Chapter 505 Showdown

The consequences of Detective Hoffman's surrender are astounding.

Under the extreme resentment and fear, Detective Hoffman not only told how he was dragged into the water by Jin Bin, and how many illegal things he secretly did for him, but also revealed all the secrets he knew about Jin Bin to the prosecutor. out.

What it got in exchange was not allowing Detective Hoffman to join the witness protection plan, but to be locked up in a federal prison with extremely high security. For Detective Hoffman, this place is much safer than outside!

On the outside, the sensation caused by this incident has just begun. Countless gangsters, drug dealers, corrupt policemen, and senators who have been dragged into the water have all been arrested by the FBI. And -- Wilson Fisk.

Jin was captured by FBI agents at his home in front of his girlfriend. The whole process was broadcast live by the media, and almost everyone could see this scene. This so-called "philanthropist", "Hell's Kitchen" The true face of the Savior.

However, under the eyes of everyone, the prison van transporting Fisk was attacked by a group of unknown gangsters, and Jin Bin himself was rescued.

What was even more frightening was that in that prison van, there was an FBI agent who was also Jin Bin's.It was precisely because he shot and killed his companion that these policemen could not wait for the arrival of support.

Before boarding the helicopter, in front of the many media that were following him from afar, Jin Bin threatened loudly and arrogantly: "No matter whether it is in the sky or in the earth, as long as anyone dares to try to track him down, he will be killed without mercy!"

This incident caused an uproar. Compared with his gentle and gentle attitude as a philanthropist, Jin Bing's arrogance and madness are a different person. Maybe this is his true face. Anyway, if Jin Bing And just escaped, the FBI and the New York City Government are ashamed!

Ling Xiao still has some admiration for Jin Bing. He doesn't have any special abilities. He was able to get to where he is today, all thanks to his own efforts.

He is one of the few people in the Marvel world who has become an A-level strong man through continuous training. Years of unremitting training has given him a huge body, which is full of muscles, which endows him with extremely powerful strength. , The power of a head-to-head confrontation even surpassed many superpowers.

After becoming the underworld emperor, Jin Bing still did not stop training. He would practice against a group of fighting masters from all over the world every day. Each time, he would fight one against ten. However, each training session lasted no more than 20 seconds, and the opponents he trained were not dead. hurt.

Not only that, but Jin is extremely evil and cunning. His underworld network is spread all over the United States, and he is known as the king of the underground world. It is by no means a fluke.

The reason why Jin Bin was in such a mess this time was mainly because he wanted to completely cleanse himself, and then appeared as a philanthropist, gained a lot of popularity by transforming Hell's Kitchen, and finally used this to enter the American political arena, Run for mayor of New York, run for governor of New York State, and even run for president.

Jin Bing knew in his heart that even if he had countless men and elite gunmen in his hands, they were nothing compared to the government and the military. He had no chance of winning if he confronted head-on, let alone There are also superheroes such as the Avengers. If they want to stand on the top of this world and master more powerful power, cleansing is just the first step.

This point, Jin did not see it from the lessons of Hydra. When Hydra was hiding under the wings of S.H.I.E.L.D., he could do whatever he wanted without any sanctions, and when S.H.I.E.L.D. fell At the same time, Hydra actually fell with it.

Without the resources of the powerful intelligence network of S.H.I.E.L.D., although Hydra still looks powerful now, anyone with a discerning eye can see that under the joint attack of governments and Avengers, each branch of Hydra was pulled out. Since then, its strength has been weakened day by day, and its destruction is only a matter of time.

From this point of view, the US government's decision to disintegrate S.H.I.E.L.D. is worth it.

Jin Bin also had such a purpose in the beginning, so a series of plans were launched, and the Hand Association also realized that Jin Bin had such an intention, so they chose to cooperate with him and provided funds to create a huge However, at the last moment, the two sides suddenly turned against each other, the hand would withdraw and leave, and Detective Hoffman was rescued, and everything happened after that.

On a large port in the south of Manhattan, a large freighter is quietly parked there, and there are more than 20 elite gunmen on the ground guarding it openly and covertly, and the one standing in the center of the crowd is Jin Bing's girlfriend. Vanessa, two steps behind, is standing with Erica.

For his girlfriend Vanessa, originally Jin did not want a woman of some status to marry him. After all, if he wants to develop in the political arena, having a family is completely different from not having a family.

Since you are looking for a woman to marry, why not find someone you like? In the end, Kim chose Vanessa, and even fell in love with her and couldn't help herself. The same is true for Vanessa, she herself is a woman with some stories, For her, a man who truly loves her is better than anything else.

While everyone was waiting anxiously, an ordinary freight truck slowly drove into the pier, and when the freight truck stopped and the rear hatch opened, it was Jin Bin and the target who came out of it. Eye.

The target of the previous helicopter was too big, Jin Bin got off the plane halfway, and the helicopter turned to fly north until it was blocked by the police helicopter of the New York Police. At that time, those people Gold will be found and has quietly left!

When Jin Bin and Vanessa hugged each other tightly, Bullseye and Erica looked around nervously.If it is said that the police were lured away by their small means, there is no problem with this sentence. They have been monitoring the police communication channel, and there is no news that the bait has been found so far.

But the problem now is that Jin Bin's enemies are not only the New York police and the FBI, but also the forces of the underworld, the Hand, and Daredevil. These people cannot be avoided of.

This is indeed the case. When Jin Bin and Vanessa hugged each other, a man and a woman approached slowly from the left and right sides of the pier. It was Matt Murdoch and Jessica Jones, tightly They followed all the way, and the two of them finally stopped Jin at the last moment!

On the top of a container not far away, Ling Xiao in a gray windbreaker almost blended into the entire night. At this time, his eyes were not on Jin Bing and the others, but on another container that was shorter. A person is lurking there quietly.

Obviously, Gunsou and Ling Xiao thought the same, when Jin Bing was almost at the end of the road, there was no reason why the Hand would not show up to reap a wave!

It's a pity that they all guessed wrong. No one from the Hand Association really showed up tonight. Ling Xiao's spiritual sense scanned the entire pier and didn't find any hidden ninjas. Perhaps Murakami Nobu's teacher could avoid Ling Xiao's Spiritual sense detection, but other ninjas in the Hand will never have this ability.

"Fisk!" Daredevil, wearing the latest red leather armor, approached Jin step by step, while staring at him and said: "You are right, what you said to me on the walkie-talkie that night is correct , Fisk, not everyone deserves a happy ending."

"You!" Jin patted the nervous Vanessa's hand, turned to look at Daredevil, and said with some disdain: "It's too easy for you two to block me. Bar!"

As soon as Jin Bin finished speaking, Bullseye and Erica came out from both sides, blocking the way of Matt Murdock and Jessica Jones. At the same time, the surrounding gunmen All of them raised their muzzles, and the black muzzles were all aimed at Murdoch and Jessica.

Jin turned around, took Vanessa's hand, and said softly: "Let's go, honey, let's get on the boat, it's time to leave!"

"Hmm!" A gentle smile appeared on Vanessa's face. She looked back at Matt Murdoch and Jessica Jones. Although there was a hint of unbearable in her eyes, she didn't say anything. Holding Jin Bin's hand, he walked towards the freighter. Seeing all this, Jin Bin couldn't help smiling.

(End of this chapter)

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