Chapter 473

Garrett's cyber technology research base is located in a mountainous area.

In this mountainous area, there are not only unmanned aircraft circling in mid-air, but also several armed Humvees patrolling back and forth, and a little further in, dozens of centipede fighters are standing guard around, blocking all those who want to sneak. way.

In order to prevent Garrett from noticing Ling Xiao's arrival, this time he acted together with Coulson, Ling Xiao directly transformed into an extremely ordinary face, holding a submachine gun, pretending to be an extremely ordinary agent, Follow Coulson's side.

"Are you ready?" Coulson glanced at Ling Xiao, saw him nodding silently, smiled slightly, and said, "Okay, let's start acting."

After finishing speaking, Coulson threw a black tape recorder directly in front of him, and it landed in front of the armed Hummer with great precision. The familiar voice of Captain America Rogers sounded: "Hey, guys, the enemy is right ahead, charge! ah!"

Most of Garrett's men are elite soldiers of the US government. They are all too familiar with the voice of Captain America Rogers. When they heard this voice, they subconsciously thought it was the Avengers.

Sitting in the car and watching for a long time, they didn’t find anything. Finally, they couldn’t help getting out of the car and looking around with guns in their hands. However, the surrounding area was clear and empty, let alone Captain America Rogers. Neither did Asuka.

Just when these people were wondering, suddenly, a fist came from the side, and hit a soldier's cheek fiercely, knocking him unconscious all at once.On the other side, Coulson also dealt with another soldier. The two nodded and got into the armed Humvee, one on the left and one on the right.

The armed Humvee is only responsible for the security of the periphery, and the deeper level of security is handled by Garrett's centipede fighters.

When Coulson and Ling Xiao drove the armed Humvee directly into the wall, the centipede warriors who were in charge of the safety of the area immediately shot over with a submachine gun, hitting the armed Humvee with a "bang bang".

"Ling, you must have never seen this before." Coulson suddenly smiled at Ling Xiao. The next moment, when he pressed on the small screen in front of him, two lights rose up on both sides of the armed Hummer immediately. There is a small missile launcher with a total of ten small missiles on it.

Aiming at the four or five centipede fighters gathered together, Coulson decisively pressed the button, and with a "whoosh", it just passed by, and then exploded.

The powerful impact immediately knocked all these centipede fighters into the air, and the armed off-road vehicles continued to move toward the depths of the research base.

"Ling, give it a try." Coulson took his hand away, glanced at Ling Xiao, and asked, "You should know where to fight, right?"

"Yeah." Ling Xiao nodded, and pressed twice on the screen slightly. After confirming the position, he pressed down directly.

Another small missile was launched from the armed Humvee, and it directly hit the wall on the side of the main building, making a big hole. I don't know when Melinda, Tripley and Skye had already taken advantage of it. The chaos came to the outside of the main building, and this big hole just allowed them to avoid all the security systems and directly enter the core of the main building.

At this time, several generals and investors who were visiting the Cyber ​​Technology Research and Development Center also heard the sound of the missile, and they couldn't help asking Ruina: "Tell us what happened, or you will be with your family." Say goodbye to government contracts."

"Don't be nervous, this is just a drill, it's very safe here." Rena comforted the big donors with a smile on her face: "Gentlemen, I beg you..."

"Don't ask them, Rina, you're not a dog." Garrett didn't know when he had come down from the villa on the mountain, and he was followed by Pierson and Ward. He was already irritated by the threats of these people. He said coldly, "We don't need your leftovers."

The leading general was surprised by Garrett, who looked a little crazy, and he couldn't help asking Rina, "Who is he?"

Rena could only shrug her shoulders helplessly, took a step back, and said, "This is our strategic advisor, John Garrett."

"I want you to tell me everything now, or our men will come here and shut you down." The general was very tough, and pressed further: "Tell me, why do I hear gunshots?"

"What you heard was the gasp of death in the old world, General." Garrett folded his hands on his chest, his face exuded crazy confidence, and he took a step forward and approached the General with a stern expression on his face. With crazy eyes, he said: "A new world is coming, and I have already experienced it myself."

You know, unlike the ministers and deputy ministers of the Ministry of National Defense who were born as civilians, the general in charge of procurement was still serving in the front-line troops a few years ago.

He really couldn't believe that it was such a crazy person who invited them to visit here. He couldn't help but asked Ruina, "Is this your strategic advisor?"

Rina could only shrug her shoulders helplessly, and took a step back, while Garrett said with a look of contempt: "Now is our new strategy, listen to me, give us everything we need ,otherwise……"

"How dare you threaten an American general?" The general put his right hand on his waist and said coldly, "Do you know what the consequences will be?"

As soon as the general moved, the other people who came with him also started to hold their weapons, and the situation became tense for a moment.

Garrett didn't care about the situation in front of him, he chuckled, looked at the general in front of him, and said mockingly: "You must think you are very powerful, right, but you are just a slave serving our future That's all."

As a key figure in the procurement mission of the U.S. military, this general has also experienced many strange things, but he has never seen a person like Garrett who seems to have lost his mind. He reprimanded unceremoniously: "Listen up, you crazy bastard... ah!"

A shrill scream came out of the general's mouth, and Garrett suddenly stepped forward, inserting his empty hands into the general's abdomen fiercely, destroying his internal organs, and at the same time lifting him high, I saw Garrett said with a stern expression: "I have seen the future, I have seen it through the eyes of all creatures, dead, alive, and about to be born. This is just the beginning."

"Ah!" A painful groan came from the general's mouth, and the blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth had already flowed to the ground, and the next moment, he had died completely.

The military personnel standing behind just took out their pistols, but found that they were surrounded by more than a dozen centipede fighters, pointing their guns coldly at them.

Ward, who was standing aside, saw this scene, and there was only a coldness in his heart. Garrett was crazy, and the madness was hopeless.

After detaining those members of the U.S. military and several investors, Ward immediately approached Reina anxiously and angrily, but to his shock, he found that Rena was already planning to leave alone with her luggage. slip.

Grabbing Reina's arm, Ward said coldly: "You are not allowed to go anywhere, tell me, what happened to Garrett? Do you know that I had to imprison six government officials and two investors just now?" , just because he killed the one with the highest position, he has completely lost his mind now."

"You're wrong, Garrett hasn't lost his mind." Rena said solemnly: "It's not like that at all, he understood the true meaning of the world."

Looking at Rena who seemed to be speaking the truth, Ward looked at her in disbelief: "Don't tell me you went crazy with him too, what evolution..."

"I just agree with him, you are the one who follows him, Ward." A hint of sarcasm suddenly appeared on Rina's face, and she said bluntly: "But in this matter, you should also agree with him, you two Need the same thing the first time."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Ward said irritably, "I need his brain to be normal now."

"Skye, we need Skye, isn't that exactly what you have always wanted?" Rena shook her head and said, "Skye will be a very important part of Garrett's evolution. Find him, Grant Ward, the world is about to change, and she will be yours."

Ward said with a complicated face: "You are really crazy, Skye hates me, she must think I am a bad guy now."

(End of this chapter)

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