diamond. Although the Gail purple diamond is small in size, it has a perfect color that has been precipitated for billions of years and is extremely valuable."

As he said that, several pictures of Scott West appeared on the screen, all of him holding jewelry and looking happy.

When a photo appeared, there was Scott West holding a shotgun in one hand, holding a jewel in the other hand, and grinning. At this moment, Jane suddenly said, "I don't like this man."

"I don't like it either." Resby immediately said, because in the background behind the photo were several black-looking men in ragged clothes, and it was obvious that they were looking for it in Africa.

Esposito went on to introduce: "LJ West Diamond Company has branches in most major cities in the United States, but one of his most important bases is in Kenya, Africa, where a variety of gemstones are produced, including amethyst, Green jade, bluestone, green garnet, ruby, sapphire, tourmaline, etc. It is said that LJ West Diamond Company owns a diamond mine there, and the price of gemstones produced every year exceeds 7000 million U.S. dollars.”

"Kenya?" Mentioning this place, Zhou Jinbao couldn't help but let out a voice. Seeing that everyone was looking at him, he explained slightly: "Kenya is located in the east of Africa, on the verge of the Indian Ocean. It is adjacent to Somalia in the east, and It borders Ethiopia and Sudan, Uganda to the west, and Tanzania to the south.

There are perennial wars and conflicts. If you want to mine there, you must maintain sufficient military deterrence.I once had a guy in the Marine Corps who joined a mercenary organization after leaving the army, went to Kenya to pick up jobs, and died in a violent conflict within a few years. "

"Zhou is right." Esposito followed up and said, "According to the information we obtained from the FBI, West Diamond Company has more than 50 employees in Kenya, most of whom are veterans of the army. Soldiers are responsible for security work there. According to the FBI, among those people, there are two teams of elite soldiers who are the core force to suppress law and order. The two teams take turns to ensure that security is not threatened.

The reason why the FBI pays attention to West Diamond Company is because it smuggles a lot of illegal diamonds from Africa to the United States every year. It is only because most of the cases happened in Kenya, Africa, and West’s methods are extremely covert, so they There is no other way for the time being. "

As Esposito said, he showed the photos of West Company's African diamond mines in front of everyone. Ragged, skinny black men were working hard inside, just for one or two copies. Food for subsistence.

"It's all blood diamonds!" A sigh came from the door suddenly, and everyone looked back, only to find that it was Montgomery standing there.Although North American blacks never regard themselves as the same type of people as African blacks, Montgomery can't help feeling compassionate when he sees people with the same skin color as himself suffering there.

"Go ahead." After speaking, Montgomery waved his hand and left the conference room.

Esposito can understand how Montgomery feels, and he can't.Taking his eyes back, Esposito continued to introduce: "This year, West Diamond Company has focused on the war-torn Middle East, but where to mine is definitely not just a simple matter. Relationship, strength, Funds, everything will become a constraint point for West."

"So, this will be the motive for this insurance fraud." Zhou said coldly at the side. This sentence successfully made up the knife, which deepened everyone's suspicion of West. After all, tens of millions of dollars in insurance can be It was not a small amount. If West had included the Delhi purple sapphire in the insurance, the final compensation amount of the insurance would have reached hundreds of millions of dollars.

This money is enough for them to do anything, so this motivation has successfully further improved the entire chain of evidence, and now all that remains is to find conclusive evidence of the connection between West and the shark.

In the final analysis, this matter still has to start from the shark. If the real identity of the shark is not found, this case will never be solved.

If you want to open a gap from West, you have to check his financial transactions, but even the FBI can't find anything, and they don't have a good way here, unless it is the news that the shark is dead. Announced to the media, once this is done, it means that West also knows about this matter, and he will quickly erase all evidence of the connection with the shark.

But even if the news of the shark's death is not announced now, as time goes by, West can sense that something is wrong.

For this reason, the entire joint case handling team held several meetings, everyone had their own opinions, and quarreled for several days. When most of them agreed to announce the news of the shark's death, the search program that had been running was finally With results.

(End of this chapter)

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