The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 545 Kerry Weapon

Chapter 545 Kerry Weapon

The Kerry dragged the silver cabinet out of the cave with some difficulty. This cabinet was very heavy. Even with his physique twice as many as the number of people on Earth, it was not easy to drag this cabinet out.

The chest was placed across the mountain pass by the Cree, and he stroked the carvings on the chest. He couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, but it was this chest that was right.

Bending down, the Cree wanted to open the cabinet. At this moment, several strong lights shone on his face at the same time.

Coulson led the crowd out of the jungle in a circle, and at the same time shouted sharply, "Don't move, raise your hands."

Barbara, Hunter, Melinda, Coulson, Ling Xiao, Sif, the six of them stared closely at the Cree, but faced with the crowd's siege, the Cree looked disdainful He said: "You guys want to stop me, hmph!"

The Cree lowered his body and grasped the edge of the silver cabinet with both hands. When he moved, Barbara, who had been prepared for a long time, fired a fierce shot, and a platinum wire mesh shot out immediately. , In the blink of an eye, the Cree has been wrapped inside, and a strong electric current runs through the whole body of the Cree along the platinum wire mesh. Facts have proved that even a Cree with strong physical fitness cannot withstand the voltage of tens of thousands of volts Stimulate.

There was a flash of electric arc, and the Cree had completely lost consciousness and was stunned by the electric shock.

At this time, Coulson and the others breathed a sigh of relief, while Ling Xiao showed a look of disappointment on his face. This Kerry was far less powerful than he imagined, and he originally planned to have a good fight with him Woolen cloth!

The original plan was that if S.H.I.E.L.D.'s power grid attack was ineffective, Ling Xiao and Sif would act as a backup to subdue the Cree. Ling Xiao originally wanted to take the opportunity to test the reality of the Cree, but unfortunately, the facts were fundamentally wrong. There is no need for two people to make a move.

When the Cree woke up again, he was already in the holding room of the Helicarrier. Coulson, Ling Xiao, and Sif were in charge of the interrogation together, and the weapon he carried and the silver cabinet It has also been taken by Coulson for research.

Ling Xiao tried to use his weapon to help Sif restore his memory, but neither his true energy nor the divine power of the Asgardians worked.

Realizing that they were under control, the Cree could only say helplessly, "I'm here to protect you."

"Is that why you came to attack me, Cree?" Facing the Cree, Sif had an innate sense of disgust.

"It was you who attacked me first, okay?" The Cree said with a wry smile on his face, "So I have to erase your memory to prevent you from tracking me. By the way, how did you track me?"

"You are not qualified to ask questions, Kerry." Sif slammed the table and threatened coldly, "You are not allowed to speak."

Looking at Sif's interrogation methods, Ling Xiao couldn't help but want to cover her face with her hands. Her interrogation methods were so low-level that even Ling Xiao couldn't compare to them, let alone Coulson.So Coulson could only stand up helplessly and said, "Sif, in fact, we need him to speak to explain the situation."

The Cree saw the expressions of Coulson and Sif, took a deep breath, and said, "I can prove that I am not a threat to you. I came to Earth to help you. Take my Return the baguette to me, and I will prove it to you."

After hearing what the Cree said, Sif couldn't help but sneered and said, "It really is a Cree, and they need weapons to clarify their point."

The Cree looked at Coulson, and said sincerely: "My baguette can restore her memory, won't it show my noble intentions?"

Coulson closed his eyes slightly, and said in a deep voice: "As long as the baguette can work as you said, I will consider it. By the way, what's your name?"

"Van Dyck!" The Kerry said with a sigh of relief, "I will win your trust. Believe me, I am really here to help you."

"We believe that you are here to help us." Ling Xiao, who had been standing aside without speaking, asked at this time: "Then can you tell us how you came to Earth, a space tunnel, or a spaceship?"

Hearing Ling Xiao's question, the Cree's face changed instantly, as if looking at Ling Xiao like a magic gui.

Now that Sif has lost his memory, he can't ask any valuable questions at all. As for Coulson, he was moved by his friendliness just now, but Ling Xiao has now stepped forward and raised such a rather sharp question. Question, the Cree's face instantly turned livid, and his eyes narrowed.

S.H.I.E.L.D.'s research on the Kree Baguette didn't yield any great results. After detailed scan analysis, they found a dial on the bottom of the Baguette, but their instruments couldn't detect any electrical or spectral signal, this baguette will not work at all.

In other words, this stick can only be activated by the energy specially used by the Cree, or more strictly speaking, this weapon can only be activated by DNA or other unique alien substances. That is, only the Kree himself can wield the weapon.

After returning to the S.H.I.E.L.D. base in Norfolk, with more equipment in hand, Fitz and Simmons jointly opened the silver cabinet, but apart from seven empty grooves in the silver cabinet, nothing else.

"Okay, Cree, tell me the truth, how to use that baguette?" Sif always had an inexplicable dislike for this Cree.

"This guest has a name and a name, okay?" For Sif's mouthful of "Kree people", Van Dyck had long felt uncomfortable. He turned his head, looked at Coulson and said, "It only comes when Only my hand can make a difference.”

"That's quite convenient." Mei couldn't help raising her eyebrows. If all the weapons on the earth could only function in the hands of their own masters, then how much killing and bloodshed would be reduced in this world.

"There's a dial at the bottom of it..." Van Dyck had already approached Coulson while he was speaking, and while Coulson wasn't paying attention, he kicked the baguette in Coulson's hand away with his back and kicked it down. For a moment, the baguette had fallen into Van Dyck's hands again. Just as Sif was about to say something, Van Dyke had already poked the baguette on Sif's body, and a flash of light flashed, and Sif was lying on her stomach. on the table behind.

"Sorry!" After doing all this, Van Dyke immediately let go of the French stick in his hand, looked around at the guns that had already been aimed at himself, Van Dyke slowly turned around, looked at I don't know when the golden long sword flew to the back of his head, blinked vigorously, and explained to Ling Xiao: "It's useless to talk too much, seeing is believing, only in this way can you believe what I say."

"Are you okay, Sif, do you remember?" Ling Xiao looked at Sif who turned around. Before Van Dyck launched just now, there was no sign or any killing intent, so Ling Xiao Xiao's reaction was only a little late.And what he was attacking was Sif. If Ling Xiao was his target, then he might have just raised his hand. Under the spiritual induction, Ling Xiao had already pierced through his forehead with a sword.

"Yes, I have recovered my memory. I am Ms. Sif from Asgard, a friend of S.H.I.E.L.D., and also Ling's friend!" Sif said while taking two steps forward, and then sternly His fist hit Van Dyke on the right face, almost knocking Van Dyke to the ground.

"It turned out to be an Asgardian, no wonder!" Van Dyck wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said with a wry smile, "It's all explained now."

The earth is part of the nine kingdoms of the world tree system, and the nine kingdoms are headed by Asgard and accept Asgard's asylum. If they come to the earth under the circumstances, they will naturally be hunted down by the Asgardians.

"That's right, we don't trust the Cree!" In the universe, the Cree have a bad reputation, and Asgard naturally doesn't like the Cree, Sif explained to everyone: "That's why I Here, when Heimdall saw a Kree come to your world, Odin ordered me to bring him back."

"So you called directly." Van Dyke looked at Sif helplessly. If she made things clear, everyone wouldn't need to meet like this.

"We all know the history of the Cree people clearly, there are some things we have to worry about." Sif gave Van Dyke a disdainful look.


(End of this chapter)

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