The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 53 Coincidence

Chapter 53 Coincidence

"Agent Lisbon, where do you want to build the Joint Command?" Beckett asked Agent Lisbon as he walked out of the coroner's office.

"This..." Lisbon pondered for a moment, and said, "Actually, I want to find an office in your police station, so that we can exchange cases, but I'm afraid it will disturb you too much."

"It doesn't matter. We happen to have a large conference room available here. I'm afraid I've wronged you too much. The conditions here are not good!" Beckett said a little embarrassedly. Although the Los Angeles Police Department is one of the four major police departments in the United States One, the annual budget is quite a lot, but they also have a large number of personnel and equipment, so the office conditions where Beckett and the others are located are also average. The office building was built more than 20 years ago, and it still looks very dilapidated.

"It's okay, the situation on our side is not very good." Lisbon didn't pay too much attention to these, she just glanced at Patrick Jane on the side lightly, seeing that the other party was still thinking about something, she didn't say any more say what.

Soon, a group of people from Lisbon moved directly from the museum. Their original office space was an office provided by the museum. Although the conditions looked good, it was a lot of inconvenience for handling the case.

Beckett and the others also met the remaining two members of the Lisbon team at this time, the beautiful police officer Grace Van Peel who was in charge of providing information, and her partner Wayne Risby.

After the establishment of the joint case handling team, Lisbon immediately convened all members of the two teams to discuss the case.

At the meeting, both parties provided all the evidence and witness testimony in their hands, and after some discussions, they finally reached an agreement.

Based on the existing clues, the whole case is investigated in two directions. On the one hand, the thief and the mysterious third person who committed the theft and homicide are tracked down. This aspect is in charge of Beckett and others who originally handled the case; On the other hand, it is the search for the shark's companions and possible mastermind behind the scenes. This aspect is in charge of the Lisbon team that was originally in charge of the museum robbery.

However, no matter the two aspects of time, the true identity of the shark must be clarified first. In this aspect, Kevin Ryan, Grace Van Peel and her partner Wayne Risby jointly carried out the investigation. .

As for Beckett and Esposito, they used their informants to search Los Angeles, and even the entire California, for the top thief who could open the new safe in the shark room in a short time. On the other hand, they also notified everyone in Los Angeles and the entire California Jewelry stores and private jewelers must report any news of stolen jewelry immediately.

Lisbon took Zhou Jinbao and Patrick Jane to interrogate the arrested criminals accomplices again. After all, no one knew whether they had concealed anything during the last interrogation. In addition, they had to investigate all the items found in the shark room Search again, hoping to find something.

Beckett's work here is not going very smoothly. There is no clue about the whereabouts of the jewels. I also know that those people will not sell the jewels in their hands at this sensitive time. Wait until the limelight passes.

It was about the thieves. They found a list of the top thieves on the west coast through some special channels, but the list was mostly code names and nothing else. It was difficult for Beckett and the others to shorten It was time to determine who was responsible for the case.

Lisbon and their side also got into trouble after making some progress. Through the interrogation of the shark's accomplices, it has been confirmed that someone paid for the shark to commit the crime, but whoever the employer is is only the shark himself. knew.

Then the same also brings about a problem, whether those jewels were stolen by thieves or handed over to the employer by sharks. Although the former possibility is very high, the latter possibility cannot be ruled out.

The things that the shark left in the room were not of much value. They did find the mobile phone left by the shark, but it was just a disposable mobile phone, and there was nothing in it.

Finally, as a last resort, everyone turned their attention to the determination of the shark's true identity, hoping that this side could provide them with clues for the next step.

For a while, the determination of the shark's true identity was through searching various domestic databases, but these databases have huge data and complicated information, and it is impossible to search them thoroughly within ten days and a half months.

Some people have also proposed to provide photos of sharks to the media, so that family members or friends of sharks will automatically come to the door.But this opinion was directly denied by Beckett and Lisbon after a short discussion.

After all, relatively speaking, it is more important to track down the mastermind behind the scenes. Once the news of the shark's death is provided, it is likely to completely silence the mastermind behind the scenes. It is better to prevent him from getting any information about the shark and jewelry as it is now. , and finally had to completely jump out from behind the scenes.

Regarding the news of the shark's death, the entire investigation team kept a tight lid on it, and even the insiders of the museum did not know the progress of the case.It was one of the few strategies they had that worked in this case.

Before the shark's true identity was found out, Beckett proposed an interesting method. The two teams exchanged tasks to investigate the clues that belonged to the other party, and looked at the case from different angles. Discover.

Although everyone looked at each other with this method, it was the only way to do it when there was almost no progress in the case.After making a decision, Beckett immediately took Esposito to the Los Angeles Museum of Natural History. Everything started from there, and naturally everything had to be investigated from there.

When they came to the museum, Beckett did not take Esposito directly into the museum to investigate, but followed the route that the sharks and a group of people broke into the museum, and marched to the museum step by step, which would be more conducive to their understanding of sharks, etc. people's thoughts at the time.

When he came out of the underground treasure house, Beckett's face was full of solemnity. The other party had an internal response in the museum.Lisbon and the others had thought of this before when they were handling the case, and conducted a targeted investigation.

The subject of the investigation was locked on a young technician who had worked in the museum for three years, but when conducting a more in-depth investigation, it was discovered that the technician had already boarded the For the Moroccan plane, this clue is completely broken.

However, Beckett had a different idea. According to her judgment, in this case, the young technician did play a very important role in the robbery process, but several places were beyond his reach.

This explains another problem. In the entire museum, there is another person who has a deep hidden insider.

While Beckett was still thinking about this question, a loud noise from the other side woke her up from her contemplation.Beckett frowned, glanced at Esposito, who was also ignorant, and walked towards the noisy side hall.

"What's going on?" Beckett called a staff member outside to ask as he walked in.Only then did I learn that the "Diamonds: Rare Brilliance" exhibition, which had been interrupted due to the robbery case, was restarted this Friday.

Although five pieces of top jewelry were lost, 77 Diamond Company and New York jeweler Rio Diamond, who held the exhibition, and Scott West, the diamond merchant who lost the most, reorganized a group of top jewelry after some discussions. The jewels come on display again at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles.

Although the jewelry was robbed, the three companies lost a lot, but the huge sensation caused by it also brought them huge attention, so taking advantage of this opportunity to restart the exhibition at this risk point can also bring them huge Interests.

Beckett didn't express any opinion on this, but what she didn't expect was that she met Ling Xiao here.

(End of this chapter)

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