The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 518 Disagreement

Chapter 518 Disagreement

Ling Xiao glanced at Coulson with some displeasure, and then listened to Simmons continue to say: "It was sent by their blasting expert. His name seems to be Min Lang. What's wrong with Min Lang?"

"Min Langsen!" The blond beauty on the side quickly interjected, seeing the astonishment on everyone's faces, she quickly explained, "I've met him before, and he has a laboratory in Okinawa."

"Very good, you go there next!" After Coulson finished speaking, he turned his head to look at Ling Xiao and said with a little explanation: "Ling, we have to find out where they attacked and stop it in time May is in charge of this operation, Barbara, you go to the hangar to meet her and Hunter!"

"Yes, sir!" Barbara obviously hesitated, but after glancing at Ling Xiao, she responded directly, then turned and left!

After Barbara left, Coulson looked at Simmons, and said in a deep voice, "Jemma, go back and go through the hard drive you brought back from Whitehall Laboratory, carefully check those The condition of the weapon."

"Okay, sir!" Simmons responded immediately, and then she and Ling Xiao nodded apologetically before turning around and leaving.

"Phil!" Ling Xiao looked at Coulson, sighed slightly, and said, "The matter about Simmons is your own decision. I don't want to ask too much, but I don't know why you found Why didn't they contact the police and destroy it completely?"

"No way, we have no evidence!" Coulson shook his head, and said with a dignified expression: "Simmons sneaked in as an experimenter, it is a very formal group, even though he knows that there is a nine-headed group." Snake's branch base, but with our current strength, it is impossible to take it there, and there are many innocent people who don't know about it, let alone no one can be sure that Whitehall really only has that one branch base?"

Ling Xiao shrugged indifferently: "Well, I have an explanation for what you said after I go back. Tell me, how can I help you this time?"

"Hmph! Well, since you're here, then go downstairs and meet Skye and Fitz. It's been a long time since they've seen you!" Coulson paused for a while, Then he continued: "As for the future, let's take a look at the development of the matter first. After all, our goal is the entire Hydra organization, not just the Whitehall branch!"

"Well, you are now the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., and everything is up to you!" Ling Xiao shrugged indifferently, and then immediately went to Coulson's office. He believed that Coulson would be there soon. Changed my mind.

However, as soon as Ling Xiao left Coulson's office, Coulson immediately dialed a secret phone number, and ordered in a low voice: "Pay attention to all external communications of the base, and report to me immediately if any abnormalities are found.

"Yes, Chief!" A honest voice came from the other end of the phone. He didn't ask any reason, and followed Coulson's order directly.

Coming out of Coulson's office, Ling Xiao first met Skye and Tripp. The last time Ling Xiao saw them in Washington, they were both stunned by Hunter, and they didn't see them at all. Ling Xiao appeared, but after they woke up, Ling Xiao had already left.

Coulson then warned the four of them that they were not allowed to leak a word about Ling Xiao, so when they were anxiously collecting all kinds of bad news, they saw Ling Xiao suddenly appearing at the base Here, I couldn't help but look surprised!

"Ling, when did you come here?" Skye gave Ling Xiao a hug enthusiastically, and then asked happily: "How could Coulson allow you to walk around casually, not to say that the news about you is absolutely Is it confidential?"

"It's different this time!" Ling Xiao smiled, nodded to Cui Pu, and then explained: "This time, Hydra's attack is very powerful, and the situation you are facing is very critical. I will come here It can help a little here too.”

"By the way, where are Fitz and Simmons?" Ling Xiao didn't reminisce about the past with the two of them. Now they are busy collecting news from all parties. The matter of Hydra pretending to be S.H.I.E.L.D. It's coming, it's better not to disturb.

If Ling Xiao’s identity was changed before the disintegration of SHIELD, very few people knew about him, but after the disintegration of SHIELD, a large amount of intelligence information was released on the Internet by Black Widow and Nick Fury. Anyone involved with SHIELD will have that curiosity to check out information about the Avengers.

Even if Ling Xiao deliberately asked Hill to reduce the information about himself in the report, his identity information has been completely exposed to the public, and now Ling Xiao rarely stays in his pharmacy. All his people were sent back.

So when Ling Xiao's unfamiliar face walked around the base, everyone couldn't help being a little curious, but then they thought of Ling Xiao's identity, and soon the news of the Avenger "Doctor" appearing at the base came to light. It spread.

However, after all, they have passed many tests and proved to be trustworthy agents. Although they are a little excited about the appearance of the Avengers, everyone still has a certain quality, that is, they look at him more often, and there is no such thing as an agent. A phenomenon that surrounds him.

"It's unbelievable that Jemma Simmons is undercover for Hydra." Ling Xiao hugged Simmons tightly, and then let her go under Fitz's slightly nervous eyes, and smiled She smiled, and said with concern: "Are you okay, Gemma, is nothing wrong?"

"It's okay!" Simmons smiled indifferently, and said: "Although I encountered some dangers, I thought I was going to die several times, but in the end I survived, thanks to Coulson, who arranged Barbara was secretly protecting me."

Barbara Bobby Morse, Agent No. 19 of S.H.I.E.L.D., code-named "Bionic Bird", has no superpowers, but she is an extraordinary physical master. Better than Black Widow, and just as good at lurking and getting intel.

"I'm glad to see that you are not injured!" Ling Xiao nodded sincerely, then his eyes fell on Simmons who was a little later, raised his eyebrows, and said: "It's you, Fitz, it seems that Simmons is not here During this period of time, you have indulged a lot, and you have gained at least three laps of weight than before."

"Don't talk nonsense!" Fitz was a little anxious, he took a peek at Simmons, and then said timidly: "I seldom go out recently!"

"Hehe!" Both Ling Xiao and Simmons couldn't help laughing, and Fitz's house was a bit too much.

That night, Ling Xiao, who stayed at the base, had dinner with some acquaintances from S.H.I.E.L.D., Skye, Trip, Simmons, Fitz, and some new friends. When the head snake was undercover, McKenzie and Fitz worked together to solve a lot of troubles.

As witnesses of the Battle of New York, the Battle of London, and the Battle of Washington, these people asked Ling Xiao many things about aliens, and Ling Xiao answered them one by one. Neither appeared.

On the second day, the whole situation suddenly took a turn for the worse. When the "S.H.I.E.L.D." attack on the United Nations headquarters happened, Talbot's performance seemed to be a little out of control for his superiors, so this person who had been hiding in his The person behind finally couldn't help but stand up and yell at the new S.H.I.E.L.D. directly. This person is Senator Christian Ward of the Senate Armed Services Committee, Grant Ward's brother!

"SHIELD is a terrorist organization, and they should be treated like a terrorist organization." In a live interview with the media, Christian Ward sternly bombarded SHIELD. He said loudly: "I plan to propose Create a multi-national coalition armed force dedicated to targeting S.H.I.E.L.D.-linked targets, using all available means."

On the other end of the live interview, Belgian Foreign Minister Julian Becks resolutely expressed his disagreement. He questioned with a cold face: "Who will judge any target related to S.H.I.E.L.D.? Belgium Absolutely will not agree to this proposal, it is a violation of civil rights."

"Mr. Bex, if you want to welcome S.H.I.E.L.D. at the border of your country, then that's up to you, but this scourge must be eliminated..."

 I wrote more than 4000 words in two days, and I was a little tired, so I had to take it easy.

  Thank you book friend Yinyue Monan for your reward, but there will be no updates in the past few days, and it will be kept at three times a day.

  One more chapter today.



(End of this chapter)

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