The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 553 "Dead" Person

Chapter 553 "Dead" Person

The time went back to yesterday, because their quarrel about Skye was heard by Skye himself, Coulson, and Ling Xiao. After they left, Hunter came to repair the car in the hangar a little angrily. Alfonso McKinsey.

"Let's talk!" Hunter asked McKenzie angrily with a gloomy face, "What's going on between you and Barbie?"

"I don't know what you're talking about?" McKenzie put down the tool in his hand, looking at Hunter who suddenly came to provoke him, a little confused.

"Stop pretending!" Hunter looked at McKenzie with a cold face, and said, "I know you guys are hiding something from me. I don't know what it is, but I found out about the flash drive. Erson doesn't know, but I'm sure he'd love to know."

The flash drive was a flash drive that McKinsey secretly handed to Barbara a few days ago, but Hunter, who happened to pass by, noticed it.

Combined with what happened today, Hunter found out that Barbara and McKenzie were planning something secretly, and he had to ask: "I know there is no mutual aid group to see Gui, and, Mike, who is the so-called real backup?" ?”

When Skye’s body was out of control that day, Barbara once said to McKinsey that it was time to call for real foreign aid. Hunter heard all these words in his ears. The hidden secret has threatened the new S.H.I.E.L.D., and Hunter had to find it directly.

"Okay." McKinsey let out a deep breath, smiled wryly, and said, "Those are..."

Before he finished speaking, McKenzie took advantage of Hunter's attention being attracted, punched him in the abdomen, and then quickly wrapped his left arm around Hunter's neck. As time passed, Henry, who could not breathe Especially, the strength of the resistance gradually weakened, and finally was put down on the floor by McKinsey.

When Hunter woke up again, he found that he was already in a secret base, his hands were tightly handcuffed, and there were two heavily armed guards behind him, while McKenzie was standing in front of him with a little pride. .

"You're right." The pride on McKenzie's face was fleeting. If Hunter hadn't received special training as an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., he must have thought that what he saw was just a hallucination. Said: "Hunter, there was a time when things went downhill, badly, but now Barbie and I are both working for another organization, another product of the wreckage left by Fury."

"What organization, Mike?" When all the cards were about to be revealed, Hunter couldn't help becoming nervous and asked, "Mike, who are you working for?"

"S.H.I.E.L.D., the real S.H.I.E.L.D." McKenzie's complexion changed in front of Hunter's eyes. He didn't know if he was really hallucinating, but as McKenzie stepped aside, a once-familiar thing appeared in Hunter's eyes. in front of Te.

I saw a familiar eagle badge engraved on the gate not far away. It was the badge of SHIELD. No, the current one is slightly different from the original badge of SHIELD. Some places that should have been recessed originally, But it was deliberately protruded, obviously to show the difference.

The door opened, and Hunter was pushed in by McKenzie. Inside the room was a small meeting room. There was only one desk in the meeting room. There were a few chairs on both sides of the desk, and now he was sitting on those chairs. There were a few people, people who would have been surprised if Coulson was around.

Hunter is not a direct descendant of S.H.I.E.L.D., nor was he trained by S.H.I.E.L.D. Weaver, the former S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier Captain Gonzalez, and many others who were originally documented in the archives have died in the battle of Hydra riots.

Hill is the commander of the S.H.I.E.L.D. space carrier, a ninth-level agent. If there is no such thing as Hydra, Hill should be the commander of all four space carriers of S.H.I.E.L.D., while Gonzalez is The captain of the space carrier they built initially took over Hill's position.

Although Hunter was a little unbelievable, Barbara showed up in person and confessed that she was also a member of this organization, this new SHIELD recreated by these barely survived people after the SHIELD fell.

Back then on the space carrier, the people of Hydra had actually controlled the overall situation, but when all the plans of the headquarters of the Hydra Boys SHIELD failed, those people went crazy. In order to completely control the world Boarding the first space carrier, they began to look for the technicians on the space carrier among the captured people.

Most of the arrested people are not willing to work for Hydra, they are silent, and others are not willing to be villains who expose their companions, so when the goal cannot be achieved, these executioners of Hydra began Threats of wanton murder.

It was their perverted approach that aroused everyone's anger, so when Barbara, who was second only to the black widow, came in alone, these people also took the opportunity to resist and killed the nine heads Serpent traitor.

Of course, this is only a part. In the overall environment, Hydra is still in control of everything. Barbara began to lead the staff to fight back little by little to rescue more people. At this time, they found Seriously wounded, dying Gonzalez.

And as more and more people were rescued, they were already being targeted by the remnants of the Hydra on the Helicarrier. In any case, at that time, the number of Hydra on the Helicarrier was far greater. More agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. have been rescued.

At this time, Barbara had to face two choices. One was to let Alfonso McKenzie take the rescued people away by plane, while she stayed and sneaked into the core of the mothership, and directly sent the The entire space carrier is detonated, destroying the space carrier, destroying all the hydra on the space carrier, of course, it will also involve other colleagues who are still in the hands of the hydra, but It was a direct order from Fury to her.

The second choice is to give up detonating the entire space carrier, to fight to see if more people can be saved, and to try whether the whole space carrier can be taken back. Such a choice If one is not good, they are very likely to be wiped out, and the space carrier will also fall into the hands of Hydra.

If it was the past, Barbara would definitely carry out Fury's orders unswervingly, but at this time, the news of Fury's death had already been broadcast on TV. Under the persuasion of Gonzales and others, Barbara La finally chose the second option, even if he died, he had to fight.

Fortunately, the final result was that they won. Using the unique authority of the space carrier owned by Gonzales, in the final decisive battle, they completely wiped out all the enemies on the space carrier and took back the space carrier. Ship, and Hunter didn't know it at this time, he was now on the space carrier.

"We created S.H.I.E.L.D., the real S.H.I.E.L.D., based on the idea that the leadership should make transparent decisions, not hide in the shadows." Gonzalez looked at Hunter and said seriously: "Frey There are too many secrets, and it is this kind of secret that destroyed the entire S.H.I.E.L.D.

These people present all have the same expression. It is obvious that they survived the fight together and have the same philosophy.

"I understand." Hunter shrugged and said, "Actually, I agree with your thoughts very much, but you seem to have overlooked a small detail, and you are all right, there are many secrets in the blindfolded man." Nick Fury, he's already dead."

"Fry is dead, but Coulson is still alive and well." Gonzalez said with some disgust: "And Coulson doesn't seem to have learned from his mistakes, but continues to follow Fury's old path .”

"So that's it, I understand now." Hunter finally saw through these things. What these people wanted to do was to fight for power and profit, but he didn't say anything to directly stimulate them, but shrugged and said in a nonchalant manner : "The real problem is that you guys don't want Coulson to be in power, I fully admit he's not perfect, sometimes he chews with his mouth open, he's a mic on karaoke night, but other than that he's not bad, no ?"

Hunter made his attitude very clear, and Gonzalez shook his head in disappointment, and said, "I'm afraid we don't think so."

(End of this chapter)

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